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The Biggest Loser DGN Style


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I know for one I really want to loose Me excess poundage... & I know there are others here that feel the same way.

I say we "get together" & share our goals, plans, & knowledge.

If we have support & more input we are more likely to reach our goals.

We all have little tips we have learned through the years, so let's share.

Anyone have any food tips, foods that help increase your metabolism & foods that satisfy those "bad" cravings??

Know any exercise moves that speed up the process??

This is now the place where we can all come to bitch about the bad & celebrate the good :biggrin:

Let's keep this healthy kids, so it can be a permanent fix & not just a temporary solution...

Not eating healthy is an unacceptable way to loose weight {I should know}

:w00t: Ladies & Gentleman it is time for all of us to get off of our lazy asses & exercise :w00t:


Let's try to post frequently to keep it at the top, so we have a constant reminder.. I will be here everyday

:secret: Or somebody could pin it :rolleyes:

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honestly, i'm not so concerned about losing *weight*, i'm looking to change my BF%. i started lifting the 2nd week of dec. and am doing pretty well.

if one isn't going for weight loss, i suppose this would be the wrong thread to be in, yes? :unsure:

either way, i personally pledge that i will rule this particular thread with an iron-fist, when it comes to wise-asses posting negative shit. feel free to pm me if you haven't seen me online in a while, or something really needs to be dealt with in a hurry. (this is not to imply that any other mod won't be happy to do the same, but i don't want to speak for them)

i think this is a great idea, and for my part, i'll do my best to not allow judgemental asses to ruin it! :jamin i hope everyone can feel particularly safe in here, and will join in, no matter their insecurities. and remember, kiddos, the ignore button works great for stoopid pm's in your inbox, too! :wink

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If anyone devises a way to split their excess weight with me, I could do with more than a few pounds. I'm vastly underweight and lacking in feminine curves :confused:

On that note I used to be 157 pounds before I hit a depression and stopped eating a few years ago. Though I'm eating fine now my body hasn't quite bounced back and I'm horrifically skinny. I would advice everyone trying to lose weight to MAKE SURE YOU DO IT THE HEALTHY WAY or you will regret it.

Aaaand on a final note; skinny people report in also, with advice on how to GAIN weight without getting a heart attack.

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Aaaand on a final note; skinny people report in also, with advice on how to GAIN weight without getting a heart attack.

I weighed 105 lbs. (I'm 5 ft 3.5 inches) until my third child.

I've never watched what I eat. I still don't. If I knew, I'd of done it years ago. Maybe it was the kids?

After my fourth child, I'm about 135 now. With some flab to lose. Generally though, I'm much happier with my weight now.

Edited by Rayne
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I weighed 105 lbs. (I'm 5 ft 3.5 inches) until my third child.

I've never watched what I eat. I still don't. If I knew, I'd of done it years ago. Maybe it was the kids?

After my fourth child, I'm about 135 now. With some flab to lose. Generally though, I'm much happier with my weight now.

I'm 5'7 and 117 pounds.

People don't seem to understand that women can be self-conscious about being too thin, too. I get poked fun at for being so skinny and people don't understand that it hurts. I try to gain weight, but I have a crazy thyroid that's always thwarting my plans.

I'll just hope your situation works for me once the time for little ones comes 'round =P

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When I quit drinking alcohol, that helped me lose weight (when I was losing it before). Switching from regular to diet soda made a difference too, but only when I drank soda in moderation (because the artificial sweeteners increased my appetite).

To be comfortable with myself, I'd like to lose 150 pounds.

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If anyone devises a way to split their excess weight with me, I could do with more than a few pounds. I'm vastly underweight and lacking in feminine curves :confused:

On that note I used to be 157 pounds before I hit a depression and stopped eating a few years ago. Though I'm eating fine now my body hasn't quite bounced back and I'm horrifically skinny. I would advice everyone trying to lose weight to MAKE SURE YOU DO IT THE HEALTHY WAY or you will regret it.

Aaaand on a final note; skinny people report in also, with advice on how to GAIN weight without getting a heart attack.

1st, i want to say that there's nothing wrong with lacking feminine curves. everyone's body is different.

2nd, gaining weight and losing weight are approached with the same set of tools. i've posted a bunch before - i'll see if i can dig up the old threads and link them.

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Stay away from iodized salt. and non-healthy prepared foods. These things will make a lot of people bloat up quicker than fast.

Always keep your body moving-- such as doing leg kicks while sitting at your desk, or dancing while moving about the house. I dance hard for 30 minutes a day, as a rule, to keep myself toned up.

Good luck with your goals, my friends!! I know you can all do it!!! :animier::grouphug:

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I would like to lose 15-20 ponds and firm up a bit. I'm just over 180lbs... I'd like to be 160-165 ish. More importantly I'd like to be stronger and more toned with a lot better cardio then I currently possess. A couple years ago I could ride 75 miles a day after a bit of trining. That's what I'd like to get back to.

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I would like to lose 30-40 lbs. I'm actually down 30 lbs from my peak weight now, but I fell off the wagon a bit. I want to get things moving and actually start exercising in a way that I can maintain and continue. I tend to start off very well, as I have all the information I need. I just get bored and lazy really quickly.

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honestly, i'm not so concerned about losing *weight*, i'm looking to change my BF%. i started lifting the 2nd week of dec. and am doing pretty well.

if one isn't going for weight loss, i suppose this would be the wrong thread to be in, yes? :unsure:

This is about getting and staying healthy, Sir... You are very welcome here :biggrin:

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If anyone devises a way to split their excess weight with me, I could do with more than a few pounds. I'm vastly underweight and lacking in feminine curves :confused:

On that note I used to be 157 pounds before I hit a depression and stopped eating a few years ago. Though I'm eating fine now my body hasn't quite bounced back and I'm horrifically skinny. I would advice everyone trying to lose weight to MAKE SURE YOU DO IT THE HEALTHY WAY or you will regret it.

Aaaand on a final note; skinny people report in also, with advice on how to GAIN weight without getting a heart attack.

Eat healthy foods high in protein, while being active.....

You have to be committed to making your entire being healthy... I was unhealthily thin for quite some time, I had to change Me whole attitude about Me as a whole.

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I'm 5'7 and 117 pounds.

People don't seem to understand that women can be self-conscious about being too thin, too. I get poked fun at for being so skinny and people don't understand that it hurts. I try to gain weight, but I have a crazy thyroid that's always thwarting my plans.

I'll just hope your situation works for me once the time for little ones comes 'round =P

You need to eat foods rich in iodine, as long as your not allergic to iodine that is..

{if you can eat watermelon, you are not allergic to iodine ;) }

Sea vegetables like kelp are packed full of what you need.

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When I quit drinking alcohol, that helped me lose weight (when I was losing it before). Switching from regular to diet soda made a difference too, but only when I drank soda in moderation (because the artificial sweeteners increased my appetite).

To be comfortable with myself, I'd like to lose 150 pounds.

Soda in general is a bad thing.. Caffeine can actually retain fat.

& Yeah, less drinking always helps.

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Last I checked.. Just over 165 & I am wanting 135-140... Rev would get angry if I went back to 130... I look to thin at that point... I haz a big frame :biggrin:

I started out my adventure this week.. I have exercised every day since Tuesday... I am starting out light just some core training on the yoga ball & light yoga.. Some arm stuff w/ 2lb weights to start & mild hip/leg stuff... I have bad knees, which is what caused this crap {cripple + feeding depression = chubster} So I have a hard time doing cardio unless I ride a bike... But I highly recommend cardio for everyone...

& YOGA!!!!!

You must have the mind/body balance to get healthy for good.

I promise you if you start doing the most basic yoga positions for even just a week, you will notice a difference on many levels.....

You can look up basic movements on the NET.....

I also started a colon cleanse today..... Highly recommended

& thanks for listening.. I really want a snack right now... I am trying not to eat past 8pm... Night time eating is not very good for you

Edited by Oh_My_Goth
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I would put a weight loss ticker on my signature, but it would keep going in reverse. I'm the largest I've been

in years. I look average, but my clothes don't fit the same and I'm heading for a new wardrobe, which I can't afford.

My court battle with the ex has really been kicking my ass, and I find that when I get stressed, even a little bit,

I reach for food, anything that's around.

I found myself eating dry, uncooked ramen yesterday.

Actually a co-worker did and laughed at me. :unsure:

And the new vending machine around the corner sure isn't helping.

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