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Security at the clubs...


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Last night one of our own fell victim to theft at Necto. I was thinking about it today and decided to post my thoughts/warnings.

The basics:

It's easy to forget that there's a lot of people you don't know at a club and that some of them are not nice/good people. It's a really good idea to bring only what you absolutely need and can carry on you. I bring a license, a credit card, some cash and my keys into the club. Nothing else. I keep the license and credit card in a pocket that is hard for anyone to get at and secures those items from falling out. The cash I keep more handy but still as secure as I can make it. I almost never bring things like a phone or anything else of value to the club. They stay at home. Less stuff on you or in your car means less stuff to worry about getting stolen or damaged. Women without pockets can resort to various hiding places like boots or in your bra to carry these things, or you can ask a friend to carry them or have a small purse with a strap on it so it's always with you.

Obviously in the Winter you might need a coat. Check it.

Additional stuff:

When there are seasonal holidays or breaks for students, expect that there will be an influx of "non-regulars" invading the place. I haven't noticed it so much in the past but it was really obvious last night that there were a lot of these people last night and their presence made a significant negative impact (to me) in a variety of ways. I think the odds are good that more theft and poor behaviors will happen at this time. They're not likely coming back any time soon and they don't care about the long term health of the club or the scene here, so why should they behave well?

Which leads me to my last point:

The economy is sufficiently bad at this point that I suspect people are going to clubs with the express purpose of theft in order to make a buck.

That's all I have for now.

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Last night one of our own fell victim to theft at Necto. I was thinking about it today and decided to post my thoughts/warnings.

The basics:

It's easy to forget that there's a lot of people you don't know at a club and that some of them are not nice/good people. It's a really good idea to bring only what you absolutely need and can carry on you. I bring a license, a credit card, some cash and my keys into the club. Nothing else. I keep the license and credit card in a pocket that is hard for anyone to get at and secures those items from falling out. The cash I keep more handy but still as secure as I can make it. I almost never bring things like a phone or anything else of value to the club. They stay at home. Less stuff on you or in your car means less stuff to worry about getting stolen or damaged. Women without pockets can resort to various hiding places like boots or in your bra to carry these things, or you can ask a friend to carry them or have a small purse with a strap on it so it's always with you.

Obviously in the Winter you might need a coat. Check it.

Additional stuff:

When there are seasonal holidays or breaks for students, expect that there will be an influx of "non-regulars" invading the place. I haven't noticed it so much in the past but it was really obvious last night that there were a lot of these people last night and their presence made a significant negative impact (to me) in a variety of ways. I think the odds are good that more theft and poor behaviors will happen at this time. They're not likely coming back any time soon and they don't care about the long term health of the club or the scene here, so why should they behave well?

Which leads me to my last point:

The economy is sufficiently bad at this point that I suspect people are going to clubs with the express purpose of theft in order to make a buck.

That's all I have for now.

Good points all Mstrbeau

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Last night one of our own fell victim to theft at Necto. I was thinking about it today and decided to post my thoughts/warnings.

The basics:

It's easy to forget that there's a lot of people you don't know at a club and that some of them are not nice/good people. It's a really good idea to bring only what you absolutely need and can carry on you. I bring a license, a credit card, some cash and my keys into the club. Nothing else. I keep the license and credit card in a pocket that is hard for anyone to get at and secures those items from falling out. The cash I keep more handy but still as secure as I can make it. I almost never bring things like a phone or anything else of value to the club. They stay at home. Less stuff on you or in your car means less stuff to worry about getting stolen or damaged. Women without pockets can resort to various hiding places like boots or in your bra to carry these things, or you can ask a friend to carry them or have a small purse with a strap on it so it's always with you.

Obviously in the Winter you might need a coat. Check it.

Additional stuff:

When there are seasonal holidays or breaks for students, expect that there will be an influx of "non-regulars" invading the place. I haven't noticed it so much in the past but it was really obvious last night that there were a lot of these people last night and their presence made a significant negative impact (to me) in a variety of ways. I think the odds are good that more theft and poor behaviors will happen at this time. They're not likely coming back any time soon and they don't care about the long term health of the club or the scene here, so why should they behave well?

Which leads me to my last point:

The economy is sufficiently bad at this point that I suspect people are going to clubs with the express purpose of theft in order to make a buck.

That's all I have for now.

Thanks for the tips Marc ;)

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It's easy to forget that there's a lot of people you don't know at a club and that some of them are not nice/good people. It's a really good idea to bring only what you absolutely need and can carry on you. I bring a license, a credit card, some cash and my keys into the club. Nothing else. I keep the license and credit card in a pocket that is hard for anyone to get at and secures those items from falling out. The cash I keep more handy but still as secure as I can make it. I almost never bring things like a phone or anything else of value to the club. They stay at home. Less stuff on you or in your car means less stuff to worry about getting stolen or damaged. Women without pockets can resort to various hiding places like boots or in your bra to carry these things, or you can ask a friend to carry them or have a small purse with a strap on it so it's always with you.

Obviously in the Winter you might need a coat. Check it.

If I ever design a line of women's clubwear, every piece will have a little pocket/pouch hidden somewhere, like the hem of the skirt, where one can put keys, a phone, a license or a credit card. Money isn't so bad because you can wad it up, but do you know how painful it is to try to put keys in your bra or boot? And I'm always worried about my license falling out because it's flat and I can't really feel it there. It's one reason I almost never go out alone in the summer. In the winter I have a coat with zippered pockets, so I can put some of the stuff I don't want to carry in there and check it.

I agree, though, I don't bring anything I don't need. And if I'm alone, I do hide my phone and credit card somewhere in my car. I'd rather risk having my car broken into than risk getting a flat tire in a bad part of town and being stranded.

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If I ever design a line of women's clubwear, every piece will have a little pocket/pouch hidden somewhere, like the hem of the skirt, where one can put keys, a phone, a license or a credit card. Money isn't so bad because you can wad it up, but do you know how painful it is to try to put keys in your bra or boot? And I'm always worried about my license falling out because it's flat and I can't really feel it there.

Yes, do start making that kind of clothing. Please.

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I agree, though, I don't bring anything I don't need. And if I'm alone, I do hide my phone and credit card somewhere in my car. I'd rather risk having my car broken into than risk getting a flat tire in a bad part of town and being stranded.

That's reasonable, and understandable.

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I'm never worried. First no one wants to break in my car simply because of what it used to be used for. Second I'm paranoid so I take precautions anyway. Go buy The Club, because not only is it a good security device, it's a discount on your insurance (but it has to be The Club), same thing if you have an alarm system. Also if you really want disconnect the positive from your battery terminal or put in a kill switch. Most crooks won't think to look for that and will give up fairly easily. Third is drive an old beater because no one will touch that, or something easily identifiable.

As far as carrying things on my person I take my coat and hat (that I never take off and if I do I keep a close eye on them) and my wallet which a girl i was dating once tried to take it. It was on a chain but still I could feel her trying to take it, so I'm pretty safe there. However if you're going to get buzzed and fucked up then yeah you should probably just take the above advice. Either that or I had the idea of an arm band/gauntlet type device that you could put your keys/money in and have your ID on with clear plastic over it so you wouldn't have to take it out. Maybe even have a spot for the cellphone because you really can't live without it these days, with zippers so nothing falls out.

Either that or give all that shit to a trusted friend whom you know won't screw you over (and if they do then you know how much of a friend they really are which in some ways can be worth more). In any case problem solved.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and just because no one says it enough... WATCH YOUR DRINKS!

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I was going to suggest the "watch your drinks" thang, as well..

P.S. To all the guys who have tried to slip me roofies at CC:

I won't end up going home with you-- it'll be the tuffest cowboy in the joint, as usual. By the way, thanks for the wee buzz. :laugh:

I'm in the same boat.

I'm just too sexy, and I can't help that

I tried to tone down my white-boy two step, but when you've got the moves, there's only so much you can do.


So, to all the guys trying to slip roofies in my drinks, please reconsider.

I won't be going home with you either,

but that's because bean will be carrying me, and that's not easy because I'm kind of a big guy.

So, just as a rule of thumb,

if you want to score,

do it the old fashioned way--- alcohol and flattery.

Seriously, it's new years eve. Do you really need drugs to pick up a woman on this night?

Now, if you still insist on using a roofie, because you think it's the only way you'll get laid,

you take it,

and when you wake up in the morning, you can go fuck yourself! :sorcerer:

Just a friendly suggestion from the eternal :thanks:

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I just put everything in my inner zipper pocket of my trenchcoat ya know wallet keys cell phone lipstick about it for me. I do this so I can dance without shit falling out. I remember when industry was around the nightclub some guy dropped his pager on the dancefloor I returned it to him I ain't no thief I have plenty of money and always have.


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I was going to suggest the "watch your drinks" thang, as well..

P.S. To all the guys who have tried to slip me rufies at CC:

I won't end up going home with you-- it'll be the tuffest cowboy in the joint, as usual. By the way, thanks for the wee buzz. :laugh:

My rule is, if a guy, or girl, actually, buys me a drink I make him take a big drink out of it first. If he won't, then neither will I.

And while they may be less likely to actually be stolen, if you have anything that looks like it could be worth anything inside old beaters are more likely to be broken into because they're generally easier to break into. Most new cars come with some type of built in security system.

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And while they may be less likely to actually be stolen, if you have anything that looks like it could be worth anything inside old beaters are more likely to be broken into because they're generally easier to break into. Most new cars come with some type of built in security system.

Good point, guess you're kinda screwed either way. Mostly with a beater though because I think these days people aren't trying to sell or chop them up for parts but just get from A to B. On the plus side they might just leave it in tact and abandon it if that happens.

This goes double though if it's a truck since they might need to haul something (that they also probably stole). Happened to me one time with my 1992 GMC, twice, and the second time I didn't get it back (didn't want it back).

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A little over a year ago, I had my purse stolen at a club. I lost my cellphone, my iPod, wallet with credit cards-drivers license-bank cards-etc, an insane amount of cash from bartending the night before (the banks were not open, so I could not deposit.) keys, make-up, and an infinite amount of other small items. Pretty much one of the most horrifying nights of my life. Knowing that merely because someone was feeling greedy/selfish and ballsy, so much that I had worked for was gone... (and the fact that this person had my address AND keys to my home) well, it made me really angry (obviously).

Ever since then, I've been overly-precautious when I go out. I always double-check the alarm on my car and never leave anything valuable inside of it, my purse never leaves my side (unless one of my best friends is holding it), I rarely ever bring a coat into a club (unless I'm DJ'ing and can hide it away safely in the booth),etc. etc. Most of it is just common sense stuff.

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I'd also like to add that don't give me your crap to hold for you. It makes me feel responsible for it at that point and I don't want to feel bad if I lose it for some reason, not that I ever really do or have.

There was one time at the Ritz where someone stole my coat out of the DJ booth. Then a few nights later one of the regulars who worked audio "found" it at a party and stole it back, then wanted liquor for finding it, which I didn't mind since it was a $200 dollar coat (after discounts). I have a suspicion that he actually stole it in the first place but of course couldn't prove anything. That's really annoying too since I'm still pissed off about my sunglasses that I had in the pocket. Nice pair of $60 Julbo Glacier ones I got off E-Bay.

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Last night one of our own fell victim to theft at Necto. I was thinking about it today and decided to post my thoughts/warnings.

The basics:

It's easy to forget that there's a lot of people you don't know at a club and that some of them are not nice/good people. It's a really good idea to bring only what you absolutely need and can carry on you. I bring a license, a credit card, some cash and my keys into the club. Nothing else. I keep the license and credit card in a pocket that is hard for anyone to get at and secures those items from falling out. The cash I keep more handy but still as secure as I can make it. I almost never bring things like a phone or anything else of value to the club. They stay at home. Less stuff on you or in your car means less stuff to worry about getting stolen or damaged. Women without pockets can resort to various hiding places like boots or in your bra to carry these things, or you can ask a friend to carry them or have a small purse with a strap on it so it's always with you.

Obviously in the Winter you might need a coat. Check it.

Additional stuff:

When there are seasonal holidays or breaks for students, expect that there will be an influx of "non-regulars" invading the place. I haven't noticed it so much in the past but it was really obvious last night that there were a lot of these people last night and their presence made a significant negative impact (to me) in a variety of ways. I think the odds are good that more theft and poor behaviors will happen at this time. They're not likely coming back any time soon and they don't care about the long term health of the club or the scene here, so why should they behave well?

Which leads me to my last point:

The economy is sufficiently bad at this point that I suspect people are going to clubs with the express purpose of theft in order to make a buck.

That's all I have for now.

i stole a pair of batman boxers once

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