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The Biggest Loser DGN Style


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I will get to you kids soon, I will make sure Me work can supply enough.. We just had a huge order for it Friday.. We may have to order the ingredients.. So chill your asses out there.. I got ya ;)

Heyyyyyyyy... :shock:

:rofl: "chill your asses out" :rofl:

All I can think about is.. "thar she blows!!!" :rofl:

I was just thinking that... :rofl:

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Reading through, pretty good advice from people. One thing, and I can't remember who said it, but about keeping EVERYTHING you eat written down in a journal, it is a good practice for some and a disaster for others, and I'll tell you why.

Many people, especially slackers like myself who are forgetful, will start out with this "oh, I'm going to be gung-ho and write down every little morsel" attitude...but in all actuality, how realistic is that? When it comes down to it unless you plan on writing down every little morsel you eat for the rest of your life, you set yourself up for disaster. The second you quit writing down everything is the second you lose track and then your weight slowly starts to creep back, many people who have a journal type of diet gain back their weight because it's unrealistic to figure that you'll write down everything you eat until you die.

BUT...for those that are diligent with keeping track of everything for the rest of forever, I guess this would work. Good for you on being able to stick to that, but for many it's impossible :thumbsup:.

But I'm warning people for let down, especially if you're the type like myself who is forgetful, because you could be setting yourself up for disaster. Especially since once the weight is off, many people stop keeping these journals, which would imply a diet as opposed to lifetime commitment, and all diets will gain your weight back guaranteed.

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Yoga promotes elongation of the muscle mass, instead of thickening. :) They also said the reason why you're burning fat without strenuous exercise is the oxygen that you inhale. Oxidation is KEY to fat loss. That's why when you do aerobic exercise, you get your heart-rate up, and your lungs try to pull in more Oxygen.

It also makes you strong, and uses your own body as it's own exercise tools instead of machines. Which I like. :)

Will have to look into Yoga and possibly Pilates, I did a little crash course in it when I had a fitness class a few years ago. I'm all for the elongation of muscles, it compliments weight training because when I was crunching some poundage every day at the gym I noticed that I was getting HUGE muscle...with a problem, no chiselness! No hot lines that separate muscle from muscle, and I figured it was because of that (simple stretching even helps with this a bit), and opposed to looking ripped I was starting to look fat again because it was just thick bulk.

Also, Nivek Ogre does Yoga, and anything that Ogre does is completely correct and effective for everyone :whistle:.

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Reading through, pretty good advice from people. One thing, and I can't remember who said it, but about keeping EVERYTHING you eat written down in a journal, it is a good practice for some and a disaster for others, and I'll tell you why.

Many people, especially slackers like myself who are forgetful, will start out with this "oh, I'm going to be gung-ho and write down every little morsel" attitude...but in all actuality, how realistic is that? When it comes down to it unless you plan on writing down every little morsel you eat for the rest of your life, you set yourself up for disaster. The second you quit writing down everything is the second you lose track and then your weight slowly starts to creep back, many people who have a journal type of diet gain back their weight because it's unrealistic to figure that you'll write down everything you eat until you die.

BUT...for those that are diligent with keeping track of everything for the rest of forever, I guess this would work. Good for you on being able to stick to that, but for many it's impossible :thumbsup:.

But I'm warning people for let down, especially if you're the type like myself who is forgetful, because you could be setting yourself up for disaster. Especially since once the weight is off, many people stop keeping these journals, which would imply a diet as opposed to lifetime commitment, and all diets will gain your weight back guaranteed.


..I think that the journal is merely a tool to aid & abed the LIFESTYLE CHANGE that is necessary for KEEPING off the pounds...people may think that a "diet" will make them loose weight...but in fact...they (in the long run)..end up making a person GAIN weight...it is just a consciousness raising thing.

..SO....like...what if YOU stop DDR (say you were at phee's house & broke your ankle)...

You would get "fat" again...

...same if you have a change of diet...if you stop...you revert.

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Exercise works for you, but not for everyone, some of us are just not exercisers, but walking I can do. I do silly things like park farther out from the doors I need to get in to get a few extra steps, if I'm grocery shopping, I go down every isle (although, sometimes that makes me buy more crap..hehe). Buy a pedometer, you can get one at REI or some other sporting goods places for like $20 (a decent one) and keep track of your steps. They say that 10,000 steps in a day is your goal. Way cheaper than any gym membership, and way less embarrassing.. I hate gyms, and also game consoles for DDR..hehe although, I am still going to purchase that game.

I suppose, but you can't lose weight without exercise, and if you do you gain it back. As I said, humans' bodies are meant to be in motion almost CONSTANTLY, you can't un-do uncountless years of evolution. What we're not evolved for is watching what we eat by depriving ourselves of necessities. Also, by eating less you're depriving yourself of nutrients, putting mental stress on yourself, and physical stress which creates an atmosphere for binge eating and cravings, creaing depression and even more stress. Stress makes you gain weight. Therefore, keeping yourself under 2,000 calories a day is very strenuous on your body and your mind and isn't healthy.

Someone who says that exercise doesn't work for them, well, it usually turns out that it means losing weight doesn't work either. I even made a bet with a friend in high school that she couldn't lose weight by just dieting and sure enough I won money and she won back every pound she lost and then some.

People will say "take multi-vitamins" but those are basically expensive and most of any multi vitamin does not digest in your system, you pass it almost exactly the same way it came in and the vitamin market is a huge scam. There's no better way to get your full spectrum of vitamins and minerals from where you're supposed to get them: FOOD! There's also the fact that your intestines will become weak and unhealthy, your digestional track is MUSCLE and just LOVES a good workout (even if the person who controls that body doesn't themselves :tongue:).

When people were cavemen they were CONSTANTLY walking, carrying food, carrying babies on their backs, hauling fresh kills, constructing things, etc. They weren't sitting around not eating, they were active allllllllll daaaay long, and that's what the human body is built to do.

I'm never trying to be condencending with my advice, but I hate to see people misinformed thinking that they can keep their weight off simply by their diet or casual walking, because it can't happen and even if it can, it can't happen healthily.

I was a bit extreme working out, I would do excrusiating cardiovascular exercise for 4-5 hours every day, but I'd be able to eat and eat and eat. I went to the buffet a few times a week, had fast food EVERYDAY, ate four meals, probably consumed 4,000 calories a day, and burned off about 3,000. THAT is not necessary :laugh:, I would never expect anyone to do that. What isn't too much to ask of someone is 30-45 minutes a day of cardio. You don't like the gym? Run up and down your stairs for 30-45 minutes straight. It's simple, old fashioned, and it works :). With that, you can be full and satisfied and easily eat the normal 2,000 calorie a day diet and still lose the lbs.

Exercise also cures depression, makes bones stronger, builds self esteem, makes everyday tasks more enjoyable, makes your heart healthy, and helps you sleep at night, in addition to just weight loss.

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Will have to look into Yoga and possibly Pilates, I did a little crash course in it when I had a fitness class a few years ago. I'm all for the elongation of muscles, it compliments weight training because when I was crunching some poundage every day at the gym I noticed that I was getting HUGE muscle...with a problem, no chiselness! No hot lines that separate muscle from muscle, and I figured it was because of that (simple stretching even helps with this a bit), and opposed to looking ripped I was starting to look fat again because it was just thick bulk.

Also, Nivek Ogre does Yoga, and anything that Ogre does is completely correct and effective for everyone :whistle:.

.....I will start a class on a thread...perhaps today if not...tomorrow...

..I know links to pics of positions...& a few helpful texts.

.....you know.....Yoga is GOOD to combat ALLOT of the long term negative side effects of many drugs & alcohol. :whistle:

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.....I will start a class on a thread...perhaps today if not...tomorrow...

..I know links to pics of positions...& a few helpful texts.

.....you know.....Yoga is GOOD to combat ALLOT of the long term negative side effects of many drugs & alcohol. :whistle:

So I need to do some drugs and drink a lot more to appreciate yoga Rev? :wink


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..I think that the journal is merely a tool to aid & abed the LIFESTYLE CHANGE that is necessary for KEEPING off the pounds...people may think that a "diet" will make them loose weight...but in fact...they (in the long run)..end up making a person GAIN weight...it is just a consciousness raising thing.

..SO....like...what if YOU stop DDR (say you were at phee's house & broke your ankle)...

You would get "fat" again...

...same if you have a change of diet...if you stop...you revert.

I do the "journal" thing, don't get me wrong, I just do it in my head. I add up calories throughout the day in my head, since I've been working out lately though I stopped doing that since it's no longer necessary for me. What happens with the day where you forget it someplace? Or you just plain out forget to write in it for a few days? That's when a written journal becomes ineffective.

I put in my post that if you CAN stick to it, the journal method does work, but I was warning that it's very hard, nearly impossible, to stick to. I've tried doing the journal thing for 7-8 years with no results. I tried dieting, watching what I eat, atkins, etc for 7-8 years until I realized that if I stopped trying to keep myself down at 1,500 calories and just ate what I wanted (within reason, I mean if you're eating 4,000 calories a day and only burning off 500, mathematically, that does not work out) and got off my ass and moved around then I'd be fine. Took me 3 months through exercising to lose the weight that I had been trying to lose for 7-8 years, which is why I dropped the journal thing pretty quick because it didn't work for me in the first place.

So if you're a forgetful person or a slacker then keeping a journal most likely won't work for you, which is what I was warning about, that was the point of my initial post. But if it works for you, then well, uhmm obviously it works and I wasn't talking to you :laugh:.

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So if you're a forgetful person or a slacker then keeping a journal most likely won't work for you, which is what I was warning about, that was the point of my initial post. But if it works for you, then well, uhmm obviously it works and I wasn't talking to you :laugh:.

...oh..yeah...if you decided to USE a tool...but forgot to USE it...that woldn't do much...

...BUT...I was sayin' as a temporary "CRUTCH"...I thought it a good idea...

...not probably for my 5-8 lbs. that I'm tryin' to shed...

...ya'll want to know the FUNNY part?

...It'll take at LEAST 4 months for me to lose that...

.....I already eat the least amount of food that O_M_G will let me get away with...

(except in the Summer...I can't eat in the day in the Summer sometimes)

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:unsure: ...you DO know that Ogre shot heroin & smoked crack right?

(& I know you are funny)

I actually figured you were talking about Ogre. Idk how the fuck he is still mobile and intelligent, maybe someone should send Ozzy over to his house to take some notes. By talking to Ogre you would NEVER know that at one point he was shooting up 30-50 times a day. I think it's funny because in one of his latest interviews he claims that he was never addicted to heroin, just coke, but I find that a bit hard to fathom :laugh:.

ANNND...I now end the threadjack. Unless I want to start going off about how Ogre is motivation for losing weight because you never know when he's going to be in town on tour and if he and his current girlfriend (so hard to keep track of, I know, he's a serial monogamast) have swinger tendencies at all :whistle:.

Edited by Chernobyl
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& I have Me gallon 'o' water at my side

I see your gallon of water and raise you a pot of black coffee :coffee:.

And I was supposed to QUIT DAMNIT! :wallbash:

I love coffee but it's starting to be bad for me. *glances at coffee* Why can't I quit you?!

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I see your gallon of water and raise you a pot of black coffee :coffee:.

And I was supposed to QUIT DAMNIT! :wallbash:

I love coffee but it's starting to be bad for me. *glances at coffee* Why can't I quit you?!

I have tried to cut out coffee because I realized that it was causing me to crave sweets. Tea never did that for me, probably because I can't drink black coffee, but I CAN drink black tea.

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I have tried to cut out coffee because I realized that it was causing me to crave sweets. Tea never did that for me, probably because I can't drink black coffee, but I CAN drink black tea.

Ahhh sugar in coffee is Satan. The only time I do it is if I'm getting a Pumpkin Spice cappucino from Speedway. You don't even understand the word "orgasm" until you've had one.

The first time I ever tried it, it was a normal day of walking into Speedway and getting coffee. I decide that I feel frilly and girly atm, probably about to start my montly girl-prison-sentence, when I decide to pass up the man coffee for the day and get a cappucino.

Srsly...I didn't even take into consideration what type of glorious frothy smooth journey which I was going to embark on. I took one sip of the glorous creamy cappucino and jizzed right in my pants. I wasn't embarassed of this, I didn't care, I had pumpkin spice cappucino and all that mattered was the undying love I had for my drink. The clerk smiled and winked, I guess that would mean that she's probably had one too and understands the spooging that accompanies that particular beverage.

I started drinking coffee when I was about 7 or 8 because Boshy failed in that sector of parenting. Unless you want you kid to grow up and drink 2-3 pots a day causing horrible nerve jitters and mood swings, do not start feeding them the stuff when they're 8. I'm mad about that also because I'm wondering just how tall I would have gotten if I didn't start drinking the stuff, I should have waited until I was grown I could have been 5'11" and sexy instead of 5'9" and just kinda meh. I started drinking it black (which was something I couldn't fathom as an 8 year old) when I was about 12-13 and I started on my downward spiral of trying to watch what I eat.

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I see your gallon of water and raise you a pot of black coffee :coffee:.

And I was supposed to QUIT DAMNIT! :wallbash:

I love coffee but it's starting to be bad for me. *glances at coffee* Why can't I quit you?!


I no drink caffeine..

:secret: Caffeine can actually make you body retain fat

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