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Of mice and ....Josh


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I don't know why I thought of this, but I'm working midnights and extremely bored and sleep deprived, and this popped into my head so I figured I'd share. I thought it was funny, but I'm easily amused so I apologize in advance if you read it and aren't entertained.

Back in 2000 I was living in Tennessee. It was me and about 5 of my friends that decided to go to Old Stone Fort, this old Indian ...well I don't know what to call it. Maybe burial ground but they didn't actually call it that. I dunno go look it up if you wanna. Anyways, it was this huge wooded area that was beautiful and green and we decided to hike around and smoke some pot. Someone had the great idea of climbing down this ridiculously rocky and steep hill to a creek below, where we could smoke a joint. So we get on all fours and start scurrying down this stupid hill when my friend Josh notices a wee little mouse that is injured and just laying there on the hill. Well he gets real emotional because the mouse is hurt and I think it was on the verge of death and he's like, "You guys stay away from the mouse! Just go around him I'm serious!" and so we did. We get to the creek, smoke some pot, and decide it's too frickin hot to even wade in the water.

We begin our way back up the stupid rocky, steep hill. By this time we're all pretty high and probably overheating. As we're making our way uphill, we take notice of the mouse again and again we all dodge it. Almost. Josh happened to be the last of us, the one at the bottom of the chain going up, suddenly we hear a *woosh* of rocks and sticks and then I hear a cry come from Josh. "Oh MY GOD!!!"

I look back and Josh has slid a few more feet down and his head is down and he looks up all red faced and through tears he says, "Oh God, I killed him!"

I guess when he started slipping down his shoes squashed the wee little mouse in the process, aiding in its demise.

Poor guy. Well, I was pretty high, but the circumstances struck me in a funny way, and I just died laughing right there as I'm still trying to climb the Hill O'Death. This only makes it harder for me to climb the rest of the way. Josh is still down there crying, but because we're all cracking up he starts laughing AND crying. It was so ridiculous.

So, upon leaving Old Stone Fort we all pile up in my friend Tyson's Trooper. Now Old Stone Fort is kind of a way's from town. It's the woods for christ sake. As we are leaving and are a good deal down the road someone says, "Hey, where's Josh?" we all look around and everyone's face goes blank. We look out the back window and standing there, not too visible, was Josh. We'd totally drove off and left him there. Again, I cannot control my hysterical fit of laughter, hell we all were cracking up. We pull up to Josh and he takes it pretty well, just smiling and saying he knew someone would realize he was gone.

I think I'm really homesick for Tennessee and that was a pretty memorable, retarded day there.

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Reminds me of how I had so smush a broke-leged bird once...(the leg was almost OFF)...

...(it had flown into a window pane & then landed on the ground like 2 stories down)...

......it was totally done for...& twitching.


It was PRETTY intense...

..my pschitzo-affective-disorder was
affecting me that season...

...(I barely remember that house but through O_M_G's (& a couple of others) antidotes & some notes I wrote myself)

...(I REMEMBER this day!)...

I was crying tears of mourning for the bird...

I was laughing at how emotional I was being..

... over something I could have killed & eaten as an appetizer in slightly different circumstances...

I was crying some more 'cause I had hurt my feelings by laughing at myself...

...I found

THEN...I noted the vicious cycle I had fallen prey to...

SO...I laughed hysterically...& cryed at the hopeless/helplessness of it all...

...FINALLY...I went inside for a sh-moke ;)...& wrote a poem...I wrote allot of Hai-ku that year...


Broken Leg Will Not

Survive Outside For That Long

MERCY, Killing Blow

...oOps...sorry if I got all DARK for a second...

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Reminds me of how I had so smush a broke-leged bird once...(the leg was almost OFF)...

...(it had flown into a window pane & then landed on the ground like 2 stories down)...

......it was totally done for...& twitching.


It was PRETTY intense...

..my pschitzo-affective-disorder was
affecting me that season...

...(I barely remember that house but through O_M_G's (& a couple of others) antidotes & some notes I wrote myself)

...(I REMEMBER this day!)...

I was crying tears of mourning for the bird...

I was laughing at how emotional I was being..

... over something I could have killed & eaten as an appetizer in slightly different circumstances...

I was crying some more 'cause I had hurt my feelings by laughing at myself...

...I found

THEN...I noted the vicious cycle I had fallen prey to...

SO...I laughed hysterically...& cryed at the hopeless/helplessness of it all...

...FINALLY...I went inside for a sh-moke ;)...& wrote a poem...I wrote allot of Hai-ku that year...


Broken Leg Will Not

Survive Outside For That Long

MERCY, Killing Blow

...oOps...sorry if I got all DARK for a second...

It's funny how our emotions get the best of us sometimes! I like your haiku!

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