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The Biggest Loser DGN Style


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I just had dinner.. Meat & veggies.. Cooked w/ olive oil instead of butter...

Now I am done with food for the rest of the night.. This is the tricky part for Me :rolleyes:

But I have Me new super sexy vinyl dress hanging in my bedroom to stare at me until I wear it in July.. ;)

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I've been eating a LOT of fish lately.

Dinners have been consisting of Fish (whichever is on sale) either couscous or sliced potatoes with a small bit of olive oil and seasonings baked in the oven. YUM!!! Usually there's a veggie involved. Steamed or saute' in water, with spices.

I LOVE eating healthy, it's just a bit more work than eating out all the time, but well worth it!!!

I haven't lost too much more weight, but I feel better. I REALLY have to start exercising more. I hate doing it, but it's gonna have to become a priority!

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Good for you peoples :happy:

I'm so happy for all of you who have made a difference in your lives.. & To those who are having trouble.. Keep going, you will be fine ;)

Oh.. & Brenda.. You look fantastic, Girl... You don't even look like you even weigh that much...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been such a Dance Dance Master lately that my pants no longer scream in agony when I try to zip them up.

I've been trying to get in a half hour, which imo isn't hardly shit but at least it's something, but have been trying to play around 2+ hours a day when my schedule allows. I haven't just been trying to lose weight, I've been training also, thinking I might actually take the competition/tournament/performance aspect of it seriously again. Definately have a lot of work to do if it's ever going to happen.

Edited by Chernobyl
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YAY for all of you.. Keep up the good work :bunny:

Well.. Due to my recent battle w/ a kidney infection.. I have been a lazy withering lump :X

But I did loose a few pounds from the inability to eat for a week :rolleyes:

Now I just need to healthfully keep it off, which I'm sure won't be an issue.. Especially cuz I now fit into the dress I wanted to wear by July...

Don't get Me wrong.. I am not an advocate of loosing weight by not eating, because it generally all comes back when you continue eating normally..

I figure as long as I keep my eating down, like I was anyway.. & I continue exercising when I can.. I will be all good :)

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I'm with miss Oh My Goth. Yay! Everyone!

Ok now for the long winded response to this along with several other people's comments above to similar affect:

I've been to a lot of therapy classes and such about self-image (didn't go there directly for this but it is always a subject that comes up) and have a ton of handouts and such. I've sat through a lot of group therapy sessions were the cute average sized girl in the group just feels terrible about her body and feels the need to cover up all the time. I've spent many hours talking to sad, very kind hearted women depressed about their body image until wee hours of the morning. :cry It can be really heart wrenching.

I can relate to a lot of this, along with some of Mr. Reverence's responses. Even the small parts i don't directly have in my own birds-nest I can understand.

I admit even at my thinest i never seem to be comfortable with anything but the more cover-up type clothing. Well, no at my THINEST i was ok with it, but anyhow... I am slowly getting over that I think. Definetly not over it. This isn't a "main" problem of mine but it is an issue.

Many of the suggestions in this topic, along with the hours and hours of things I've gotten about self-esteem over the years from classes and books and such, they are all good suggestions but nothing is "one size fits all" so to speak. A million different ideas, none of which fix everything, and regardless of what we think, it takes quite a long time to change a lifetime of thinking. Its complicated and there are a ton of different ideas. Self-talk , regularly does help. You need to be in charge of your opinion about yourself, and try not to frame it in terms of what others have thought. The short version boils down to something akin to "JUST NEED TO SAY WHO GIVES A FUCK WHAT "THEY" THINK, FUCK OFF!" (far, far, easier said than done I know, just gotta keep at it! Hell I need to keep at it right now, not doing great but I'm trying! )

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I'm with miss Oh My Goth. Yay! Everyone!

Ok now for the long winded response to this along with several other people's comments above to similar affect:

I've been to a lot of therapy classes and such about self-image (didn't go there directly for this but it is always a subject that comes up) and have a ton of handouts and such. I've sat through a lot of group therapy sessions were the cute average sized girl in the group just feels terrible about her body and feels the need to cover up all the time. I've spent many hours talking to sad, very kind hearted women depressed about their body image until wee hours of the morning. :cry It can be really heart wrenching.

I can relate to a lot of this, along with some of Mr. Reverence's responses. Even the small parts i don't directly have in my own birds-nest I can understand.

I admit even at my thinest i never seem to be comfortable with anything but the more cover-up type clothing. Well, no at my THINEST i was ok with it, but anyhow... I am slowly getting over that I think. Definetly not over it. This isn't a "main" problem of mine but it is an issue.

Many of the suggestions in this topic, along with the hours and hours of things I've gotten about self-esteem over the years from classes and books and such, they are all good suggestions but nothing is "one size fits all" so to speak. A million different ideas, none of which fix everything, and regardless of what we think, it takes quite a long time to change a lifetime of thinking. Its complicated and there are a ton of different ideas. Self-talk , regularly does help. You need to be in charge of your opinion about yourself, and try not to frame it in terms of what others have thought. The short version boils down to something akin to "JUST NEED TO SAY WHO GIVES A FUCK WHAT "THEY" THINK, FUCK OFF!" (far, far, easier said than done I know, just gotta keep at it! Hell I need to keep at it right now, not doing great but I'm trying! )


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Without realizing It, I've lost somewhere between 15-20 pounds in the last five weeks. (cant exactly read what i wrote down a month ago, I'm pretty sure it was 239 (could be 235) and now , having forgot to check my weight for all this time, its 219. OoOo.

Didn't really think about it until i went to the general practitioner today and they weighed me. (they said I lost 10, but i gained some serious weight since the last time i was in there) I have been thinking i need to lose weight (still need to lose another 15-20) but I just lost my appetite lately due to various bad stresses. I don't feel like I'm starving myself, just don't really feel like eating nearly as much.

Probably a pretty bad weight loss system but hell, I'll take it. Silver lining to most clouds right.

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