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The Biggest Loser DGN Style


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Been losing weight, but not working out. Oh well, can't complain. I thought that maybe I was imagining it at first, but when I have five separate people in the past two-three weeks tell me I'm shrinking (from friends, to family, to the boyfriend's family) I guess I have to take it into consideration.

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I personally want to lose 36 pounds and lose my stomach of doom. On the other hand a part of me feels like I shouldn't care that I'm the chubby chick and just be happy. I'm not sure which one to go with. Yes I'm still trying to lose weight at the moment, but my mind argues about that all the time.

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That one is prettycool. but this one I think is it:

My link

Though the technique was very slightly different. Essentially the same technique, just some details were different is all. Being small this one is great for me because a little weight shift from me can do horrors to my partners' balance. REally easy to maintain control on this one if you also don't want to hurt your partner or drunk idiot who's attacking you.

On a side note...I'm a little sore this morning..love it.

That's a judo throw called tani otoshi. Just a really terrible one.

It's a great counter throw for people at any weight because all you need to do it is for your opponent to be somewhat perpendicular to you.

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About to start a 6 week trapping seminar! Think wing chun stuff (crazy arm grabbing etc. for those that dont know what wing chun is, like bruce lee used to do). Trapping is so much fun and sooo nice for small people with short arms like me. Not that it's infallible, just really cool. Already learned Pak Sao and Lop Sao! Not practiced a ton yet. But I'm on my way!

Edited by Musashi
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  • 2 weeks later...

As of yesterday, I've started practicing Parkour! It's hard. Really hard. It's also fairly dangerous. Parts of me that I forgot existed are sore as hell. My triceps and shoulders hurt more right now than they do after heavy lifting. It's amazing how technical parkour is and it's crazy the amount of mental focus and concentration it requires. I did a lot of stuff that first day people shouldn't be able to pull off, so I'm pretty pleased with myself. Actually have a partner to work with who is as motivated and in probably even better physical shape than I am, (I'm in decent shape at the moment too), has much more martial arts experience than I do, and has already been practicing parkour for about a year. So 2-3 times a week we're getting together to practice parkour and to also practice martial arts stuff that requires partners. Specifically grappling, chi-na (sp? it's the aikido style breaks, locks, chokes, and throws. One day I'll be good enough to use it in sparring), and evade/counter stuff. Once I have permission from Sifu, we'll even be able to spar. I can't spar till I hit yellow sash. I know I'm skilled enough for it. Both to stay safe and not cripple someone by accident, but I have to stick to the rules and traditions. And the tradition here is no sparring till master says I can. But I digress. Super happy that I'm gonna be getting many more hours of practice per week. And I'll be doing freerunning stuff soon! Right now still doing drills and conditioning. Quadripedal movement is soo much harder than it looks.....

Yay for the physical/spritual arts! Yay for the fact that a year and a half ago I would never have dreamed I'd be capable of doing anything I can do now. A year and a half ago I couldn't make it up one flight of stairs without wanting to die. Now I can handle an entire day of hard varied training with energy and enthusiasm. And in a few years...who knows? Maybe I'll be doing wall running, back flips and kicking out lights from 8 foot ceilings and breaking groups of cinder blocks. It's possible...not yet...but give me a few years...mwuahahaha! UNLIMITED POWER!!!!! RAWR!

Apologies if this post was long-winded or sounded douchy...don't mean to. I'm just excited is all :D I've been working really hard!

Edited by Musashi
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Krav Maga and kickboxing last night. Today's workout, since I don't feel like leaving my apartment, is this: 50 dead-lifts, 50 push-press, 50 squats and 50 sit-ups. For the first three exercises I used a 20lb kettle bell.

But not on the sit-ups?!?!?!!!! SLACKING! (rofl, clearly kidding :tongue:)

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Hit a milestone today! Finished First Loop of "The 108" Tai Chi form. Yay! Also had the honor of rolling jiu jitsu with my Sifu. He uses virtually no power or strength and I'm still so utterly helpless. Lots of fun though rolling with someone who is seriously advanced in the art. The more martial arts I practice, the more I fall in love. Now if only I cold get more practice in the trapping and aikido type stuff.

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I want to eventually try weighted atomic push-ups with a 45 pound plate. However I'll need a friend to help with the weight, and can't do it to failure since its too dangerous, which is why its semi-enticing.

Why not get a backpack and put the plate in it. That's what I do for weight on hill sprints.

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I bought my own weight set today. It's got a five foot barbell and 100lbs of weights. I'm going to split my workouts by alternating upper and lower body exercises. I've got a lot of upper body exercises written out that I'd like to do on the days I work out the upper body. But for lower body, I only have squats, Romanian deadlifts, calf raises and lunges using dumb bells. Any other suggestions for lower body exercises?

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I bought my own weight set today. It's got a five foot barbell and 100lbs of weights. I'm going to split my workouts by alternating upper and lower body exercises. I've got a lot of upper body exercises written out that I'd like to do on the days I work out the upper body. But for lower body, I only have squats, Romanian deadlifts, calf raises and lunges using dumb bells. Any other suggestions for lower body exercises?

Wall-Sits. They made me do them in high school, and when done properly, they make you want to die. You put your back up against a wall and "sit" down on an invisible chair, so your thighs are parallel with the floor. If you're doing it with weights, simply hold them at your side. Hold that for as long as you possibly can (that's the hard part :tongue:). It's the same mechanism as squats, but since you're holding yourself in a perpetual squat, it rips the shit out of your legs and helps with balance in the long run.

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I bought my own weight set today. It's got a five foot barbell and 100lbs of weights. I'm going to split my workouts by alternating upper and lower body exercises. I've got a lot of upper body exercises written out that I'd like to do on the days I work out the upper body. But for lower body, I only have squats, Romanian deadlifts, calf raises and lunges using dumb bells. Any other suggestions for lower body exercises?

standard deadlifts, single-leg DB deadlifts, pistol squats (very difficult), jefferson squats, bench step-ups, walking barbell lunges, bench jumps... i'm sure there are more, but that's all i can come up with right now...

wait... stiff-legged deadlifts, good-mornings, ham-glute raises...

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