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I talked with my friend Jay from City Club a few of you might know him (hes the skinny black dude with the FroHawk) well he dose flesh pulls and suspensions, and sad that they were always looking for more people to do the show and i may be in it this Thursday and next Thursday and it being my first time i was wondering if a few of you had nothing todo or aren't busy and looking for something to do would you guys mind coming and giving me a bit of support iam excited as all hell ut nervous as hell as well so if you guys/gals could come out it would totally rock seein friendly faces in the crowd and not hanging there looking at just strangers

if you guys/gals wanna go its being held at the Ritz in Warren and it starts at 7

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BTW i forgot to ADD in iam sure a good majority of people know that the flesh pull and suspenion is but for those of you who dont this is what ill be doing

i ripped these from photobucket




<a href="http://photobucket.com/images/flesh%20suspension" target="_blank"><img src="http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj166/rev920/backshot.jpg" border="0" alt="suspension2001 Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>

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alrighty Jay messaged me back saying iam indeed ganna be in the show and i will be suspending its at The Ritz in Warren and the show will be starting at 8PM if few of my fellow DGNers could make it out i would love it if you guys could come support me (no thats not pun) i would apprciate it SO very much iam excited and nervous as hell at at the same time i dont know the price of admission yet iam waiting on a responce ill let you all know when i get the word

edit to note: Jay said admission should be free so all yall gotta do is come out IF everyone is up for it i hope a few people show if not wish me luck

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BTW i forgot to ADD in iam sure a good majority of people know that the flesh pull and suspenion is but for those of you who dont this is what ill be doing

i ripped these from photobucket




<a href="http://photobucket.com/images/flesh%20suspension" target="_blank"><img src="http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj166/rev920/backshot.jpg" border="0" alt="suspension2001 Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>

I know randyRandy!

He's a friek!

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Hope you get a good turnout and it goes well! :)

They should add it to the Events Calendar and post in advance if there's a next time, so more will have a chance to plan ahead to be there.

thanks onyx i sprreciate it....ill let you guys know a week or two in advance the next time we do this that way more people can come out

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i dont think it will be webcast but i will def have pictures taken and see if iam able to get video...theres always next week or the wek after o for those who are not able to make it tonight..and torn dude bring your as down from Kzoo and me abd you will have fleshy pul one of these days

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i guess thats what iam doing then i had no idea it was circus obscene i thought it was just a group of people that did it....but yes if i enjoy doing this guys ill be doing it every thursday or every other thursday so theres always next week guys

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