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Why do I exist, why don't I exit? I honestly don't know. Most of the users seem to either hate, dislike, or just not care about me. But I do have a few friends on here and when the owner of the board asks you to come back...

That and it seems like a lot of you hate thinking. I prefer deep thought and stimulated conversation. A lot of you hate conflicting ideas also. I think if they can be discussed logically like adults then it's a good thing. But there are a few bright ones among you that make my stay worth it.

That and I don't want to turn into those dickhead promoters that only use this as another place to spew/spam events and contribute nothing in return. After all I believe I was on here before I was a DJ and would rather be thought of as an actual member than just another dickhead promoter.

Mostly I think I stay because I have a vested interest in the scene, which half of it seems to hate me but the other half... well they just don't care. But in that margin of error I have a few friends, and I'll take what I can get I guess.

I prefer simulated conversation myself. Formats like this allow me to be braver than I actually am in real life. And deep thinking--I've been known to try that in half hour increments every third Thursday. It's not bad, actually.

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I prefer simulated conversation myself. Formats like this allow me to be braver than I actually am in real life. And deep thinking--I've been known to try that in half hour increments every third Thursday. It's not bad, actually.

Simulated conversation sucks TBH. Chat bots aren't that entertaining, unless you're testing them for errors or something.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Why do I exist, why don't I exit? I honestly don't know. Most of the users seem to either hate, dislike, or just not care about me. But I do have a few friends on here and when the owner of the board asks you to come back...

That and it seems like a lot of you hate thinking. I prefer deep thought and stimulated conversation. A lot of you hate conflicting ideas also. I think if they can be discussed logically like adults then it's a good thing. But there are a few bright ones among you that make my stay worth it.

That and I don't want to turn into those dickhead promoters that only use this as another place to spew/spam events and contribute nothing in return. After all I believe I was on here before I was a DJ and would rather be thought of as an actual member than just another dickhead promoter.

Mostly I think I stay because I have a vested interest in the scene, which half of it seems to hate me but the other half... well they just don't care. But in that margin of error I have a few friends, and I'll take what I can get I guess.

I don't hate you. I just like watching EVERYONE here who argues with you that their way (and yours) is the ONLY way. Frankly, I find you entertaining and educational, even if you're not always right.

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I don't hate you. I just like watching EVERYONE here who argues with you that their way (and yours) is the ONLY way. Frankly, I find you entertaining and educational, even if you're not always right.

Oh quit now. Only reason you come back to DGN is for the grammar whoopins!

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As with CC this place is like a bi-polar ex with whom one still make booty calls. Eh, try to educate folks here on goth and deathrock bands but they don't really seem to care. Already knew a tiny handful of DGN people before this site. The other tiny handful of people here I've been keen on meeting I've now met(maybe three more folks to go). Late-night boredom, I guess, when the other two boards are slow.

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Desperation for company with similar interests. I don't meet people I share anything in common with often, it's kinda nice to think there might be some in my general vicinity.

Also cake. I was lured here by cake. I am yet to receive it, but I have full faith that when Troy Spiral returns he will deliver the cake I so desperately need.

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Ya'll tolerate me. What else can I say? I'm kind of like a parasite in a symbiotic relationship with its host. Thanks for the blood.

No parasitic creatures live in a symbiotic relationship with their hosts. Except for maybe a tape worm in a person who would otherwise be overweight (tapeworm diet). Obviously I'm kidding, symbiotic creatures are the only ones that can have a symbiotic relationship with their hosts (which is why there is a difference in terminology.

through rose colored glasses

Can I have some of those glasses to replace my fecal colored ones with the reality tint?

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Two reasons.

First off, the cold unfeeling one. This place is an excellent source of information about upcoming events! I feel safe that I won't miss an important upcoming concert or show with all of you around to post about upcoming excitement. Which is important to me, because I have a really hard time keeping up with things sometimes, but I HATE when I miss things. It's thanks to this board that I found out about every single concert I've been to here. It's possible that I would have heard about Delerium and last night's Seabound without the board, since my friend from Ohio drove up for them, and it's possible that I'd have heard about Ayria and last night's Seabound from Kat at City even if I wasn't on here, but it's also possible I would have missed them. And there's no way otherwise that I would have heard about Peter Murphy right after I set down in this new city (well, newish, in a manner of thinking). Nor would I have had the courage to go alone.

Which brings me to the second reason, a much nicer happier rainbows and heart mark surrounded reason.

You guys are a very welcoming community. Only days after I moved to Detroit I found you (my join date is May 30, and I moved here on May 12) by searching for, what else, "detroit goth" on google, looking for the scene. And here you are, the scene gift-wrapped and topped with a velvety red ribbon, and when you open it you find not only awesome concerts, great dance music, and good fun, but also infinite hugs, warm welcoming words, and love, all from Day One. I said, what the hey, and joined, and wrote my intro post, fully expecting it to be ignored like on every single other forum I've ever been a member of, and then went to try to find another thread to post on to actually find people to meet. And only minutes after I posted my first message (which I never expected anyone to read), I had multiple responses, and people saying "we do [read intro posts] here!" and welcoming me in all sorts of ways, both standardized and personalized, and immediately I had friends. Within days I had members doing really cool personal favors for me (Thanks Marc!!) before we'd ever even met in person. I went to the Peter Murphy show without knowing a single soul, and made friends. I went to City Club only knowing the 3 people from the Peter Murphy show I'd run into (who weren't going that night, so knowing not a soul) and met dozens of you, and hugged, and danced, and talked about so many things. And that feeling has never left.

There are some aspects of the site community that I don't mesh with, but more that I do. In short - I love it here. It's like City Club - an instant home. I've only been here 7.5 months now on the board (WOW I just realized today marks exactly 8 months of being back in America!), so I don't know if I even qualify as someone who's stuck around yet, but I have no plans of disappearing any time soon. But like I was saying, it's like City Club. It's not perfect, and sometimes you wonder where the class went (what? Did I say that? haha sshhhhhh), but it's full of such amazing people and amazing times and amazing fun that it all blends into a happy little place to chill out and find home. And after all, you need a little grime and grit to make a home.

There are still so many of you I need to meet, and meet again, and get to know more than just a face in the club or a pseudonym on the board, and my bad memory never helps things, but I know that I'll have lots of time to do it! As long as you don't get sick of me before then!


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I have stayed here mainly because of my friend JynxxedAngel... and some of the newer friends I have made here. You are actually a pretty great group of people here, and I am proud to be a part of the insanity.

As Khalil Gibran once said, "A madman is no less a musician than you or I, it is only that the instrument on which he plays is a little out of tune."

We are all singing our own special tunes, and I have stayed to listen. :wink

p.s. AND the information on events provided.... it's all priceless.

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I don't know, I've been close to leaving before. But there are a lot of friendly, open-minded people on here. I'm more of an introvert, not big on events, the weather and economy makes me even more reclusive. Its nice to have a board around the local alt/goth scene.

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