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Shrine Of Our Lost Pets

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All to often, the death of a person is honored, and memorialized, ect. Not often enough do we take the time to honor the pets that have come and gone from our lives.

For the first dog that i ever had, Freckles- a dalmation/ begal mix. just left home one day (i was 3)

He was the sweetest dog. He could have easily knocked me down, but he never did. He was my first bestfriend. My mom told me he ran away, but I think they hauled him off.. :rant: )

For my two darling boys, Yoda and Ginger.. i raised you since before your eyes were open.. mama misses you, my two beautiful kitties.. (Ginger just disapeared on day, and never came home...Yoda and Kortana went outside one day, and never came home :cry ) (2006)

Both were so loving. Yoda was the runt of the litter.. Ginger was so independent. Yoda was a mama's boy. Followed me everywhere, and talked to me a lot.... I fed them every couple of hours, and even on school days I had to get up and feed em. Most memerable moments was when i was feeding them and they took it upon themselves to pee on me. I couldn't get mad.. its a natural event... I miss them so so so much... my two orange tabbies (oh and they were the only unfixed males I'd ever owned that never sprayed, even when they hit puberty)

For Kortana, that left w/ Yoda. she, too, just vanished. may you and Yoda roam together forever, where ever you are.(2006)

Kortana was the most oddly colored cat. She came from a gray tabby colored mama and an orange tabby colored papa. her dark gray stripes looked like they were bleached in spots. lol (black and dark gray turns orange when its bleached)

She was very spunky and very loving. Her and Yoda fell in love and never left each other's side. I hope that alive or dead, they never part. I miss them so much... :cry

For JavaJoe who finally passed. He went when he was ready, puring til the end. He will be missed. (2008)

Cancer too him. But he went on his own terms. He was playful and happy til his last days. Always gave the pigs a run for their money, and when he was up to it, chased Ryuu around. He was still puring til the last beat of his heart. I cried really hard that day...

Typing all of these. Those animals held such a big place in my heart. I was mama (and auntie, to Java) They knew my voice and knew that they were my kids. I will always mourn them. Such good kitties. I miss them so much.

I was upset when I lost Freckles, but I was too young to understand what happened. I think I am more angry that I feel that I was lied to, more than the loss of the dog...

Go ahead, post your's.

Edited by GothicRavenGoddess
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I've had a LOT of past pets.

From multiple cats, to our beloved deceased golden retriever named Amber, to our ball python, to my salamander.

I've only been able to find one picture on my computer right now of my past cat.

This is Pumpkin.

He was my favorite cat until he got out.

He was SUPER shy but loved me and I could get him to do tricks. And every night he would fall asleep on my back.


We went to Minnesota for my step dad's family reunion for a week. My brother was watching out pets. One night, they broke a screen (probably from laying against it) and like 4 of them got out (we had 8 cats at the time). Pumpkin is a scaredy cat...so he most likely ran.

And we never found him.

That was a few summers ago. Maybe the summer of '04.


Edited by Eevee
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My poor little Galadriel (my Gambian Spotted Eye Flower Mantis), who got bitten by a ghetto-ass feeder cricket, and bled out during the night-- before I noticed her injury. :cry :cry :cry

She was such a pretty little bug, with a lot of personality.

It really sucked, because the day it happened was the day of the DGN camping trip. I almost didn't go, because of it.


Edited by jynxxxedangel
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I lost my siamese cat Annie on 5-13-04. She was my baby. I got her when I was 7. She had cancer and had to be put down. The night before I took her to be euthanized she grabbed into my arm with both paws, looked me in the eye, and gave a sorrowful meow that said "I'm ready to end the pain." :cry

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Guest greyhalo

I have lost a number of pets too. My pets are a BIG part of my life.

But, there are always lots of great pets to adopt. I have adopted more than my share and have a zoo right now. I also volunteer for two animal rescue groups. If I didn't have to work, I would volunteer full time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aaah, Jeffrey. My first pet ever was a golden hamster. I named him after the Toys'R'Us mascot. What? I was seven; I was hoping he'd grow up to be a giraffe. But Jeffrey, sweet Jeffrey. Calm throughout all my over-eager handlings of him. Master of escape...he used to hide in the storage drawer of the oven. He'd a little potholder he chewed to perfect hamster fluffiness. My mom was furious and threw out the potholder after his third time out. Well then, his favorite second nest gone, Jeffrey went hunting for a new one. We didn't find him almost immediately as we did when he hid under the stove, for then he used to pop out in the early morning conspicuously searching for toast crumbs. No, this time, he was gone for three days before we found him. We were terrified that he would starve to death and put out food in the kitchen hoping to catch him at it. Instead, sometime around midnight on the third night, my brother hears the distinct sound of a sunflower seed being freed of its husk. Jeffrey was in Nolan's pants drawer and had ruined four pair of corduroys in the manufacture of his new nest. My mom put another potholder in the oven drawer; it was Jeffrey's favorite vacation home from then on.

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My Coco died today. :(


The kids will miss you little Roo. Lily especially. You woke me up every morning when she woke up, and tried, all 7 pounds of you, to drag me out of bed. As you got older you didn't like the kids as much, unless they were asleep, then you would snuggle them until they woke up.

The kids loved to feed you and take you for walks, and I even remember the time you killed a vole. Precious silly little dog, look at you! You are a foofy lap dog!

They tell me you looked for me in the end, frantically running around the house . I am sorry I wasn't there. I hope you weren't in pain and I hope you see your husband Budd soon.

I love you little dog, and you will be sorely missed.

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My Coco died today. :(


The kids will miss you little Roo. Lily especially. You woke me up every morning when she woke up, and tried, all 7 pounds of you, to drag me out of bed. As you got older you didn't like the kids as much, unless they were asleep, then you would snuggle them until they woke up.

The kids loved to feed you and take you for walks, and I even remember the time you killed a vole. Precious silly little dog, look at you! You are a foofy lap dog!

They tell me you looked for me in the end, frantically running around the house . I am sorry I wasn't there. I hope you weren't in pain and I hope you see your husband Budd soon.

I love you little dog, and you will be sorely missed.

aawww!!! :cry

that was the best pet eulogy I have ever read... that made me all misty-eyed.

:grouphug: I'm sorry for your loss. :)

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I had a dog that saved me from falling in the ice....

I loved Ginger she was awesome....

She was my best friend for 3 yrs...I was a bit of a loner as a kid. We ran the hills and streams together.

She was half Husky half Samoyede, and smarter than most people.

I was totally heart broken when she went away...

Now I have a cat EVERYONE loves HE IS A CAT in a state of SAMADHI, and I joke that I will have him stuffed and make a shrine to him when he passes.

If I am away from home and bummed all I gotta do is think of my smokey smudgy boo

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest greyhalo

My rat Irma died this morning. She was just over two years old (old for a rat), and I could tell that she was going downhill this weekend. She was a rescued feeder rat and lived a good life. She was also the biggest, fattest female rat I've ever had. R.I.P. Irma.

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Guest Megalicious

My rat Irma died this morning. She was just over two years old (old for a rat), and I could tell that she was going downhill this weekend. She was a rescued feeder rat and lived a good life. She was also the biggest, fattest female rat I've ever had. R.I.P. Irma.


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My poor little Galadriel (my Gambian Spotted Eye Flower Mantis), who got bitten by a ghetto-ass feeder cricket, and bled out during the night-- before I noticed her injury. :cry:cry:cry

She was such a pretty little bug, with a lot of personality.

It really sucked, because the day it happened was the day of the DGN camping trip. I almost didn't go, because of it.

You gotta watch those feeder crickets, they're sneaky vicious SOBs. My little gecko girl has a big knot on one leg from an infected cricket bite.

My kitty Zu-i (short for Shizuka). I got her around 1989 when I lived in San Francisco. We got her to be a companion to my then-kitty Sabah, which is a whole other long complex tale. So for the first few months we had her she was "Sabah's kitty" and no one in my very chaotic residence paid much attention to her. But after my first hubby came back to take Sabah to Philadelphia with him, Zu-i became my kitty. She traveled back to Michigan with me the next year, on an utterly hellish trip that was like some surreal dopefiend refugee experience. And she lived with me in various places in Lansing and Detroit. When we lived in Lansing, she would follow me to the neighborhood party store like a dog. She wouldn't cross the main street that the store was on, but would wait for me on the corner. Zu-i loved shrimp, whenever I cooked any she would start yowling for some as soon as I took it out of the package.

Zu-i mysteriously disappeared at the age of 12, soon after we moved from Hamtramck to the west side. We suspected an evil neighbor lady who kept complaining about our cats being in her bushes. Shortly after Zu-i vanished, we found rat poison on our back porch... Chango almost died after eating some. I hope that wretched hag rots in the devil's intestines. I still miss her. I wish I knew what really happened to her... I hate thinking of her being somewhere afraid and in pain, wondering why I didn't come get her.


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