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The Biggest Loser DGN Style


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I've been doing what I can. I have no room to exercise on the floor and I am NOT laying on the filth that is the living room floor, because of the pigs...

I've somehow managed to gain a lot of weight (or so it feels), so my body feels like shit. In actuality, I've only gained 10, but when you are already as big as I am, 10lbs can feel like 50. I am watching more closely what I am eating. I was letting things slide, thinking to myself that I'll make up for it by not eating X thing.... *sigh* sadly, that is not working, and I am refining what I'm doing.

Course, its hard as hell when I am the only person in the house who has to eat the way that I do, so I get over ruled with food, and some times (at the end of the month) its either eat the crap, or starve... and once I starve, junk food won't be an issue. lol

It sucks. I wish this was MY house, with MY income, but its not, so I have to just do what I can. I did, however, stop drinking the regular pops. By the way, our tap water is disgusting, and bottled water is hard to come by. Its easier, and cheaper, to drink pop. So I get diet. I am drinking juice, though, when we can afford to get it. Lite juices, since "diet" tastes like kool-aid with too much water. I have all but cut out red meat from my diet, except the occasional ground beef. I don't eat steak anymore. I can't stand the smell of it. (That and I think my room mate's are morons, cuz they buy the shit all the time, and its expensive!) I make sure I get in plenty of dairy and protien. I try like hell to not eat bread of any kind, but if I do, I make sure its either oatmeal, wheat, or multi-grain (which taste better than white, in my opinion). I also make sure I eat a good amount of fiber, as well. :) Its the things like eating pizza "every once in a while" (which is almost every weekend Ethan works at the Hayloft, because Happy's Pizza is right across the street and usually running really good deals on pizza), and eating the bread from burgers, that I need to stop.

I know what I need to do, and I am taking steps to get back on the wagon. I did really good this Thanksgiving, and I know I'll be able to do well on Christmas and New Year's. Its all the days in between that get me LOL. :)

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Help me!

I want chocolate SO FREAKING BAD right now!!!

(Thank god I don't have any in the house, but still!)

I sliced half my finger off this evening chopping vegetables (I know, I know, you're doing it wrong, don't say it, I know), and I can't sleep because I keep seeing it happen when I close my eyes. I'm going to be a wreck at work tomorrow. So I'm up way later than I should be, already ate all my allowed food for the day, and all I can think about is how good chocolate would be right now. (Doesn't help that I'm already craving chocolate for...other reasons.) Goddammit this is the low point in my diet so far. It was SO HARD not to stop at BK on the way home from the ER, especially since I knew I had no proper food waiting for me since I can't really make anything in my present condition, and I was already 2-3 hours behind eating schedule because of the whole incident. I'm proud I resisted and am still on plan for today, but it's still so hard right now to not raid the shelves for SOMETHING, ANYTHING. Those pretzels Riku bought that are on my fridge. The popcorn I know is in the cabinet. Oh god.

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Help me!

I want chocolate SO FREAKING BAD right now!!!

(Thank god I don't have any in the house, but still!)

I sliced half my finger off this evening chopping vegetables (I know, I know, you're doing it wrong, don't say it, I know), and I can't sleep because I keep seeing it happen when I close my eyes. I'm going to be a wreck at work tomorrow. So I'm up way later than I should be, already ate all my allowed food for the day, and all I can think about is how good chocolate would be right now. (Doesn't help that I'm already craving chocolate for...other reasons.) Goddammit this is the low point in my diet so far. It was SO HARD not to stop at BK on the way home from the ER, especially since I knew I had no proper food waiting for me since I can't really make anything in my present condition, and I was already 2-3 hours behind eating schedule because of the whole incident. I'm proud I resisted and am still on plan for today, but it's still so hard right now to not raid the shelves for SOMETHING, ANYTHING. Those pretzels Riku bought that are on my fridge. The popcorn I know is in the cabinet. Oh god.

Everything in moderation, dear ;)

You can haz chocolate.. OCCASIONALLY.

I, personally WILL NOT give up chocolate during me 'monthly visit' :p

I was having the same issue with the "when will I have time to work out" thing.. I solved that problem by going to the gym at 5:30 in the AM... I didn't think I could do it, but I feel awesome now that I do :bunny:

& I lost 10lbs already!!!!! :w00t:

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Help me!

I want chocolate SO FREAKING BAD right now!!!

(Thank god I don't have any in the house, but still!)

I sliced half my finger off this evening chopping vegetables (I know, I know, you're doing it wrong, don't say it, I know), and I can't sleep because I keep seeing it happen when I close my eyes. I'm going to be a wreck at work tomorrow. So I'm up way later than I should be, already ate all my allowed food for the day, and all I can think about is how good chocolate would be right now. (Doesn't help that I'm already craving chocolate for...other reasons.) Goddammit this is the low point in my diet so far. It was SO HARD not to stop at BK on the way home from the ER, especially since I knew I had no proper food waiting for me since I can't really make anything in my present condition, and I was already 2-3 hours behind eating schedule because of the whole incident. I'm proud I resisted and am still on plan for today, but it's still so hard right now to not raid the shelves for SOMETHING, ANYTHING. Those pretzels Riku bought that are on my fridge. The popcorn I know is in the cabinet. Oh god.

this might sound silly, but a good way to get a chocolate fix? slimfast shake! i used to do this at work. another thing that worked for me was sugar-free hot chocolate. i'd always add an equal to it, but it always worked for me!

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Yeah I totally just had a chocolate shake from my diet plan (I'm on one actually :rolleyes: ) and it was all good. Well, mostly.

But I was rewarded this morning for being good by my scale which showed I'm down over 15 pounds! (Though I don't trust that scale, it gives me a different number every time, so it could be anywhere from 12 or so. Still, not bad.)

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There are a ton of things to do for that chocolate fix. For me, I make chocolate peanut butter protein bars which helps keep my sweet tooth under control. Or you can find yourself a chocolate flavored protein shake like Muscle Milk Light...I also make protein cakes...found this recipe online, you make it in a coffee mug and microwave it for about 2 minutes and slice it into five pieces, its not too bad.

I'm really into my protein shakes because getting all of my protein in is important. I can't drink soda so if I'm craving something like a root-beer float, I crush a bunch of ice in a blender, throw in a scoop of vanilla protein powder, some sugar free root beer flavored syrup and a cup of fat-free milk. It's really not as bad as it seems. I love it, you just have to experiment.

Edited by KatRN05
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Help me!

I want chocolate SO FREAKING BAD right now!!!

(Thank god I don't have any in the house, but still!)

I sliced half my finger off this evening chopping vegetables (I know, I know, you're doing it wrong, don't say it, I know), and I can't sleep because I keep seeing it happen when I close my eyes. I'm going to be a wreck at work tomorrow. So I'm up way later than I should be, already ate all my allowed food for the day, and all I can think about is how good chocolate would be right now. (Doesn't help that I'm already craving chocolate for...other reasons.) Goddammit this is the low point in my diet so far. It was SO HARD not to stop at BK on the way home from the ER, especially since I knew I had no proper food waiting for me since I can't really make anything in my present condition, and I was already 2-3 hours behind eating schedule because of the whole incident. I'm proud I resisted and am still on plan for today, but it's still so hard right now to not raid the shelves for SOMETHING, ANYTHING. Those pretzels Riku bought that are on my fridge. The popcorn I know is in the cabinet. Oh god.


No Pudge Fudge Brownie Mixes

This is the best chocolate thing man has created.. the fat free brownie.. and you can get it at Kroger. :) Of course, not to eat the whole freaking thing, but the serving size is enough that it will satisfy that chocolate craving. It also has distructions on how to make one serving at a time. :) I just usually pawn them off at work the next day, they all love these things, ESPECIALLY the guys who are skinny and never on a diet. They don't even know what they're eating they're THAT good. :)

Edited by hunhee
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I've been on a health kick lately, probably to be ruined by that crazy thing called Christmas and New Year, BUT I do have one thing that is combatting all this crazyness, and that's to go to my gym, five days a week. I joined a gym, and I'm excited about it, have gone almost every other day for the past two weeks. I'm hoping to make it a habit. If I can't go at night, I go in the morning, before work. I have a gym buddy, so it makes the struggle easier, because we're struggling together. :) Hopefully when spring comes, I am a more trim, fit me! :)

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I have not really been trying to lose weight.

I would actually like to gain.

What I'd like to do, if it makes any sense is keep the weight that I have, gain a little more and turn it into muscle.

The thought crossed my mind, since my last vacation in October, I have dropped about 17 lbs.

I get to the gym when I can, and I have a very physical job, so..so far so good I guess..

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Plan for towmorrow is to hit the gym at 7a.m. for cardio and weights. Not sure when after that I'll be able to make it since it will be the holidays and I have to work three nights in a row starting tomorrow night. -4.8lbs so far this month.

Keep up the good work!!!!!

Edited by KatRN05
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