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Shrine Of Our Lost Pets

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My first two white boys... Both were such weird, delightful creatures...

Fat Toon (AKA Toonie, Casper, etc) was a hugely fat boy with blue eyes. He was born deaf but that didn't stop him from talking constantly in his weird deaf cat voice. He purred if you even looked at him. He used to do the weirdest things, like climb the carpeted wall and then freak out because he couldn't get down, and let the dog drag him around by the scruff of his neck. (He would lay down in front of the dog and wait for it!) He got arthritic as he got older, but he always wanted me to hold him anyways, even though I knew it hurt his hips.

Corporal Cracker and His Fantabulous Bean Machine (AKA Bean) was half deaf. He had one blue eye and one eye that was half blue and half green. He was my cuddle baby. Stupid to a fault and twitchy as hell, but he would be sad if he couldn't lay on my lap at least 2 hours a day while I read or watched TV. He died young from kidney failure. I still miss him so much. The pic is of him.


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I dont have any photos of my cat Shiloh on hand but we got him when I was around 3 or 4.

I pretty much grew up with this cat. Went through his "I r kitten, I attack yo feet" stages, he became smart enough to figure out how to open the screen doors to get outside. When that didnt work, he'd chew through the screens. I even remember the Mother's Day he sank his teeth into my mom's hand after she yanked him out of a cat-fight with the neighbor's cat. Even though Rex (neighbor's cat) had claws and was one year older, Shiloh and his declawed self would beat the snot out of Rex on any given day.

My parents divorced and my mom took Shiloh. My dad enjoyed remaining pet-free. But after my mom remarried, they both seemed to resent Shiloh and would repeatedly say that they didnt care if he got out and never came home, things like that. I called my dad and boo-hooed to him and he said I could bring Shiloh home with me when I got back to Lake Orion. Dad had all the kitty necessities waiting for me. We kept him until about a week after I turned 18 (he was getting old and weak, we think he needed to be put down, but I'll get into that).

When I broke my hip, Shiloh never left my side after I got back from the hospital. He'd lay by my side until he was certain I was asleep. After my first foot surgery, he'd lay across my legs, next to me, near my head, whatever. He wouldnt leave me side, he knew I was in pain (because I tried to refuse taking painkillers.....not smart).

Around when I turned 18, Shiloh had gotten outside and didnt come home for about 2 or 3 days. My neighbor found him in a gutter, mewing. Shiloh was dirty and he looked like he had been injured. My dad and sister both thought maybe he got in a bad fight or got hit by someone and crawled into a place to die. He lived for a few more months, obviously, but he would start missing his litter box, he couldnt crouch down far enough, his back legs looked really stiff. Eventually, we didnt think he was going to live well, the way he was. We took him to the vet and had him put down. I bawled for 2 days straight, my dad even cried. Even he said "When you have a pet long enough, they do become family."

I always remember falling asleep after that and still smelling Shiloh. I'd catch a whiff of him, thinking he dropped by to say hello and help me fall asleep.

And this cat was so funny, he'd sit at the dinner table with us and my dad would fix him his own plate of food (chili or spaghetti, usually). Shiloh would lick it clean! This cat thought he was human. =P

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wait, this was supposed to be about Sabah but for some reason I started talking about Zu-i again.

I still miss Zu-i. I think about her whenever I cook shrimp... she didn't like table food as a rule, but loved shrimp and would go crazy as soon as I took it out of the fridge. The first time I made shrimp after she disappeared, I looked at it and started bawling like a little bitch. RIP Zu-i, feast on shrimp in the Rainbow Fields!


OK, on to Sabah. First Hubby Billy & I got her as a tiny kitten along with her brother Max, in San Francisco around 1987. My late dear friend Kenny got them for us and brought them to our apartment in his coat pockets. Sabah was a beautiful kitty, in winter she would grow a big silver ruff like some kind of tiny mutant lion. She would drag big chunks of discarded meat trimmings from someone's garbage and bring them home.

Sabah lived a long happy life although she wasn't with me for most of it. She ended up at my friend Vicki's place in Lainsgburg when Billy and Vicki got married. She was an awesome kitty and is much missed.


Edited by pomba gira
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I came home from Detroit this morning and found my Fatboy Lynx dead in the backyard. I only saw him because Chango was guarding his body and wouldn't come when I called him. Something had mauled him... dog, racoon, I don't know. I sat there on the ground and wailed and sobbed like a little bitch. I feel so bad that I wasn't there to help him when he needed me. I will miss my big fat scaredy cat and I'm worried about Chango, too... they were littermates, born in 2001, and had never been separated for more than a day.

Have a joyful trip across the Rainbow Bridge, my Fatboy!


Lynx with Tokagemaru, summer 2007. He loved being groomed since he was too fat and lazy to properly groom himself.


Lynx with Chango, Nov. '09


Tomoe, Lynx, and Tomoe's kitten. This is why Lynx was so big... Tomoe had a litter around the time Kitsune weaned Lynx & Chango's litter. Lynx decided he wasn't ready to be weaned yet... although he was fine with eating solid food, too! And yes, he started out siamese-colored and started acquiring the tabby markings around a year old. He had beautiful siamese blue eyes which I could never photograph properly. Wish I'd tried harder now.

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I had a dog growing up that was my best friend. His name was rusty he was awesome. He had to have a bowl of coffee with cream every morning or he would not get up all day. He used to have seizures at the time the vet really didnt know what they were or how to treat them. When I was around 15 or 16 he started getting really sick. We took him to the vet, rusty had an enlarged heart among other things wrong with him. The vet said we could do surgery but he might not make it through it. I came home from school one day and mom told me we had to take rusty to be put to sleep. He had started coughing up blood that morning and she didnt want him to suffer anymore. That was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. The vet office was so nice and gave us all the time we needed to say goodbye. We had him cremated and when we went to pick him up they gave him to us in a container that looked like the old strofoam big mac container couldnt eat burgers after that for a long time. I now have two cats that are getting up there in age. The male cat is getting skinny even though he is eating everything in site. I really dont want to go threw losing my pets again.

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  • 1 month later...

I dug up this thread so i could memorialize those kittehz i had lost while living in the wilderness of the northern foothills of the appalachian mountains. i dont have pictures, but heres the list of ones whose names i can remember:


Yellow cat #2












Meathead Tom


... and Vegas and Gidget who are both alive and well but no longer with me, so i miss those cats too.

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  • 4 months later...

Today I took my oldest son out to see Cocoa Kitty, She was this amazing little Snowshoe Siamese that just walked out of the woods one day right into our hearts. When Eli (my oldest) would eat breakfast in the morning he would eat in front of the sliding glass doors with cocoa kitty on the other side eating her food. Eli actually was the one to name her and the one she walked to first. It took us awhile to get her tamed where she would actually let us pet her and hold her. Her favorite thing was to play fetch with Eli almost every afternoon. We had her for two years then one night my ex was angry over a fight we had and went outside while everyone was asleep and killed her. I found her the next morning it was heart breaking to explain to a three year old that his kitty wouldnt be eatting breakfast with him anymore. My mom and I buried her in the backyard in her favorite napping spot in the middle of the hill behind the house and we put a little plaque on her. Its been a little over a year since then. Eli asks me about her from time to time and I take him out and explain to him that even though she isnt here in body she is still with us in our memories. cocoakitty.jpg

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Today I took my oldest son out to see Cocoa Kitty, She was this amazing little Snowshoe Siamese that just walked out of the woods one day right into our hearts. When Eli (my oldest) would eat breakfast in the morning he would eat in front of the sliding glass doors with cocoa kitty on the other side eating her food. Eli actually was the one to name her and the one she walked to first. It took us awhile to get her tamed where she would actually let us pet her and hold her. Her favorite thing was to play fetch with Eli almost every afternoon. We had her for two years then one night my ex was angry over a fight we had and went outside while everyone was asleep and killed her. I found her the next morning it was heart breaking to explain to a three year old that his kitty wouldnt be eatting breakfast with him anymore. My mom and I buried her in the backyard in her favorite napping spot in the middle of the hill behind the house and we put a little plaque on her. Its been a little over a year since then. Eli asks me about her from time to time and I take him out and explain to him that even though she isnt here in body she is still with us in our memories. cocoakitty.jpg

Did you kill him? I am being serious. I would have. There would have been nothing morally wrong with doing so, hence why I'm asking.

I could never imagine losing a baby to a callous heartless piece of shit man like that. Especially since he knew that there was a toddler that adored her. That man shouldn't be walking around in public, he should have been shot.

At least you are keeping her alive in your son's heart, and you are raising your son to be a great person instead of waste like the person who took her life through some short-coming of his own.

Did you kill him? I am being serious. I would have. There would have been nothing morally wrong with doing so, hence why I'm asking.

I could never imagine losing a baby to a callous heartless piece of shit man like that. Especially since he knew that there was a toddler that adored her. That man shouldn't be walking around in public, he should have been shot.

At least you are keeping her alive in your son's heart, and you are raising your son to be a great person instead of waste like the person who took her life through some short-coming of his own.

Edited by Chernobyl
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Did you kill him? I am being serious. I would have. There would have been nothing morally wrong with doing so, hence why I'm asking.

I could never imagine losing a baby to a callous heartless piece of shit man like that. Especially since he knew that there was a toddler that adored her. That man shouldn't be walking around in public, he should have been shot.

At least you are keeping her alive in your son's heart, and you are raising your son to be a great person instead of waste like the person who took her life through some short-coming of his own.

Thank you I came pretty close to killing him, my uncle wouldnt let me. His reasoning was that my son needed his mom more than I needed to be in prison. Instead we drove him to the hospital and he commited himself.

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Today I took my oldest son out to see Cocoa Kitty, She was this amazing little Snowshoe Siamese that just walked out of the woods one day right into our hearts. When Eli (my oldest) would eat breakfast in the morning he would eat in front of the sliding glass doors with cocoa kitty on the other side eating her food. Eli actually was the one to name her and the one she walked to first. It took us awhile to get her tamed where she would actually let us pet her and hold her. Her favorite thing was to play fetch with Eli almost every afternoon. We had her for two years then one night my ex was angry over a fight we had and went outside while everyone was asleep and killed her. I found her the next morning it was heart breaking to explain to a three year old that his kitty wouldnt be eatting breakfast with him anymore. My mom and I buried her in the backyard in her favorite napping spot in the middle of the hill behind the house and we put a little plaque on her. Its been a little over a year since then. Eli asks me about her from time to time and I take him out and explain to him that even though she isnt here in body she is still with us in our memories. cocoakitty.jpg

How absolutely horrible! :crybaby:

Anyone who would kill someone's pet out of spite is a psychopath and every bit as bad as a murderer!

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Thank you I came pretty close to killing him, my uncle wouldnt let me. His reasoning was that my son needed his mom more than I needed to be in prison. Instead we drove him to the hospital and he commited himself.

The second sentence is SO true. Thank God you have a better rage control mechanism that I and are able to rationalize in that state of mind.

The second sentence is SO true. Thank God you have a better rage control mechanism that I and are able to rationalize in that state of mind.
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