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The Biggest Loser DGN Style


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I'm very confused.

I've been dancing. No workouts. But my usual thing. And I've been making sure I don't over eat (a habit of mine). But...my weight has not gone down. And my stomach looks alright.

But...it isn't going down!?

Does anybody have any suggestions on little routines or something I can do?

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I'm very confused.

I've been dancing. No workouts. But my usual thing. And I've been making sure I don't over eat (a habit of mine). But...my weight has not gone down. And my stomach looks alright.

But...it isn't going down!?

Does anybody have any suggestions on little routines or something I can do?

It's really hard to give you suggestions when I really don't know what it is you eat/drink. :) But here's the general suggestions I have. :)

It may not be something like over-eating that is your weight-loss downfall, but you're eating just enough to maintain what you already have. Our bodies are great at maintaining the status quo. In order to lose, you have to fool your body into thinking it needs to burn fat. Sometimes stepping up your dance routine, maybe your body is used to the current level of activity you're already doing. Do MORE.

Perhaps for you, it's your diet. If you eat a McDonald's meal every day, you may want to substitute that with a six inch sub at subway instead. (I am in no way implying you even eat McD's, I'm just saying, it could be the quality of food you're eating).

Perhaps the most important thing is H Y D R A T I O N. Water is the key to flushing out fat.

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OK, so we didn't make 9 miles yesterday, my friend's wife got out of class a bit early, and came to pick us up. BUT I believe we made it almost 8 perhaps 8.5 miles, and in my book, that's awesome!!!!

Week 10 is almost over, and I am proud to say I am keeping my body in motion. :) Even through sickness. I am determined to get over the ten week hump, and continue on to 11, and then 12.. and on and on. :)

I hope everyone else's week has been fantastic! :)

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OK, so we didn't make 9 miles yesterday, my friend's wife got out of class a bit early, and came to pick us up. BUT I believe we made it almost 8 perhaps 8.5 miles, and in my book, that's awesome!!!!

Week 10 is almost over, and I am proud to say I am keeping my body in motion. :) Even through sickness. I am determined to get over the ten week hump, and continue on to 11, and then 12.. and on and on. :)

I hope everyone else's week has been fantastic! :)

Sweet! I do the same thing, when I get sick, I don't change my daily activity level, unless I am too sick to stand. Just keep on going and then the sickness will get the message that it isn't going to win, and will eventually give up and go away.

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This morning it felt like my stomach was concave and I panicked. I then realized that my stomach was not concave, but rather is not used to feeling thin again.

I fit into ALL my "mid-sized" pants now :peanutbutterjellytime:. I must be eating less because I sure as hell have been lax on exercise due to being bukkaked in three hours of homework every night.

This morning it felt like my stomach was concave and I panicked. I then realized that my stomach was not concave, but rather is not used to feeling thin again.

I fit into ALL my "mid-sized" pants now :peanutbutterjellytime:. I must be eating less because I sure as hell have been lax on exercise due to being bukkaked in three hours of homework every night.

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Well, my size 16 jeans are getting a bit loose, I guess that's a good thing. But I'm not seeing weight loss on the scale.................................Oh, I forgot, I'm suppose to trash that damn thing...

Edited by KatRN05
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Congrats Katie, I could tell you were losing last time I seen you:)

Well I am going to just state my current weight and start weight: As of today I got on the scale at MWLC and it said 169.2 lbs. That is the smallest I have been in like 5 years. My heaviest weight last March was 232 lbs. I still feel like I weight that much, though. Maybe when I get to my final goal, which is 155ish, I will be happy, as far as my size goes. I really have to watch myself now because I have made the decision to go on a medication for my mood in which one of the side effects is serious weight gain. I am determined not to get that side effect, hell or high water.

This shit has been too hard to take off. I need to step up my workout routine, seriously, though.

Edited by kat
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Well, my size 16 jeans are getting a bit loose, I guess that's a good thing. But I'm not seeing weight loss on the scale.................................Oh, I forgot, I'm suppose to trash that damn thing...

Yeah.. I decided to stop weighing Meself... I just go by how I look and feel :bunny:

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Congrats Katie, I could tell you were losing last time I seen you:)

Well I am going to just state my current weight and start weight: As of today I got on the scale at MWLC and it said 169.2 lbs. That is the smallest I have been in like 5 years. My heaviest weight last March was 232 lbs. I still feel like I weight that much, though. Maybe when I get to my final goal, which is 155ish, I will be happy, as far as my size goes. I really have to watch myself now because I have made the decision to go on a medication for my mood in which one of the side effects is serious weight gain. I am determined not to get that side effect, hell or high water.

This shit has been too hard to take off. I need to step up my workout routine, seriously, though.

Thanks Chica. You looked damn good the last time I saw you. Congrats on the weight-loss

Yeah.. I decided to stop weighing Meself... I just go by how I look and feel :bunny:

Yeah, I need to to that more often instead of getting on the scale and getting all discouraged and frustrated.

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I need to eat better! Maybe that would give me the energy to exercise. Perhaps if I concentrated, not on avoiding "no-no" foods, but ensuring that I eat all the healthy foods I need, I would have more success in eating healthier. Right now, I'm undone by chocolate chip cookies. I bake them every day and one always finds its way into my mouth somehow. (Well, I feel badly for the deformed ones; no one will buy them! "Poor Quasimodo cookie--I will love you!")

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Week 10 is now over, and I'm working on week 11. I didn't make the best choices of food on my birthday weekend, but I do believe I did not overdo anything, so I think I'm doing well. I just got my last hemoglobin a1c results and it came back at a 5.2 (less than 5.7 and you're in REALLY good standings). At the start of my exercising, my hemoglobin a1c was 7, so I've come a long way. My healthy lifestyle has afforded me some fantastic weight loss, and possibly a few more years onto my life. :)

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not to rain on your parade at all, but if that's all you're eating, it's not really all that healthy. you don't seem to have much fat in your diet, nor complex carbs, nor protein. fat is important (especially for men) due to it's effect on testosterone levels in the body. if you don't get enough protein, you'll lose muscle tissue, which will decrease your overall metabolism, and complex carbs, like cold-rolled/steel-cut oatmeal, don't spike insulin levels the way fruits/simple sugars do. what's your overall diet like? (below is a quote regarding dietary fat & T-levels, just fyi)


Thanks for the info brotha. :unworthy:

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Well I can honestly say that I used to be over 400 lbs back in 2005, then became diabetic, Last sept I was around 280, now I am 181 lbs, so it is a big difference, I am still a bit chunky, just trying to tone myself up. hehehehe..... Good luck to all those who are trying and figting the battle..

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Well I can honestly say that I used to be over 400 lbs back in 2005, then became diabetic, Last sept I was around 280, now I am 181 lbs, so it is a big difference, I am still a bit chunky, just trying to tone myself up. hehehehe..... Good luck to all those who are trying and figting the battle..

Wow thats alot of weight loss in a small amount of time! Im glad your taking care of yourself with the diabeties and all.

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I haven't really done anything the last few days except lift weights a couple of times. I'm slacking off and I don't fucking care. I needed a break. Tomorrow I'm going to fight conditioning class and Thursday is KM class. Friday, I'll drag myself to the gym....if I have energy..

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Week 11 is now complete!!! No new weight loss to report, BUT I did run a mile and walk two miles today..w00h00!!! I'm feeling empowered.

I have "Fitness Point" appointment on Monday, where they'll tell me what my body fat index is (no I will not share this with the rest of you) but they will also give me advice on what types of exercises I will need to do to optimize my workout, and get the body that I've been working toward.

Edited by hunhee
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So yesterday I went to the gym and did the elliptical for 40 minutes. I did the cross country program so I would sometimes be at a steep incline. I increased the resisstance to 3 because it was too easy for me. I had lifted weights at home for my arms, shoulders and back so for my legs I did the leg press machine, used 100lbs and did as many reps as I could do. Found out I can do 40. I'm sore as hell. The night before I went to KM class.

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I really should try going to the gym...I'm just such a wimp. And my schedule is so hectic...I could never get down a routine. :confused:

don't have to get a routine down, just do something whenever you feel like it. the more often you do, the more you'll enjoy it, and you might find yourself wanting to workout more often!

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don't have to get a routine down, just do something whenever you feel like it. the more often you do, the more you'll enjoy it, and you might find yourself wanting to workout more often!

True...I guess I just need to force myself to go to the YMCA some day...

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