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Wow. Some people really need to be locked up and the key thrown away. I really can't understand people who burn down churches/synagogues/temples/mosques and such. Nor the people that cheer such a thing on. It really makes me wonder if they are completely corrupt in their morals or just mentally handicapped.

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who knows, maby there is some super kvlt blackmetal band spreading anti christian propaganda about how pagans where abused as a way to justify payback. all the members from the original blackmetal bands admited later how unmature it was to do that. blackmetal has evolved away from its roots of organic noise and militant preaching so its douptful blackmetal is to blame, althou there could be a uprising there of militant kvlt guys

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Guest Megalicious

Wow. Some people really need to be locked up and the key thrown away. I really can't understand people who burn down churches/synagogues/temples/mosques and such. Nor the people that cheer such a thing on. It really makes me wonder if they are completely corrupt in their morals or just mentally handicapped.

I couldn't have said it better Mark. I think being moral corrupt is a mental illness, but anti-social behaviors come in a cascade of levels.

As for you how are laugh about it and making jokes, you shouldn't be. Something tells me if it had been a family member or your kids in that building you wouldn't be laughing/joking about it. ( and no I wasn't a Sarah Palin supporter in fact just the opposite, I just have a conscience).

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Wow. Some people really need to be locked up and the key thrown away. I really can't understand people who burn down churches/synagogues/temples/mosques and such. Nor the people that cheer such a thing on. It really makes me wonder if they are completely corrupt in their morals or just mentally handicapped.

Well they have locked away most of the band members from the past that lead the church burnings...and most of the others were killed in some way or another. However, Count Grishnackh has quite the following and although he "repented" of his crimes he still holds true to vow to rid the pagan areas of religion. Not saying that this guys is good or anything but he is not really all into the White Power shit like people say he is. There is no racism in his blood just alot of hate for religion.

It all has to do with revenge. Its seems that most of the church burnings in history were motivated with revenge. I would never dream of burning a church but to each his own. On a side not I love how a church gets burned and everyone freaks out, while in the middle east there were tons of bombings to holy sites every week yet nobody said anything. Yeah, and they happened before we went into Iraq and Afganistan.

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I couldn't have said it better Mark. I think being moral corrupt is a mental illness, but anti-social behaviors come in a cascade of levels.

As for you how are laugh about it and making jokes, you shouldn't be. Something tells me if it had been a family member or your kids in that building you wouldn't be laughing/joking about it. ( and no I wasn't a Sarah Palin supporter in fact just the opposite, I just have a conscience).

"If something bad happens to you, it's tragedy. If it happens to someone else, it's comedy" - Mel Brooks

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Wow. Some people really need to be locked up and the key thrown away. I really can't understand people who burn down churches/synagogues/temples/mosques and such. Nor the people that cheer such a thing on. It really makes me wonder if they are completely corrupt in their morals or just mentally handicapped.

I agree. I am pretty firmly against organized religion, and I'm no fan of Sarah Palin, but I don't see why anyone would find an act that could potentially hurt a lot of people funny.

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You cant understand them because you are over thinking it. Completly disconnect your sense of right and wrong... then disconnect from your self from rational thought... then place yourself right at the center of the universe... Once you do that, burning a church seems like a rational way to approach things.

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Well they have locked away most of the band members from the past that lead the church burnings...and most of the others were killed in some way or another. However, Count Grishnackh has quite the following and although he "repented" of his crimes he still holds true to vow to rid the pagan areas of religion. Not saying that this guys is good or anything but he is not really all into the White Power shit like people say he is. There is no racism in his blood just alot of hate for religion.

It all has to do with revenge. Its seems that most of the church burnings in history were motivated with revenge. I would never dream of burning a church but to each his own. On a side not I love how a church gets burned and everyone freaks out, while in the middle east there were tons of bombings to holy sites every week yet nobody said anything. Yeah, and they happened before we went into Iraq and Afganistan.

it amazes me how much of a following he has still. the guy is just a mesh of random paganism, and i think he embraced norse mythos for a while. the man seriously wanted vengence on cristianity. preferably roman catholics, for there bloody past and how they treated the "evil".

i dont care what anybody says, his music sucks ass. sad thing is at that time, it was meant to be the MOST unmusical thing, to represent the idea of chaos, and embraced nilhilism fully. the only band i somewhat find pleasing in that era is immortal, plus there pics just crack me up every time

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You cant understand them because you are over thinking it. Completly disconnect your sense of right and wrong... then disconnect from your self from rational thought... then place yourself right at the center of the universe... Once you do that, burning a church seems like a rational way to approach things.

Yah that's not something I can do, I care about other people too much.

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it amazes me how much of a following he has still. the guy is just a mesh of random paganism, and i think he embraced norse mythos for a while. the man seriously wanted vengence on cristianity. preferably roman catholics, for there bloody past and how they treated the "evil".

i dont care what anybody says, his music sucks ass. sad thing is at that time, it was meant to be the MOST unmusical thing, to represent the idea of chaos, and embraced nilhilism fully. the only band i somewhat find pleasing in that era is immortal, plus there pics just crack me up every time

Actually most of his original follower have fallen away...well, its more like they cast him out. its just hard to explain. You have to go back to the roots of the scene. I actually agree with many of their teachings. It was not just the Christians that they wanted to cast out, it was all religions that they felt had corrupted their people. In a way they were and are right. The christians were a big part of it but it was still all religions. Before religion the only struggles were between rulers. After religion there was chaos. Rulers AND religious rulers were battling for power. People that once knew what was right and wrong and how their society had always function were now thrust into a constantly changing set of norms that were brought in by all the religions and all the other countries. These people were considered animals, when they were really just a people that were perfectly happy the way they were.

Burzum was one of the best bands back in the day. They helped the movement alot and their music is hard to understand. I always tell people that I just want to go into the woods and act like a troll. They get confused when I say that. Well, Burzum, Immortal, and all the other bands really started that. It was not all hateful music, its was really kind of goofy. They were basically protesting the social norms by going back to the times of their ancestors. One of the members of Immortal would actually bury his concert gear so that it was rotting and tattered when he wore it. Thats the way his clothes would have been had be been living in old times. These guys played and practiced at old houses or in the woods with very little in the way of electronics or human contact.

When you say most unmusical I have to disagree with you. To people that have the exact definition of music then yes, they were not musical. But, their music was what music is...and that is what you need it to be. It was, more or less, the voice of their past with a change in the type of instruments used. Alot of his songs were battle songs or victory songs. There were also funeral songs, festival songs, songs to the gods, etc...

I think that the death metal scene at the time was awesome. It's too bad that people just took it for hate and white power shit. In fact, hate and white power were not part of it. I guess its ok for other people to be proud of their heritage but when white people do it its just hate. Yeah, my roots come from Nordic and Celtic areas so I tend to be proud of that. I do not see why me being proud of this makes me hateful and racist. Yeah, the symbols that I wear were used by Hitler, but where did Hitler steal those from? These sysmols, even after Hitler uesed them, are meant to be symbols of my gods or my power. Nothing more, nothing less. If I wear "lighting bolts" on my shoulders I am in no way saying that I am hunting down jews. The Odhroerir on my back deals with Odin, and nothing of Hitlers shit. The sunwheel on my chest is not a swastika...it is a sunwheel.

In short...let us leave black metal alone because they have done no wrong in their quests...and those that burned the church probably have something messed up in the head after the election. I am still sick of all the sore winners as I have never seen so much hate and destruction after any sort of victory.

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