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what will become of your mortal remains?

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viking funeral. toss me in a boat with all my shit, set it on fire, and shove it out into some water.

its the only way to go! ;)

I've been saying that for a long time now. The only trouble is doing it legally. Ehh.. Whatever. If my loved ones can't figure that out, I wouldn't mind the Fargo method. And if they can't do that, then.. Who cares? I'll be dead.

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  • 3 years later...

Cremate me and scatter me. I don't want to burden anyone with feeling like they have to visit my grave or else they are a bad "insert relationship pertaining to me here" or the burden of having to clean it off. Furthermore, I don't want to become one of those graves where nobody even knows who it was anymore. Just a name on a stone and nothing more.

Scatter me. When those who cared forget to tell tale of me, when they forget me themselves - I want no trace left behind.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Whatever it will be, I won't be there to see it.


I didn't read all the previous answers, so I don't know if someone already mentioned this, but......

Definitely cremation. I'm not sure if I want to be scattered so no trace is left, or if I want to be in an urn that's also a novelty which has my recorded voice saying a variety of phrases when you push the button. I rather like that idea. Possible recordings would include "Fuck you," "Aren't you just precious," "I say go for it," "what are you thinking idiot," "well it ain't going to clean itself," and "get out there, times a wastin'." lol

Damn, those sound like country songs. :laugh:

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Part of me thinks well, I'll be gone so whats the difference, anyone that cares to do something can do whatever they want. Part of me wants a gravestone with a place to go "visit" but then, im GONE so "I" wont care, since I wont be around. I know I like the idea of being able to go to a place for some sort of closure / center of thought about a person that is gone, but the expense/process seems cumbersome.

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Have my spider tattoo removed off the back of my neck, tanned and framed to be next to my sister's matching piece. Then take my body and have it stripped, boiled and bleached to be made into a medical skeleton. Its a long shot...I know. Then give my bones back to my family to put me out on Halloween, or in my future grandchildren's rooms to be punished. "Don't be naughty! Or Grandma will be in you're room tonight!" My love of Halloween and scarring children will live on forever.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I guess if my organs are good enough I wouldn't mind donating any inside organs. And then a regular burial/funeral. I more wanna know what's gonna happen to ME, as in my soul and consciousness when I die. I always think about that at the most inconvenient times. It's always been a scary though for me. I terrified to die. I blame that on my christian upbringing.

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  • 1 month later...

Well I guess if my organs are good enough I wouldn't mind donating any inside organs. And then a regular burial/funeral. I more wanna know what's gonna happen to ME, as in my soul and consciousness when I die. I always think about that at the most inconvenient times. It's always been a scary though for me. I terrified to die. I blame that on my christian upbringing.

Thoughts I struggle with perpetually and spend a lot of time reading/thinking about. For lack of a better word its a key "interest" of mine in and of itself, even though that word makes it sound like it isn't important, I think its one of THE most important things one can spend time on.

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