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The Biggest Loser DGN Style


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Been doing the p90x classic routine with a few modifications. Gotta do something till I get my wheels and get back into martial arts class.

Basically I'm doing a little more hardcore than the standard p90x. Not that the regular isn't brutal, but I added more martial arts practice as "cardio" every day. Unless I feel way exhausted.Then I just do one workout. I replaced the kenpo stuff with kung-fu equivalents, so getting a great workout to the video while practicing techniques (only striking and footwork sadly) that I already know. I do an hour of kung-fu, followed by an hour of weight lifting on a specific group or couple groups of muscle (i.e. one day is chest and back or legs and back), followed by an intense 17 minute core routine. That's 3 days a week every other day. On the odd days I do kung-fu followed by as much of the yoga video as I can make it through. Man oh man I had no idea yoga was so awesome. And it's hard as HELL. So far I've only made it about 40 minutes into the video, which is almost all of the strength and conditioning portion minus like 3 minutes. Warrior 3 to half moon to half moon twist is like wtficantdothatman! But I keep trying each time I do the routine I get better. So I think it'll really pay off. Also the yoga helps with my back pain and general happiness a lot. I almost feel euphoric at the end even.

God I can't get back into kung-fu/bjj/tai-chi class soon enough. I'm going crazy here!

Edited by Musashi
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Can't wait until this week is over. I've had so many papers I've been writing for the last two weeks and two more due before Friday. Starting this Friday I can finally get my thick ass back in the gym! :peanutbutterjellytime:

Can't wait until this week is over. I've had so many papers I've been writing for the last two weeks and two more due before Friday. Starting this Friday I can finally get my thick ass back in the gym! :peanutbutterjellytime:
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Going to aim for capoeira next semester. The only shitty part is the closest place to learn is like...Ann Arbor I think? I've always wanted to be a break-dancer but have also wanted to learn a fighting style, now I can do both, and nobody will be able to stand up to my cheap-ass Eddy Gordo moves :rofl:.

Going to aim for capoeira next semester. The only shitty part is the closest place to learn is like...Ann Arbor I think? I've always wanted to be a break-dancer but have also wanted to learn a fighting style, now I can do both, and nobody will be able to stand up to my cheap-ass Eddy Gordo moves :rofl:.

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KM 1/2 class from 6-7pm, then KM Advanced from 7-7:45pm. I went to the gym this morning, ran a five-minute warm-up, HIIT for 17.5 minutes on the treadmill then lifted weights. I intended on going to the Advanced kickboxing class tonight but I think my body is telling me to rest. I am sore and I feel like shit.

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I’m at the end of a creatine loading phase right now, burning through whey twice every workout day, and hitting the weights cracked out on jack3d which is good for energy. Yesterday I got in a shoulder and ab workout, then did burpees (my favorite form of cardio right now) till I was crawling to a chair; so that should help burn some of the dirty calories I took in this week.

Tonight is back training. :peanutbutterjellytime: >.>

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Went to the KM 1/2 class then KM advanced after. Total time: 1 hour and 45 minutes. We went over choke from behind defense and choke from behind against a wall. The instructor made us stand facing a wall with our eyes closed then we were attacked from behind and we had to defend. I did ok. I need to work on my strikes. I'm not fast enough and it really is messing with me. In the KM advanced class, we went over knife defenses. It was good times.

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I always get confused on this so I want some opinions. I've been lifting 3x per week. I've been using heavy weights, heavy enough that I can do 10 reps. Now that I've "built" muscle, should I lower the weight that I am lifting and do more reps?

depends on what you want, what your goals are. if you'd like to talk about options & where to go from here,send me a pm. once i get to work, we can discuss it, and i can try to find you some 'external' resources to read up on.

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I'm posting this so hopefully I can look back and be pleased with my progress.

I still look okay due to my frame, but I think I've gained 30 lbs since MANFAST.

It's okay I really enjoyed the food I ate. (The worst would be to eat regular food and get fat anyway)

I suppose it's time to turn over a new leaf.

30 lbs until I can take my shirt off when people ask me to get naked at a party

40 lbs until I feel I look pretty good.

50 lbs until I'm happy

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I'm posting this so hopefully I can look back and be pleased with my progress.

I still look okay due to my frame, but I think I've gained 30 lbs since MANFAST.

It's okay I really enjoyed the food I ate. (The worst would be to eat regular food and get fat anyway)

I suppose it's time to turn over a new leaf.

30 lbs until I can take my shirt off when people ask me to get naked at a party

40 lbs until I feel I look pretty good.

50 lbs until I'm happy

You can come over and use my gym anytime.

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I’m lifting heavy, eating like a whore, and making steady gains. I have to lower my deadlift weight which blows, and I might just not be able to do them for a long while, but hopefully not permanently; I probably pulled a muscle in my lower back, the first time from trying 140 pound deadlifts with good form, and now I can no longer do 135 because it made the pain come back. =\ My hands are tingling hardcore from Jack3d and I’m about to do doing legs, abs, and cardio. >.>

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The nutrition end of fitness is equally important as exercise so I decided to post mine since I plan to eventually look and stay ripped when I'm done gaining weight. I have been taking in less-stellar calories on a weekly basis, on top of that and apart from dressing, here’s the good stuff in my diet that lets me maintain some ab definition while gaining weight; IMHO, this food is equally good with enough water, and the right portions, for toning and losing body-fat.

Water, sparkling water, tuna with whole-grain crackers, peanut butter and celery, pb&j, whole wheat bread, whole grain rice, oatmeal, coffee, dry roasted peanuts, turkey, turkey sausage, clean chicken wings/breast, bananas, apples, grapes, carrots, broccoli (raw cut-up stalks + thousand island dressing, exceptional for energy), baked potatoes, romaine salad + thousand island dressing, beef jerky, eggs (omelets with cheese or sea-salt).. red meat is so/so, it has more fat than clean white meat so its best to eat more rarely.

Note: These are just the healthy foods I like. There's more stuff on nutrition here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/bbmainnut.htm

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This week hasn't been bad. Tuesday, I went to kickboxing and Krav Maga. Yesterday, I went to Krav Maga and ground-fighting. Tonight, I'm going to cross-training then tomorrow I am going to kickboxing and Krav Mage. Two more weeks until the Level 3 test.

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