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The Biggest Loser DGN Style


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1) correct me if i'm wrong - is that "150 cal. to 800 cal/day"? is your doctor aware of this? in no way am i trying to be insulting here, but 800 cal/day is dangerous if not medically supervised, and 150 cal/day is flat-out insane! i don't care how heavy someone is, they have to eat, and eat enpugh to support their bodily functions. the lowest cal intake i've ever seen recommended (unsupervised) is 1200/day. neinna was on 800/day for a while, but checked in with a doc & got blood work regularly. believe it or not, if this calorie intake is true, you're in starvation mode and will find it very hard to lose weight.

this might be due to your not eating anywhere near enough of the right foods. oatmeal, lean meats/fish, fruits & veggies are really all you should be eating (and yeah, i know i'm not a doctor) :wink speaking of which, are you keeping a food journal yet? and if so, have you shown it to the doc? and if not, i would suggest starting and letting him see what you're eating daily. you might want to try a site like www fitday.com, or www.thedailyplate.com to track your eating. i use fitday all the time, and it's great!

all that being said, congrats on shedding #20, and i hope you keep at it! :thumbup:

Well I know its not much and I am actually working on this. Its possibly cause as recently I been doing alot of fasting. My doctor is aware that I have IBS and that I have a lack of appetite. I have been trying to actually eat a little bit more lately. I for dinner had a chicken fajita and could barely eat the whole thing. I had a few tortilla chips with it. I think I did well today and had around 1000 calories with my fruit juice and fajita. Its just so easy for me not to even both eating. I dont get hunger pains and usually it takes my mom or someone nudging me or sticking something in front of me lately. A few weeks ago I went like 4 solid days without eating. Not that I am doing this on purpose. I am surely not trying to starve myself. I know thats not the right way to lose weight. Though I will admit I have a insecurity about eating especially in front of people due to being overweight. the stigma attached to being obese and being harassed, picked on, rejected and even treated badly by my own father may be part of this.All things that I need to work on in being healthy in mind and body. I am working on finding that balance. Part of the reason I also dont eat is at times when I am going through a manic episode I cant sleep either and with the mood stabilizers I am on it makes me lose hunger. I have talked to my doctor and psychiatrist both about these things and its just something that has to be monitored and worked on. I guess maybe blogging on here or talking to people about my own experiences could possibly help. I only guess the main thing in past was a small worry of being judged and ridiculed by opening up about my struggle with weight loss as even in the scene it seems like people can be a bit harsh and just as mean and nasty to larger people. I try not to let it get to me and usually just accept the fact it is what it is. People are ignorant and think they make themselves feel good by mocking others for imperfections. I dont want to be thin to gain acceptance. I pretty much make up for my size with having a great personality and my talents. I dont have too much trouble finding nice and attractive guys to date. I just want to be healthy and be able to enjoy a long healthy life and not be limited on what i can do. Its embarrassing when your so big you cant go on some rides, or feeling knackered and worn out faster than a average person when doing alot of physical activity. I hate it when I wanna dance the night away but its hard to do cool dance moves or dance as long as I want without taking breaks to sit down. I also dont wanna be limited or ripped off in my clothing selection and style. Big clothes cost more $$ due to more materials used. Not to mention styles are so limited and wearing things that are flattering to ones shape and body not trying to pull something I may really like off and looking like a fat hippo in a tutu lol.

So its something I guess I wanna talk about and hopefully get some support and help with reaching my goals. I always rely so much on myself for fear of being ridiculed or rejected. I been a very self reliant person most my life. If I want it done right i will do it myself kind of things and having a impatience with things going slow. so since Im starting a new life now since my divorce and wiping the slate clean and working more on myself I am going to share my thoughts, struggles and journey.

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11 pounds until goal. Current weight 166. Start weight 230.

My doctor wants me to stay where I am at but I want to keep going per Medical Weight Loss's goal that we set together.

But, I don't feel attractive at all, so maybe I will even try to get smaller.

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Today I did:

30 inclined sit-ups @ a 60 degree incline

10 sit-ups at a vertical incline

20 "good-mornings"

20 hindu push-ups

20 diamond push-ups

2 sets of about 30 forearm curls on both top and bottom

1 minute of jump rope

ran a half mile in about 4 minutes (not great, but meh. shin splints suck.)

20 lunges

50 regular crunches

1 minute side-plank each side

did a pyramid punching drill on the heavy bag with 6.5lb dumbbells (started at 1 each hand to 10 each hand then back down to one i.e.: 1 left, 1 right, 2 left, 2 right, etc up to 10 and back), man that drill is hard!

15 minutes of meditation (yes meditation counts! it is the foundation of all true martial arts!)

15 minutes of tai chi

then about 30 minutes on the heavy bag with random punch/kick/sidestepping drills.

All in all not a terrible day. I think my abs and arms are starting to tone up. And I'm starting to be able to throw some decent side and hook kicks finally (almost no power still, but the technique is coming along. gimme a break I'm only a month in!). I have tai chi followed by kung-fu class tomorrow, and this week I'll be starting brazilian jiu jutsu classes! Yay! Need to stop smoking cigarettes again so I can actually get some real endurance training started. I'm really noticing the difference between not smoking at all and even smoking a little bit has on my overall energy.

Been doing ok on the food thing. Mostly stir-fry (cooked w/o oil) and subway subs w/o cheese. I cheat some and will have a donut, burger, or candy a couple times a week, but I" justify it with persistence in training and excersise. Lots of chicken, fruit and veggies though.

My only lament here is that I don't have access to proper weight training equipment so I'm still missing a vital component of the full regimen. But it's ok. That will all come in time as long as I stick with the martial arts. Here's to perseverance!

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Very nice, OMG.

Now, I am wondering something. If I go sit outside for the next two hours and sweat, does that count as exercise?

Just kidding.

I didn't go to class today because they blocked off the damn streets for a street fair. And I didn't go to the gym because as soon as I went outside, I went back inside. So I just lifted weights which I am about to go again even though I did it at about 1am because I couldn't sleep.

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Very nice, OMG.

Now, I am wondering something. If I go sit outside for the next two hours and sweat, does that count as exercise?

Just kidding.

I didn't go to class today because they blocked off the damn streets for a street fair. And I didn't go to the gym because as soon as I went outside, I went back inside. So I just lifted weights which I am about to go again even though I did it at about 1am because I couldn't sleep.

Thanks :biggrin:

I worked out extra today cuz the gym is air conditioned and Me house is not :p

I figured I would be sweating anyhow.. Why not do it in the cool air.

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Question for those of you who take various fitness classes and care to answer:

Where do you go? What establishment and what city?

I will have a little extra money coming in soon and I'd like to take one or two exercise-related classes a week. I can't stand just working out on my own, I get bored way too easily, but being in a class with other people tends to motivate me to keep moving. I was doing quite a bit of walking, but then I sprained my ankle, and I've been afraid to do too much walking until it heals a little more.

As for weight loss, that's going well. I have lost 11 mores lbs, and I am now only about 3 lbs. over what I weighed when my mom died. Some of the stress belly-fat I had gained is starting to go away, so that makes me happy.

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*hangs head in shame* I am going to admit that I haz been slacking off the last few weeks with the cardio and weight-lifting. And it's seriously having an effect on me metabolism because instead of having the super high metabolism I had when I was lifting and doing more cardio, it has now gone to shit. So today, I'm going to start eating better, no little pieces of candy from the candy jar at work and no chips. I'm gonna start seriously tracking everything that I eat and will work hard to make better choices. Today I lifted weights, but I didn't do any cardio. Tomorrow, I'm going to the gym right after work so I have no excuse to not go. Wednesday, back to KM class and weights.

I'm having a minor outpatient procedure done on my leg Thursday so I'm hoping by Saturday I can make it to KM class in the morning. I guess the good thing is, is that I have not gained weight. That is all.

Edited by KatRN05
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11 pounds until goal. Current weight 166. Start weight 230.

My doctor wants me to stay where I am at but I want to keep going per Medical Weight Loss's goal that we set together.

But, I don't feel attractive at all, so maybe I will even try to get smaller.

NEVER...judge your own sexie level...

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I have been walking more, watching what I eat and cut way back on snacks. Over 18 months I have dropped almost 50lbs. I am down from a 40 inch waist to a 36 waist. I am now around 218 lbs. At one time I weighed 265lbs. I finally got my weight bench set up but the heatwave stopped my workouts since it's in the garage. And I have to be careful lifting since I threw my shoulder out in Dec of 08 and finally got it back in in Dec of 09. I don't want to mess it up again so I am starting light. But I look a little strange because my face is thinner so I look bad on cam. Still have a belly but not as bad. But I do need to build up my arms now. At least I can wear an xl shirt comfortably instead of a 2x or 3x shirt.

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I have been walking more, watching what I eat and cut way back on snacks. Over 18 months I have dropped almost 50lbs. I am down from a 40 inch waist to a 36 waist. I am now around 218 lbs. At one time I weighed 265lbs. I finally got my weight bench set up but the heatwave stopped my workouts since it's in the garage. And I have to be careful lifting since I threw my shoulder out in Dec of 08 and finally got it back in in Dec of 09. I don't want to mess it up again so I am starting light. But I look a little strange because my face is thinner so I look bad on cam. Still have a belly but not as bad. But I do need to build up my arms now. At least I can wear an xl shirt comfortably instead of a 2x or 3x shirt.

really nice work, draco! btw, regarding your shoulder issue, how much are you working on your back? rows (standing and bent-over) pullups (even if you help by jumping) etc. will all help support your shoulder girdle. if it's really bad, you may want to start with something like this (check out the other vids of his as well.)

keep at it, bud! :thumbup:

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i'm doing pretty well - 2nd week of sheiko #29 training, and it's going great! tweaked my lower back tonight but it didn't slow me down. (going to try some self-myofascial release stuff to see if i can loosen it up a bit. also, got to do front squats for the first time - what a weird position!

anyway, weighed in at 192 yesterday morning, so overall, i'm really pleased!

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I can see where stress may cause you to gain weight...but usually when I'm stressing out to the point of having one of my "anxiety episodes", I lose weight. But that could probably be mostly due to the fact that I refuse to eat very much when I'm in such a stste. It would make sense for me to want to eat more to console myself, though, or something of that sort...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I signed up for the unlimited contract at The Fighting Fit. I went today for two hours. One hour of kickboxing and this is not your typical pussified kickboxing class that one would take at Bally's or the YMCA, it was hard as hell. After that class, I went to my KM level 1/2 class for another hour. I am so freaking sore but it feels good.

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I can see where stress may cause you to gain weight...but usually when I'm stressing out to the point of having one of my "anxiety episodes", I lose weight. But that could probably be mostly due to the fact that I refuse to eat very much when I'm in such a stste. It would make sense for me to want to eat more to console myself, though, or something of that sort...

I don't find the fullness of the stomach as a comforting feeling...my 'console-ment food' is bread & butter dipped in soup..or a gourmet style salad...as opposed to the cake, candy, & ice cream that many seek solace in...

...& I find it IMPOSSIBLE to eat during an anxiety attack..quite the norm, I heard...food, is a often drug for the sad of heart, not somuch of those with the twitch of head ;)

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Well, this week has been going well. I've been to classes almost every day. Tuesday I took off for some rest. Wednesday night was KM class for level 1/2 then I went to ground-fighting class after that, so it was a total 2 hours and 30 minutes of hard work. Tonight I went to cross-training. My cardio sucks so this class is going to help with that because we ran a lot. Barry gave us four exercises to do. Two of the exercises we used kettlebells and we're supposed to do 50 reps for each exercise but Barry said to do our personal best. It really kicked my ass. Tomorrow, I think I'm just going to KM class and that is it. I'm hella sore tonight but I know it will pay off.

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