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how many kids are too many?

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THAT is too many, in my book.

I might be crazy though. I have four (two girls and two boys -- ages 9, 8, 6 and 4). It's not so bad. I always wanted 6.

...that seems cool...I think when you get over 10...you need to STOP.

.....not that I think it a smart thing to have more than 5-6...

7 seems like just TO MANY!

I don't know why...just 7...it's to many.

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There are some parents that come in to my shop toting around 4-6 children (often all dancers, all eating up tuition and dance shoes and clothing... i can't imagine being able to support those costs).

To be honest, meeting these parents is better birth control than the children are. You can have the most polite and well behaved children in the world but if you have enough of them it's still going to drive you crazy.

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I knew some people named D'Inverno years ago, who had about 14 kids. They actually drove a "church van" around (a long van, with four bench seats in back)!

Mom was petite, thin, and pretty, too! Hard to believe, after having so many..

You call them "church vans", I call them "tard wagons".

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For ME 3 I think would be my top number.

As for other people. If you can afford it and actually care for all them rugrats and provide a stable loving home then more power to you.

I would have to agree, in terms of my biological contribution. But three only because I don't get to see my first one and because I don't want to have an only. I'm actually hoping that if ever I am pregnant again, it is with twins. Otherwise, just two. That is to say, if I am pregnant once more (and it will be only once more provided it is to term) and have only one other, I am adopting a second. Yet, I also hope to raise my kids in a home with lots of children both because I love chaos and because my own childhood home was rather lonely for my brother and I--we always envied our cousins whose extended family (on the married-in side) was so close and so large. That's part of why I would like to live in a commune-type environment, I think. Remaking tribal type communal living in the modern world with many people of all ages.

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Seven. Anything more than six is tipping the scale a little too much, imo. I don't see how you could physically and possibly give enough individual attention to each child adequately.

Hell, if I had my way, everyone would be an only child. You have no idea the glory and the awesomeness of being control of everything at all times and getting whatever you want. It's kinda like this:






Other kids were jealous of me growing up due to my only childness...and still are :tongue:.

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I was reading about the Duggars (some family from AK, I think) who just had their 18th kid. That makes 10 boys and 8 girls. If I remember right, dad's 43 and mom's 42. Their oldest kid is 20.

edit: got the name wrong. fixed.

I watch the show they have on TLC every week.. I love them.

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Well, for me one would be too many. For others, as long as they can afford all their children and aren't asking for handouts, then whatever works for them. I find it hard to believe that two people can adequately parent more than 6 children, though.

From what I have heard, at a certain point the older kids start parenting the younger ones... For better or for worse LOL

It was just my brother and I growing up, and I always thought it would be fun to have more people around. I think I wanted more cousins though. I would have been pretty cranky about having to share my bedroom.

For myself, I would think at least 2, no more than 5.

Who knows, though... So far I am at 0. (shrug)

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