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Cleaning to Rein In the New Year?

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I'm always looking for things to add to my arsenal!!!

don't throw it in the garbage, give it to me! Post here if you have anything you want to get rid of. Clothes, curtains, things along those lines. I'll take it all. Just let me know when and where. I'll have to co-ordinate something with my room mate, since she is driving.. All I ask is that its clean. I don't care if it has rips or tares, missing buttons or zippers, ect.

Goth clothes especially!! lol

but I'm really not picky. if its undergarments (like bras and camisoles) bag those separate, please. I can always use the hardware from the bras and the lace from the camisoles, ect. --i will NEVER resell a used undergarments.--

if you aren't sure if I'll take it, just ask. :)it never hurts to ask.

^^----- yeah, what that says, but also:


Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to donate to the cause. I'm looking for mostly t-shirts.. any kind of print, any color, not too bad of condition. Holes are fine, just can't bee too bad (meaning, ya can't be able to stick your head through the hole. :p ) Um, I'd prefer it be a for free thing, but am willing to negotiate a price. Just PM me, or post here. Just please let me know! ^_^

Also, if you don't want to get rid of your shirts, but would like something made out of it, let me know, and we can work something out. Don't worry, I don't charge an arm and a leg for such things. :)

Edited by GothicRavenGoddess
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YES!!! I am the mysterious roomie :) I can pick them up pretty much everywhere if the drive is worth it. its so nice to get decent gas mileage again!

Okay, this is the scoup... GRG is a designer-to-be. she will take your curtains or material and make stuff for either herself, or to sell on etsy (or here for those lovely home-made lovers :happy: ) many of the outfits, even if they are way too small or way too big, she will be taking apart and using for patters. as for the rips and tears, she can do homeless-chic lol

So please help her! she needs this stuff because her sorry butt doesnt have a job and by selling it on etsy she will have some money to make it to city for all of you GRG lovers :) You can give her stuff that is too small if you gaine weight, or too big if you lost it! DONT SAVE THAT STUFF!!! the greatest thing abotu losing weight is that you can buy new outfits as a reward!!! and you NEVER save it incase you GAIN weight... law of attraction baby :) think possitive! no reminders!

so c'mon people! help the lady out!

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Oh cool I will go through my closets and my sons closets next weekend and give you two a shout.

I've got bunches of jeans he doesn't fit into, and clothes that are constantly getting too big on me.

I'm always saving them simply because I tell myself I will donate them and never do, and I can't see throwing them away the landfills are full enough

I will run them all through the wash and bag em up. They'll be wrinkled...I don't iron as a rule


I do have a very pretty silk dress that just doesn't work on me that you can have as well

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NG and I are moving to Ferndale, and I just went through my closet last week :)

I have about 4 or 5 little garbage bags of clothes that are actually in my car right now that were previously slated to go to the Salvation Army.......which is where I got most of them in the first place because I LOVE RESALE!!!

Most of the stuff is along the professional/casual line because of work, but I think there are a couple of little gothic treats in there, too!

If LordofSins is willing to hold them for you, and still lives in Ferndale, or near there, I could drop them off to him if you'd like :)

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