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The Biggest Loser DGN Style


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Why not get a backpack and put the plate in it. That's what I do for weight on hill sprints.

Missed this thread. :X I don't want to risk losing a straight back and something go wrong, cause I'm using a giant ball under my feet rather than cables.

Any other suggestions for lower body exercises?

I've been doing Farmer's Squats as an alternative to Squats, where you put all the weight you want on one side of a barbell (with the other side lying on the floor, preferably carpet or something to keep it from slipping); pick up the barbell near the end underhand, then hold the barbell near the end overhand, and then squat as normal.

Edited by Coffeenated
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  • 2 weeks later...

Been a while since I last posted. I've been lifting weights. Went to ground-fighting class last week. It was me and one other guy so we had to work together but overall I think I did really well. I just have to keep moving and not remain static when I'm down. I'm going to kick up the workouts a notch this week since I'm on vacation.

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I went to Krav Maga class and the KM conditioning class after. I love the conditioning class. Part of our warm-up was to walk 10 steps, while holding two kettlebells above our head, then squat. We did this with a partner so I went half-way around the block and then my partner. My instructor said out of all the guys in the class, my squats were the deepest. I don't do prissy squats. I need to get my shit together. I want to test for Level 4 and the test is suppose to be in January.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nursing an injured deltoid....and I have a sash promotion test this Saturday...I'm a little worried cuz I can't practice as hard as much before the test and I'm worried because it may make me perform at less than peak capacity. Feels like it's just about there, range of motion is good, but sudden tension is a little iffy and things like knifehands, hammer fists, and especially elbows are what really have me worried. Been out of the dojo for a week now, even though I have given in and done some straight basic technique practice. Going to go tonight and see how it feels. I guess at worst, I'll just have to reduce the amount of power in my left arm strikes. Gotta pass this test though. GOTTA!

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Dancing six hours a day has gotten me almost back to being attractive again :jamin. I'm hitting this gym this time around so I look bulked out and toned more, instead of saggish.

CLEARLY...I'ma be this guy so I won't be going to Planet Fitness:


Who ever heard of a gym that encourages members to lift up pizza and gobble it down? :rofl::unsure: (Seriously, they have a...pizza bar? wtf...)

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Dancing six hours a day has gotten me almost back to being attractive again :jamin. I'm hitting this gym this time around so I look bulked out and toned more, instead of saggish.

CLEARLY...I'ma be this guy so I won't be going to Planet Fitness:

Who ever heard of a gym that encourages members to lift up pizza and gobble it down? :rofl::unsure: (Seriously, they have a...pizza bar? wtf...)

And here's a response to that:

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My weight has still been ping-ponging due to not enough eating. I've started eating around six small meals a day with some protein source and have been drinking a glass of vegetable juice a day. I may add a glass or two of milk onto that, or just go on some chocolate milk binges since I have good metabolism. I've long since decided I won't take a single progress picture until the scale reads 150, which should help keep doing this crazy diet.

Edited by Coffeenated
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Monday, I went to Krav Maga class. Got taken down by one of the bigger guys in class and my head bounced off the floor. Good class though. Tuesday, more Krav. Today, ground-fighting. We did some take-downs. Good class. I'm sure I'll improve a bit more if I consistently go. Level 4 test is in January, the week before my surgery. Perfect timing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got taken down by one of the bigger guys in class and my head bounced off the floor

Remember to tuck your chin! Falling is very technical in and of itself and takes a lot of practice to fall well. I myself am pretty bad at falling as well. Back falls arent so bad as I can break it and roll with the momentum a bit. Certain falls like from hagoshi or anything involving hard impact on the shoulders kinda scare me. It's how I injured my shoulder recently that took almost 8 weeks to heal.

My shoulder has healed sufficiently so that I have started weight training again after about 2 months off of it. Have been focused on cardio, flexibility and technique mostly. Now my training schedule looks like: morning = abs, flexibility, form, combo and technique practice (forms are AWESOME cardio) 5-7 days per week. Comes out to about 1-1.5 hours before breakfast.

Moday and wednesday = Morning stuff plus 1 hour tai chi, 2 hours kung fu in the dojo.

Tuesday and Thursday = morning stuff plus 1 hour kung fu, 1 hour brazilian jiu jitsu, plus some other random practice, varying depending on my energy level. at minumum some tai chi.

Really starting to get into this stuff now. I just wish I knew how bruce lee or even these mma guys bodies can handle all that punishment. I can handle a fair amount of exercise and punishment. I'm no slouch. But man have I been getting worn out. Not the tired from the day kind, but the been a long week and might be down a couple days to recover. Wish I knew how to get over this hump. I guess less days off and more active recovery (i.e. hot baths, stretching, water etc.)? Martial arts is such hard work, but now that I'm actually starting to gain some actual skill, I only want to step it up. Just have to convince my body that it's for the best....

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Thank goodness I did that bootcamp workout on Thanksgiving morning. It was pretty intense and to be honest I wanted to fucking vomit towards the end. Our workout consisted of 25 sets of stairs (up/down the stairs is 1 set), squat with barbell to reach 7000lbs, shoulder press with barbell to reach 5000lb, 125 reverse crunches, and 125 sit-ups. I ended up doing 160 squats and 125 shoulder presses with a 45lb barbell to reach the goal weights of each exercise. I could hardly walk for two days.

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My legs were over-trained but I'm back to my normal routine. As soon as I can, I plan to get into meal prep and go at least a week of eating clean. It will be way more of a battle for me than the exercise, and I plan to keep my calorie count up, but I'm excited to try it and I have seasonings at my disposal. I might not wait till 150 to snap pictures if I can stick with this since my bodyfat will be lower.

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So from Sunday to thursday, I clocked in 17-18 hours of training/martial arts practice. Including weight training, ab work and stretching too. Lots of falling this week too. I'm way tired and sore, but man I'm so happy that I stuck to it and didn't wimp out. Had a great training week! Now it's time for CC tonight!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Really starting to get into this stuff now. I just wish I knew how bruce lee or even these mma guys bodies can handle all that punishment. I can handle a fair amount of exercise and punishment. I'm no slouch. But man have I been getting worn out. Not the tired from the day kind, but the been a long week and might be down a couple days to recover. Wish I knew how to get over this hump. I guess less days off and more active recovery (i.e. hot baths, stretching, water etc.)? Martial arts is such hard work, but now that I'm actually starting to gain some actual skill, I only want to step it up. Just have to convince my body that it's for the best....

There might be no need to take more days off. As long as your activity is sufficient to burn the calories, which sounds like it is by the soreness, introduce more clean carbohydrates like whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans. Carbs are the body's primary source of energy and make the difference in hard training.


I've found out that carbs was the missing link for me in building muscle without supplements or whey.

I'm going to do a 3 or 6 day split this week, not sure yet. I didn't used to like 3 day splits, now I see it as giving me more flexibility, because I can turn it into 6 day split. >.>

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