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The Biggest Loser DGN Style


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SO motivated. Glad that I'm finally back. The only regret is letting myself go this bad at this stage in life, would have been SO much easier to shed all this weight even just a few years ago. The theory that your metabolism decreases in efficiency by approximately 1% annually beginning at age 21 has got to be correct, because this shit is a little harder than I remember. I don't get wiped as easily from working out though as I did when I first lost my weight years ago because when I did it then, my body was not used to exercise at ALL. Now, even though I haven't done it in a minute, I'm surprised that it's like riding a bike after so many years of not doing it and I don't become completely exhausted in pain like I did. Just, the fat seems to melt away slower though, only problem.

I'm a size, probably 14-16 right now (34 x 34 in dude's), goal is to become thin enough to fit into my really cute pin-stripe skirt that I was only able to wear a few times until my life fell apart and I gained massive pounds. It's a size 7, let's see how this works :laugh:.

SO motivated. Glad that I'm finally back. The only regret is letting myself go this bad at this stage in life, would have been SO much easier to shed all this weight even just a few years ago. The theory that your metabolism decreases in efficiency by approximately 1% annually beginning at age 21 has got to be correct, because this shit is a little harder than I remember. I don't get wiped as easily from working out though as I did when I first lost my weight years ago because when I did it then, my body was not used to exercise at ALL. Now, even though I haven't done it in a minute, I'm surprised that it's like riding a bike after so many years of not doing it and I don't become completely exhausted in pain like I did. Just, the fat seems to melt away slower though, only problem.

I'm a size, probably 14-16 right now (34 x 34 in dude's), goal is to become thin enough to fit into my really cute pin-stripe skirt that I was only able to wear a few times until my life fell apart and I gained massive pounds. It's a size 7, let's see how this works :laugh:.

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Haven't worked out since Saturday's Level 3 Krav Maga test. Well, it was kind of a well-deserved four days off since the test itself was 4 hours. Today, I'm going over to Slogo/LOS/LillyLu's house. They got a punching bag in the garage and I thought I would beat the crap out of it for a bit then torture Slogo with some Tabata training. I'm making him do 8 rounds of kettlebell swings, 8 rounds of push-press with Kettlebells and 8 rounds of squats. Each round is 20 seconds on and 10 seconds of rest, total of 4 minutes once the 8 rounds are done.

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Haven't worked out since Saturday's Level 3 Krav Maga test. Well, it was kind of a well-deserved four days off since the test itself was 4 hours. Today, I'm going over to Slogo/LOS/LillyLu's house. They got a punching bag in the garage and I thought I would beat the crap out of it for a bit then torture Slogo with some Tabata training. I'm making him do 8 rounds of kettlebell swings, 8 rounds of push-press with Kettlebells and 8 rounds of squats. Each round is 20 seconds on and 10 seconds of rest, total of 4 minutes once the 8 rounds are done.

I hate you. Lol j/k

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Sorry I didnt post til now.

Ive been busy winning like a muthafucka

That and I don't get inspired by reading how much more intense everyone else

is working out.

30 lbs until I can take my shirt off when people ask me to get naked at a party

40 lbs until I feel I look pretty good.

50 lbs until I'm happy

The real question is how many lbs til the pant's come off at said party...

Oh, the pants are ready now!

The button's about to pop off, and my ass still looks nice and round.

Once you come to terms with the gayness Nick appointed to all the men at Tszura/NGs place, you'll be the first to see it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think I overdid it last week. I trained five day, most days for two hours. I only took a day off twice. I went to Krav 1/2 then cross-training on Monday, three classes with total time 2 hours and 45 minutes. Yesterday, I went to the Bas Rutten class. It's only an hour long and that's all I did. This morning I ran on the dreadmill, 1 minute running, 1 minute walking fast for 15 minutes then lifted weights. Ground-fighting is tonight and I will be there for that.

Anyone have any running programs? I am trying to work on my endurance. I am doing a 5k run in July called the Warrior Dash.

Edited by KatRN05
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Topped out at 305 calories. Anyone REALLY wants to know why I keep posting my number it's because I usually write it down in a folder, but the folder is in my car, which should be on the way home if Pest got off work on time.

Topped out at 305 calories. Anyone REALLY wants to know why I keep posting my number it's because I usually write it down in a folder, but the folder is in my car, which should be on the way home if Pest got off work on time.
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So, I thought all of my DDR games for PS2 were at Boshy's house, packed away in a box someplace. After class last night, the boyfriend and I stop off at her house to pick them up, at which point he informs me they're in the basement at our house in the entertainment center :X . Clearly an error in communication...

The good news though, is that they're in my possession and am going to stomp the FUCK out them right NOW :peanutbutterjellytime:.

So, I thought all of my DDR games for PS2 were at Boshy's house, packed away in a box someplace. After class last night, the boyfriend and I stop off at her house to pick them up, at which point he informs me they're in the basement at our house in the entertainment center :X . Clearly an error in communication...

The good news though, is that they're in my possession and am going to stomp the FUCK out them right NOW :peanutbutterjellytime:.

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I'm bulking another year. I'm just going to run through the supps I have left and then not put any money into them since I'm getting steady gains without them. I can't deadlift or do bent-over bb rows because my lower back is screwed up from deadlifting too much weight. >.>

So I really need to lose some fucking weight...I'm to that point where my body is depressing me which is causing me to eat more. I'm losing my mind with this shit. Somebody help me

I typed up a 3 day split for a friend if you want a copy, the exercises can be googled. It was made out of mine which is a little different and is a 4 day. The nutrition aspect is all small changes over time.

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I'm bulking another year. I'm just going to run through the supps I have left and then not put any money into them since I'm getting steady gains without them. I can't deadlift or do bent-over bb rows because my lower back is screwed up from deadlifting too much weight. >.>

I typed up a 3 day split for a friend if you want a copy, the exercises can be googled. It was made out of mine which is a little different and is a 4 day. The nutrition aspect is all small changes over time.

If you tweaked your back doing deadlifts, you might want to deload once you're healed up and work on form. Once you get form straightened out you might even find that you'll be able to pull a bit more than your last max. That's how it turned out for me anyway.

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Haven't posted in a while so here goes. Monday, went to the gym in the morning. I ran intervals on the treadmill for 15 minutes, lifted weights then went to two Krav Maga classes that night. Tuesday, I went to kickboxing, Krav Maga and then the Krav Maga weapons class. This morning, probably against my better judgment (i'm sore), I went to kickboxing and Krav Maga class. I'm skipping ground-fighting tonight. My shoulders are absolutely killing me but I still want to go lift weights tomorrow morning as long as I am not still sore.

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If you tweaked your back doing deadlifts, you might want to deload once you're healed up and work on form. Once you get form straightened out you might even find that you'll be able to pull a bit more than your last max. That's how it turned out for me anyway.

My form was good in my opinion, straight arched back, weight close, legs spaced with shoulders. I was on jack3d, and I thought because my legs could take the weight I could deadlift my bodyweight. Even with a straight arched back, my lower back still wasn’t ready for the pressure on it. If I ever can do deadlifts again I will be doing much less weight.

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My form was good in my opinion, straight arched back, weight close, legs spaced with shoulders. I was on jack3d, and I thought because my legs could take the weight I could deadlift my bodyweight. Even with a straight arched back, my lower back still wasn’t ready for the pressure on it. If I ever can do deadlifts again I will be doing much less weight.

If you don't mind me asking, what does your program look like?

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If you don't mind me asking, what does your program look like?

I do switch or add exercises but here’s mainly what I’m doing for bulking, its 4 days but was originally a 5 day split, its become more simplistic. Just as a note if anyone uses or takes from this, without deadlifts its harder to build up the lower back.

(If I can do extra sets I do. Warm-up with small weights, not to fatigue, if necessary. Lately my cardio is burpees. I’ve been doing combinations of crazy rowers, crunchers, leg-lifts, and reverse crunchers for abs.)

Monday - Chest

Barbell Bench 5x5

DB Pec Flys 5x5

Weighted Pushups w/db for handlebars, 45 lb 2 sets near fatigue (without collapsing)

Abs & intense cardio

Tuesday - Arms

Biceps -

Incline Bicep DB curls 5x5

Standing EZ bar curls 5x5

Triceps -

Skull Crushers 5x5

Tricep Extensions 5x5

DB wrist curls - 2 sets

Wednesday - Legs

Squats 5x5

Calf Raises 3 sets to fatigue

Weighted lunges (w/db’s, counting it as intense cardio) 3 sets to fatigue


Thursday - Off

Friday - Shoulders & Back

Shoulders -

DB lat Raise or DB front lat raise 5x5

Barbell Shrugs 3 or 5 sets

Barbell shoulder press or barbell upright rows 5x5

Back -

Wide grip pull-ups 5x5

Bent-over db rows 5x5

Abs and intense cardio.

Saturday and Sunday - Off

Edited by Coffeenated
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