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The Biggest Loser DGN Style


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I've gained back everything I'd lost. This is not good. I'm trying now to figure out a sustainable habit of diet and exercise that will hopefully allow me to drop that recent accrual prior to my wedding. But it means that I will have to get up off of my ass. Drat. I like being stationary.

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Oh noes, not the yellows again. Remember what happened last time when you accidentally inspired the creation of a new holiday?

UM.....I was TOTALLY mocking you...*WIN* :hrhr:

Splenda is an interesting subject. Chemically, its a sugar molecule with three chlorine atoms pasted on...yes, the highly poisonous gas. Well, the "point" of said add-ons was to make the molecule indigestible so it just passes through your system. However, it doesn't just pass through, a high percentage of that stuff is broken down...and then you have some dissociated chlorine floating around in your system <3

Aspartame....horrid tasting, but if you drink enough of it, you are quickly addicted (I know this because I was once an A-addict). Long term abuse can lead to memory loss because as your body breaks this stuff down, it metabolises it in the form of formaldehyde...yup, embalming fluid

Sick...I knew it was bad shit.

MMMM...a temporary lack of funds has driven me to the 'white-devil' today; I love the white-sugar...it is so goood...what is it...I don't know; it just tastes better than raw sugar...maybe, it's in my head...

Still, I prefer honey...

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UM.....I was TOTALLY mocking you...*WIN* :hrhr:

Sick...I knew it was bad shit.

MMMM...a temporary lack of funds has driven me to the 'white-devil' today; I love the white-sugar...it is so goood...what is it...I don't know; it just tastes better than raw sugar...maybe, it's in my head...

Still, I prefer honey...

I wonder if Splenda is as addictive as aspartame. At any rate, I prefer Splenda over sugar. Too much sugar in anything I eat makes me tachycardic and feel sick so I'm stuck with artificial sweetners.

Edited by KatRN05
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Splenda is an interesting subject. Chemically, its a sugar molecule with three chlorine atoms pasted on...yes, the highly poisonous gas. Well, the "point" of said add-ons was to make the molecule indigestible so it just passes through your system. However, it doesn't just pass through, a high percentage of that stuff is broken down...and then you have some dissociated chlorine floating around in your system <3

Aspartame....horrid tasting, but if you drink enough of it, you are quickly addicted (I know this because I was once an A-addict). Long term abuse can lead to memory loss because as your body breaks this stuff down, it metabolises it in the form of formaldehyde...yup, embalming fluid

I haven't even attempted it. I don't really eat anything that I would need to use honey. It might be ok because its natural, in small amounts though.

Anyone ever try Stevia? It's a plant, it's natural, and is like 300X sweeter than sugar. You can buy it in the grocery store now. :)


Edited by hunhee
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^ I have. It tasted sweet at first, but then filled my mouth with the most bitter taste I've ever encountered. And the taste persisted even after rinsing with water, brushing my teeth, drinking some milk, eating of bread, gargling with salt water..... for 20 minutes! Ew! I'd rather just get fatter.

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I took 2 weeks off my diet when I went to Japan (omg it was so glorious), but I am right back on now and it's going well. I got on the wii fit yesterday morning (I just got it for Christmas so it was my first time using it!) and the weight it gave me was 24 lb lower than where I started!!! :shock::peanutbutterjellytime: Oh happy day!

My weight is extremely variable and I have horrible luck with scales (I can step on a scale and get a completely different weight 5 times in a row...and not varying by like 1 lb - varying like 4 lb!) so I don't trust just numbers, but regardless - this is going in a good direction!!

All the bike riding (a few miles a day the last few days of my trip!) and walking around in Japan got me in a mood to exercise so I am trying to do what I can. No time so far for actual gym-membership-getting but I hope to rectify that this week. For now it's wii fit and random aerobic-type movements here and there and "exercise at your desk" type stuff.

Nonetheless...things are going well. Oh, the clothes that await me when I triumphantly reach my goal!! :drool

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Diets don't work.

I went from a size 36 pants to a 28 in 5 months.

Have kept it off for over 13 years, I eat lots of veggies, drink diet pop and when I was shedding the pounds for exercise all I did was walk 45 minutes a day.

It can work for others but, you have to stick to it.

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Diets don't work.

I went from a size 36 pants to a 28 in 5 months.

Have kept it off for over 13 years, I eat lots of veggies, drink diet pop and when I was shedding the pounds for exercise all I did was walk 45 minutes a day.

It can work for others but, you have to stick to it.

Guessing from the rest of your post, I'm thinking you meant to say "Diets DO work"??

Since you say you didn't exercise in that time, so I'm assuming you mean you did it through diet?

Regardless of what anyone says, I've lost 24 lb since Thanksgiving without doing any exercise at all until the last couple days. Now I KNOW that exercise is important, and I need to work on that. But I also know that dieting can also work. It's important to incorporate BOTH for a healthy lifestyle. But it IS possible to lose weight with dieting alone. Better to lose it with dieting AND exercise, but it's not true to say dieting alone doesn't work.

I'm nowhere near my goal yet, but I'm pretty damned satisfied with -24lb and 2 inches in the waist after only 6.5 weeks, 2 of which don't count as I was pigging out in Japan. XD

(And I am not starving myself or being unhealthy about it, before anyone cries anorexia or anything. My diet is very balanced and full and blessed by my doctor.) :wink:yes

Edited by TheOsakaKoneko
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I cannot stop drinking latte's. I finally renewed my gym membership and plan to get up there at least 3-4 times per week. I sat in the sauna yesterday and it was awesome.

Anent the lattes, have you tried them with skim milk and no additional flavorings? It might take a little to become accustomed to them, but milk has natural sugars in it which (proper) steaming brings out--lattes are quite sweet on their own. I love a skim latte. I consider it a (mostly) healthy treat.

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Anent the lattes, have you tried them with skim milk and no additional flavorings? It might take a little to become accustomed to them, but milk has natural sugars in it which (proper) steaming brings out--lattes are quite sweet on their own. I love a skim latte. I consider it a (mostly) healthy treat.

I am actually drinking one right now from starbucks, it tastes really good. Do you find that your weight stays down when you drink them verses full fat latte's?

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I am actually drinking one right now from Starbucks; it tastes really good. Do you find that your weight stays down when you drink them versus full fat lattes?

I've never done any sort of scientific comparison. I do not for certain know the relative value of full fat versus low fat products. What I understand is that products with fat will help you feel full, but I feel full after consuming milk anyhow, so I don't think that benefit is negated by consuming a skim product. And, since it is rarely recommended that we get more than a third of our calories from fat sources, I don't think that it would hurt terribly much to err on the side of caution. I know people who strongly advocate for the consumption of full fat unprocessed milk, but they do so because the process of Pasteurization breaks down the fat molecules into littler ones that are more easily absorbed into the bloodstream during digestion. Since the heat of steaming the milk does that anyway, I can't see how full fat unprocessed milk makes a healthier latte. All I know is what I feel--skim lattes are a way in which I can indulge even when I am otherwise trying to make better dietary choices overall.

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this phrase is misleading - the word "diet" as it is currently used, implies restriction/sacrifice, but that's not really what it is. anything you consume is your "diet", therefore, "diets" can and do work, if modified properly. it's all about moderation and control.

carry on... :wink

Diets or the word diet as it is traditionally thought of by the majoirty of people does mean sacrifice. What people need to realize that they should throw that word out of their vocabulary. What people need to do when they want to lose weight is change their lifestyle/habits and such.

I still ate cheeseburgers and fries while shedding the pounds but I changed how much I ate per day.

All I can say is it worked for me and never once did I tell anyone, "I'm on a diet - can't eat this or that".

But - to each his own I suppose.

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