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The Biggest Loser DGN Style


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Fitocracy? What is this Fitocracy?

It's a website that's still in beta that lets you track workouts and gives points and achievements for what you do. Moreover it lets you track and save workouts, comment on your workouts and individual sets. I mostly like not having to carry my various workout notebooks anymore.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've optimized my training this year. There was a time when I would take the advice to skip a week for a needed break, now I don't take more than half a week off and have to at least do a three day split every week. I now only do 3 sets of any exercise to fatigue which helps me stay focused and prevents overtraining. I'm also lifting smarter and not as heavy as I used to, going just light enough that I can get full range of motion and target as much of the muscle as possible.

Next week I'll be doing a 6 day split, but I've changed the rest day to Saturday which allows me to deadlift at the end of the week. As long as I'm getting in like over 3,300 calories a day, I can build twice the amount of muscle in the time of a normal split, but learned the hard way that I also have to use moisturizer to stop stretch marks from tearing up my underarms. :starwars:

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Two more weeks I can start kickboxing again. Three more weeks I can start Krav Maga again. By the way, I passed my level four test, even got a text message from my instructor saying how well I had done. I've been out of my routine for four weeks because of surgery but I started back last week walking on the treadmill and the stair machine, the one that actually has stairs, not the stair-master thingie. I'm so bored because I can't really workout how I was four weeks ago but soon I'll be able to.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Went to my first kickboxing class last night. It's been about 7 weeks since I've worked out because of my surgery. It felt really good to finally work out how I used to but I'm still a bit limited right now as I had a hard time doing sit-ups so I did crunches instead.

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  • 1 month later...

Im slowly getting back in the swing of things. Being a little more active has made me loose a few pounds and gain some muscle back. Hopefully soon I will get back to work and start really excercising so I look good for the summer.

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I've been slacking. I only did a 3 day split last week. I've only worked out one day this week because my sleep schedule has been way off, which I'm running on less than 5 hours right now, and I've needed to get food. I'll get that stuff sorted out and get the two more days in that I need; stay optimistic and motivated, and keep going from there.

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Had a lot to do last week and couldn't hit the gym :wallbash:. I'm still just glad that in my state, I'm able to go. I thought I wasn't going to be able to, because of the old wive's tales that women kept feeding me, and then I wised up and did some actual research and found they were wrong, that I probably shouldn't listen to women much anymore :tongue:.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday's cross-training class was killer. Ran laps for a warm-up then did a 5 minute squat drill. Squat down for 5 seconds then up for one second and repeat. The rest of the class was:

Deadlifts with 40 lbs on an olympic barbell:

Sit-up, Stand-up (we had a partner sit on our feet and hold our calves:

and push-ups

10 reps for each exercise x 5 sets. I'm super-sore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I need to lose weight. Seriously. And I get discouraged easily. And my husband will not be joining me in my weight loss efforts so there will be junk food around. I don't know what to do. What do you guys think about weight watchers online? Anyone using it?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not concerned with bulking for the time being. I can't afford a radiology test for the heart murmur I got while not working out, and I think the worst of it is that I just have ulcers.. so regardless of how much gagging or puking, and while taking medication for what it should be, I'll hopefully train and eat my way out of whatever is wrong with me.

So I need to lose weight. Seriously. And I get discouraged easily. And my husband will not be joining me in my weight loss efforts so there will be junk food around. I don't know what to do. What do you guys think about weight watchers online? Anyone using it?

For losing weight, anything cardiovascular which would mostly seem leg-based. This doesn't mean staying away from weights if your going to a gym which helps build upper-body strength, or upper-body bodyweight exercises; with weights, you only have to use weight that's just heavy enough to keep proper form. Women can't build anywhere as much muscle naturally as men even with weights and need to take enough calories to do it, so getting bulky isn't necessarily as easy as most people make out.

Really, the lift-just-heavy-enough-to-not-lose-form-guideline goes for anyone who either wants to lose fat or build muscle; some people will disagree on the muscle building part, but they are also disagreeing with Kai Greene who in the same video said, 'There are bodybuilders and there are weightlifters.' And having some muscle increases metabolism and keeps fat off better than dieting alone.

This thread is also full of advice and has more on nutrition. Watch out for tuna and large fish because they are full of mercury so its best to not be more than maybe a once a week thing; I've read its alright for an adult male to have a can a day at most, I personally don't buy it anymore.

Edited by Coffeenated
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Had a lot to do last week and couldn't hit the gym :wallbash:. I'm still just glad that in my state, I'm able to go. I thought I wasn't going to be able to, because of the old wive's tales that women kept feeding me, and then I wised up and did some actual research and found they were wrong, that I probably shouldn't listen to women much anymore :tongue:.

In your state? Did i miss something in my absence?

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So I need to lose weight. Seriously. And I get discouraged easily. And my husband will not be joining me in my weight loss efforts so there will be junk food around. I don't know what to do. What do you guys think about weight watchers online? Anyone using it?

I've not done theWeight Watchers online thing, but I just glanced through it, looks just as good as a lot of plans, the key problem with any of it is the <sticking to it> part. Its not necessarily any particular magic plan , its that whole willpower part. I'm STILL not were I should be and I've been at this on and off for over a year. Damn that willpower thing. Although having someone else to do it with would help.

Started working out again. I need to find a funner cardio work out though (going on the elliptical is really boring).

Do you have comcast (or xfinity I'm not sure if thats specific to comcast or not)? The on-demand free thing has a ton of different free workouts.

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Yes I do. I need to check those out thank you for the tip :D

I've been using them instead of my normal workout stuff, lot of varieity. (not that I'm losing much GD weight *shakes fist* , damn them carbs, they call my name like a hooker in the night at 3am)

For some reason I like the "10 minute workout - Cardio Dance (developing a thing for the cute woman that does it though... hah)" i just do it 2-3 times lol. I like the more "dancy" type things, as anti-macho as that sounds, they just seem more fun, and many of them you have to concentrate hard on to do properly, so the repetitiveness doesnt set in very fast as your having to "learn" at the same time. But there's all sorts of stuff from really easy to hard as hell.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Fixed up my diet a bit, training almost every day, weight stable at 275#, lost 2% bodyfat. It'll probably improve more quickly once I can lift again.

good man.

My problem is the same age old one, motivation. Just cant seem to stay motivated. Been treading water at this same BMI / Weight range for ages now. (210-220) (I'm 6'4") No real muscle to speak of so that's not 220 lean n mean, that's just 220 tall and semi fat.

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