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Rev & StormKnight talk WH40K...

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I will be representing the armies of Chaos...UNDIVIDED! ;)


.....I can ALSO field straight KHORNE :rant: BERZERKERS! :rant:




:rant: ..NO FEAR THEY SEE... :rant:


:rant: BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! :rant:






Edited by Rev.Reverence
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I shall be representing the Imperium's finest, on of the most powerful and feared arms of the Imperium:

Legiones Astartes:

The Space Marines

We are a lightning fast tactical group. We know no fear, as we descend from the gene-seed of the Emperor's Primarchs, the bravest sons of our God. We defend the Imperium in the name of the God-Emperor. To Purge the Chaos and the mutants and bring wayward souls into the bosom of the Emperor love, and to destroy those that would bring chaos to our perfect order. That is our directive.

With multitude of heavy bikes with multimeltas several attack bike squads, two squads of Marine *JET* Bikes, a land speeder, a Land Raider or two, and a full compliment of at least one full company of marines to include:

  • Medics
  • Techmarines and Servitors
  • at least 8 chaplains
  • 8 Tatical Squads at 10 men/squad
  • 2 Devastator Squads of heavy weapons at 10 men/squad
  • 4 Tactical Terminator squads*
  • 2 Assault Terminator squads*
  • an assortment of command rank people, to include a terminator captain*
  • Librarian/Psykers out the wazoo
  • 1 Inquisitor, and last, but certainly not least, 1 squad of Grey Knight Terminators*

*Represents troops that can be beamed in behind enemy lines.

Though set up in Ultramar standards, I would be strongly tempted to field them as Grey Knight proper, to represent the *other* feared and powerful arm of the Imperium: The Ordo Malleus: The Inquisition.

Victory needs no explanation; defeat allows none.

To be Impure

That is the Mark of the Mutant

To be Abhorred

That is the Mark of the Mutant

To be Reviled

That is the Mark of the Mutant

To be Hunted

That is the Mark of the Mutant

To be Purged

That is the Fate of the Mutant

To be Cleansed

For that is the Fate of all Mutants

--Extract from a Training Chant in the First Book of Indoctrination

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There is little remorse to be had for the wicked, and they need none, for short is their time on whatever Emperor forsaken world they may be hiding on.

The chapters of the Adeptus Astartes are numerous and strong, their home worlds each a mighty fortress unto itself, but we have no home world. Our numbers are many more than that of the other chapters and our homes are invincible bulwarks cruising the galaxies putting to the sword, the traitor, the mutant... the heretic.

With righteous zeal do our tactical squads beset the enemy from all sides, never bending, never running, only falling when the enemy's numbers are a hundred times greater than ours.

We see the murderous eye of the traitor widen in fear at the sight of our guns. The unholy senses of the alien quiver with fear at the sound of our roaring tanks. The birds of a thousand, thousand planets have we fed with the corpses of our foe.

The last thing that the mutant shall know in their short damnation called life is the divine glow of the god- emperors spirit, and the fire of his terrible retribution...


Edited by Mean Salley
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Do not waste your tears on me. I was not born to watch the world grow dim. Life is not measured in years, but by the deeds of men.

Though silver in your palm weighs light

Compared to death by blast and sword

Do not shy the hopeless fight,

For endevour is its own reward.

And behold, the *original* drawing of the Emperor from Rogue Trader:

'Attack' is the only order worth remembering.

Trust me, scanning this image in was really, *really* a royal pain in the semperini.

Edited by StormKnight
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My husband has Space Wolves (no surprise the Asatru dude has them....LOL) and from Battlefleet Gothic, he has Abbadon's war fleet.


Like 10,000 points.

I just like to paint the models. :p I am working on a sisters army, and some Orcs. The coptas are fun to paint....

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Kay you guys....this is your final warning. I will have to close this thread if it continues being so off topic with the rest of everything in the world :whistle:...

*runs!* :tongue:

*two terminator assault cannons start spinning for firing and two loaded cyclone missile launcher terminators use their targeter lasers to paint Chernobyl. Commander steps forward*

*terminators chant: Protect topicallity in the name of the Emperor!*

You might want to reconsider that last statement.

just kidding.


what? got to purge the testosterone somewhere


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*two terminator assault cannons start spinning for firing and two loaded cyclone missile launcher terminators use their targeter lasers to paint Chernobyl. Commander steps forward*

*terminators chant: Protect topicallity in the name of the Emperor!*

You might want to reconsider that last statement.

just kidding.


what? got to purge the testosterone somewhere


That's fine, I'm only, you know, CHERNOBYL and all.

I dare you to stand next to me. You will grow a third nut in your sack. Then die from cancer two years from now.

I also spawn nukes, did I mention I spawn nukes? Yeah there's that, too.

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That's fine, I'm only, you know, CHERNOBYL and all.

I dare you to stand next to me. You will grow a third nut in your sack. Then die from cancer two years from now.

I also spawn nukes, did I mention I spawn nukes? Yeah there's that, too.

Spawn your little nukes

I has two words for you

Orbital Bombardment.

the emperor protects

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Just so everyone is clear on what I mean by british death metal, this group takes their covers from WH40K books:

Bolt Thrower-Eternal War

Yes, that garbled base is the singer.

I much prefer Blue Oyster Cult for starting a game.

bolt thrower owns... i had one of there casettes in my car for like 6 months streight, it was nonstop grindcore

i support candyman on metal talk > op (turn everything into metal)

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  • 11 months later...

Last week when I was at Rev's house I sent an Officio Assasinorium operative to do a little espionage. Got the full intel on his Undivided Chaos legions.


I'm thinking of sending all of my Neophytes on an assault completely unarmed against Rev's legions just to get a little easy experience. It'll be good for morale for all of my n00bs to handily beat down some Chaos nancies in their own backyard.

Shit-talk revived

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Last week when I was at Rev's house I sent an Officio Assasinorium operative to do a little espionage. Got the full intel on his Undivided Chaos legions.


I'm thinking of sending all of my Neophytes on an assault completely unarmed against Rev's legions just to get a little easy experience. It'll be good for morale for all of my n00bs to handily beat down some Chaos nancies in their own backyard.

Shit-talk revived


...you say the word...


...you may bring whatever legions you think will aide you..neked or not....there is nothing you can bring, that we have not seen.......you will bleed..you will die..all your skulls shall adorn our temples....all your missions will be fail....no insectoid hive mind can best us......your dead emperor can not help you where we live...your dice are named loss and fail.

Edited by Rev.Reverence
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