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mine tends to vary a bit, but i'm typically kapha - pitta, although recently,i've had an issue with excessive pitta both physical and mental.

ever seen this page before? it's a two-part quiz i use every so often to self-evaluate. tonight it turns out, for the first time, i've an accumulation of vata (body), and pitta (mind). i typically don't do anything specific for it, other than be aware of the general causes, and trying my best to temper the things that are influencing the abundance.

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I've checked that one out, yes. I tend towards a mix of pitta and kapha in temperament, with vata and kapha in the body.

I don't follow what I should very closely, but like you, I make myself aware so that it does come into mind from time to time. Going out for Indian food often helps ensure you're doing what you need to.

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I've checked that one out, yes. I tend towards a mix of pitta and kapha in temperament, with vata and kapha in the body.

I don't follow what I should very closely, but like you, I make myself aware so that it does come into mind from time to time. Going out for Indian food often helps ensure you're doing what you need to.

so do you have any other resourcesto share? i wouldn't mind doing a little research, and it's always nice to have someone with whom to compare thoughts.

also, any chakra info? i've got some work to do there as well...

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so do you have any other resourcesto share? i wouldn't mind doing a little research, and it's always nice to have someone with whom to compare thoughts.

also, any chakra info? i've got some work to do there as well...

Mayur in Troy is a really nice place, decently priced and run by Indians.

As for chakra info, you'll have to research that yourself =/

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