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The Biggest Loser DGN Style


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I decided yesterday to get off my dupa and go to the gym. I have been feeling a bit flabby. I havent been there in months. I got on the scale and I was 189lbs. I was disgusted with myself so I am hitting the gym and being more active to look good this summer. I also find dancing more at the clubs really works for me.


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:bunny:DRINK WATER :bunny:

The best thing to do is stick with that fantastic weight loss miracle drink... WATER. No secret there, and no calories either. Drinking a glass of water before meals will help prevent overeating and drinking it with your meal will save you calories and money. It's a win, win.

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For all you folks who don't want to go run for your cardo and conditioning try this, courtesy of the mighty Ross Enamait.

from RossTraining.com

Perform 5 circuits of the following:

* 5 Dumbbell Snatches Per Arm

* 5 Dumbbell Swings Per Arm

* 10 Burpees

* Rest (up to) 60 seconds and repeat

I'm doing it with 45lbers currently, and about 30seconds of rest. It sucks. If you haven't worked out much, even doing it with those little rubberized 1-5lbers would probably work. I run too, but this seems to work much better for me.

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For all you folks who don't want to go run for your cardo and conditioning try this, courtesy of the mighty Ross Enamait.

from RossTraining.com

Perform 5 circuits of the following:

* 5 Dumbbell Snatches Per Arm

* 5 Dumbbell Swings Per Arm

* 10 Burpees

* Rest (up to) 60 seconds and repeat

I'm doing it with 45lbers currently, and about 30seconds of rest. It sucks. If you haven't worked out much, even doing it with those little rubberized 1-5lbers would probably work. I run too, but this seems to work much better for me.

for those of you who might be a bit inexperienced, please don't try either of the first two exercises, without having a knowledgeable coach/instructor present, as these can be a bit dangerous if done incorrectly.

"burpees" are great, but beyond many beginners' capabilitites as well. you can modify them to make them a bit easier (yet still challenging) by removing both the pushup component, and the end-jump component. when i first started trying these, that's what i had to do. basically, they become squat-thrusts.

from a standing position, squat down until your hands (palms) are touching the floor, closeto/directly next to your feet/shoes. at this point, you kick both feet out behind you, so that your approximately in the beginning position of a conventional pushup. pull both feet back up to your hands (the original squat position), then stand up. that's one repetition.

try to start with three sets of 10 squat-thrusts. when they get easy, add reps or sets, or add in a jump at the end (rather than just standing up, you'll try to jump as high as you can, and immediately upon landing, drop to the squat position again, and repeat.) once that's easy, add in the pushup. (when you kick your feet out behind you, lower your body at the same time, with your arms, so that when your feet are all the way back, you're in a "down" pushup position.) when you pull your feet back up to your hands, you should also push yourself up to a straight-arm position, then stand/jump again.

this can be a really fun, simple, and *quick* exercise, and it can be done virtually anywhere, at almost any time!

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My problem is I need to get active.

I don't really work out every day....I would like to, but I watch too much TV and sit around online.


It sucks.

One good thing.

I do think thin, and I talk to my body every day...

I tell it I love it and spend at least 15 minutes giving it POSITIVE attention.


I find that depression or anger can stop someone from exercising.....I have that problem a lot.

That...and I've been pmsing for the past 5 days.


Thanks O.M.G.

We are LIVING WATER.....

and they have done studies showing that positive energy and talking to water, can clean and charge (program) it.

So talk to your body.

Identify with it....

If you have ever felt love...think of that feeling and focus on it....LOVE your body.

NO matter what you weigh,

or what illness you may have...remember love is key.

Also I have learned that fear is the root to ALL illness.

So keep that in mind when on your path to better health ^_^.

How the fuck do you keep so damn positive? I've never seen your body type, so I'm not saying you in particular (I have no idea what you look like other than your face) but I envy people who can be positive in their body type no matter what.

I think it's my upbringing, in my family if you're not thin enough to be on Victoria's Secret...then you're morbidly obese. I've always been the tallest (i.e. gumpiest as they say) most oddly built (i.e. "lanky and unproportionate" as they would call me. Family also called me "Shelf Ass" because they said my ass was so huge and misshapen, and this was when I was 6, that you could probably set books on it) and heaviest (i.e. fattest, we don't say "thick" or "curvy" in my family, they say "fat" and mean it in the nastiest way possible) female in my twig thin family, and if you're not a petite waif in my family, you're not perfect and therefore worthless.

Like right now, I'm 183 and I think that I'm so gigantically huge that I've gone back to being Trenchcoat J (my highschool nickname) and never going out in public unless being almost fully covered by my trenchcoat (and yes, I even wore it all summer long in 90 degree heat because I was so mortified in high school about how I looked). The only time I've ever felt "not fat" was when my ribs were practially showing at 130 lbs.

I'm so messed up in my head, everything is so fucking skewed from being raised up all Fakeville like, I need tips on how to get some self-esteem and self-respect :laugh:. People always tell me to look in the mirror and pick out something you like about your body/appearance and compliment yourself...but there's ABSOLUTELY NOTHING I think is aesthetically pleasing about my body. Which I know is completely fucked up and wrong, and yet somehow I can't convince myself otherwise. Give me tips, DAMNIT!

Edited by Chernobyl
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Wheeee going to the gym later. After seeing all those way-hotter-than-me girls at Oblivion last Saturday...I absolutely am disgusted and appaled and hate myself like none other, SO I must fix! :laugh:
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Cher: I have a self esteem tip for you. Learn to love the skin that you're in. I hated myself. Growing up, I was too skinny and ugly. I was poor, I didn't have nice things, I was told that I was ugly by everyone in school.

I didn't learn to love who I am til I started dating Jeff. I not only love being me and appreciate my body, I fucking DARE anyone to tell me that I'm NOT attractive and that I'm NOT worthy. Your family fucked you up, girl. I'd be telling them to suck a fat one.

I skate my fucking ass off (or maybe I'm building a hotter one!), I eat right, I'm beginning to feel different about my heath. I'm getting ready to take yoga with a woman who travels to India and studies with some freakin' awesome yogis. I'm trying out for the Detroit Derby Girls. If I make it, then I fucking rule in MY universe. Even if I don't, I fucking rule in MY universe.

OMG...Jeff and I need to get 2 containers of that powder, and he's out of his drops for gout. And I want to know if you guys carry skull cap in capsule form.


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Wheeee going to the gym later. After seeing all those way-hotter-than-me girls at Oblivion last Saturday...I absolutely am disgusted and appaled and hate myself like none other, SO I must fix! :laugh:

I get where you're coming from. I pretty much have to feel a certain amount of self-dissatisfaction before I will actually get off my big butt and do anything about it.

Even right now, I think I am way too heavy, but I know how to dress so that I seem thinner than I am. People keep telling me that I look good, and, even though I don't agree, it lessens my motivation to do anything about it.

My family is the opposite of what you described. If you are under 200 lbs. you get called "skinny" in my family, and people try to force you to eat fattening stuff. Most of the women in my family are 5'8' or taller, but still... My mom, my aunt and I are pretty much the only relatively normal sized women in my family, or at least just mildly overweight versus obese.

Anyway, since I have to re-sign up for my summer classes anyway (they dis-enrolled me because I haven't paid yet) I think I am going to add a yoga class to the line up. Maybe it'll be easier for me to exercise if I have to for a grade at least 1-2 times a week.

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I know for one I really want to loose Me excess poundage... & I know there are others here that feel the same way.

I say we "get together" & share our goals, plans, & knowledge.

If we have support & more input we are more likely to reach our goals.

We all have little tips we have learned through the years, so let's share.

Anyone have any food tips, foods that help increase your metabolism & foods that satisfy those "bad" cravings??

Know any exercise moves that speed up the process??

This is now the place where we can all come to bitch about the bad & celebrate the good :biggrin:

Let's keep this healthy kids, so it can be a permanent fix & not just a temporary solution...

Not eating healthy is an unacceptable way to loose weight {I should know}

:w00t: Ladies & Gentleman it is time for all of us to get off of our lazy asses & exercise :w00t:


Let's try to post frequently to keep it at the top, so we have a constant reminder.. I will be here everyday

:secret: Or somebody could pin it :rolleyes:

Last year I was 310 lbs. I currently weigh 250.

I feel so much better now.

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How the fuck do you keep so damn positive? I've never seen your body type, so I'm not saying you in particular (I have no idea what you look like other than your face) but I envy people who can be positive in their body type no matter what.

I think it's my upbringing, in my family if you're not thin enough to be on Victoria's Secret...then you're morbidly obese. I've always been the tallest (i.e. gumpiest as they say) most oddly built (i.e. "lanky and unproportionate" as they would call me. Family also called me "Shelf Ass" because they said my ass was so huge and misshapen, and this was when I was 6, that you could probably set books on it) and heaviest (i.e. fattest, we don't say "thick" or "curvy" in my family, they say "fat" and mean it in the nastiest way possible) female in my twig thin family, and if you're not a petite waif in my family, you're not perfect and therefore worthless.

Like right now, I'm 183 and I think that I'm so gigantically huge that I've gone back to being Trenchcoat J (my highschool nickname) and never going out in public unless being almost fully covered by my trenchcoat (and yes, I even wore it all summer long in 90 degree heat because I was so mortified in high school about how I looked). The only time I've ever felt "not fat" was when my ribs were practially showing at 130 lbs.

I'm so messed up in my head, everything is so fucking skewed from being raised up all Fakeville like, I need tips on how to get some self-esteem and self-respect :laugh:. People always tell me to look in the mirror and pick out something you like about your body/appearance and compliment yourself...but there's ABSOLUTELY NOTHING I think is aesthetically pleasing about my body. Which I know is completely fucked up and wrong, and yet somehow I can't convince myself otherwise. Give me tips, DAMNIT!

...Dude.....you know why I don't talk to my mother's side of the family? They are all fuckin' bigoted & judgmental ass hats...always talkin' shit...& pointin' a finger...well...you know who is watching THEM? G*D...yup..IT is....& I has it on very good athoriti'...that such things are NOT-HOLY....when one is NOT-HOLY, they live without G*D by their own choice...turning their backs upon ALL that is HOLY, building a Temple to the delusion that is what they perceive themselves to be.

I'm just talkin' about MY horrid brood...though they "hate-fatties" I assuredly have never been in the brunt of these insults...they have "special" material to rip on me with...I'm the "special-kidd"..."special-schools".."special-classes"..."special-DOCTORS"...........& people wonder why I despise the name my mother laid upon me.

I THINK...that you need to embrace the punk half of your inner-goth & tell them ALL to go & fuck themselves, & cut off ALL communications...you will be happier for it...I have NEVER one time heard a GOOD story about your family...{I even have 3 or 4 totally cool memories of family gatherings as a child...granted..ALL of those peoples are dead now}.....

My father's side is a WHOLE 'NOTHER A-BOMB.....

...& Cherny.....um...you're like barely chubby...certainly not FAT.

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weight staying the same, but i even got a positive comment from the guy i buy my supplements from (he's literally built like the incredible hulk/lou ferigno!) i mentioned that i was feeling pretty good about my lifting, but that my diet really needed some work/sucked. he said, "yeah, i can see that your diet sucks, but it looks like you're putting on some (upper body) mass!" it was really cool to find that a serious/seriously big lifter like him noticed the (what i consider) little growth i've been experiencing!

i'm going to lift in about a half hour, and then a friend is coming over around 4p & we're gonna "train" together for the 5k race we plan on running in june. she's never run hills before, and the only routes i have, have hills, so we'll see how it goes!

anyone else!? how goes the glorious rebellion?

Edited by torn asunder
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My skinny jeans closed ^___^

They still don't fit by all means, but I got the button closed and the zipper up.

A small accomplishment!

I have over 5 pairs of jeans that don't fit me, so I base my weight loss on how they fit xD

Congrats. :)

I put on a couple pounds myself recently, most likely from eating white flour, macaroni and other crap. *Goes back to reducing the processed carbs and trying to get back on a regular, at home work out schedule*

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