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I for one was very disappointed with the last episode! There are so many loose ends to be tied up, have one episode left yet they filled this show with useless flashbacks of things that don't matter and have nothing to do with whats going on now. I have a feeling that a lot isn't going to be answered... like what the hell happened to Starbuck?

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I for one was very disappointed with the last episode! There are so many loose ends to be tied up, have one episode left yet they filled this show with useless flashbacks of things that don't matter and have nothing to do with whats going on now. I have a feeling that a lot isn't going to be answered... like what the hell happened to Starbuck?

They said in the Last Fracking Special...that it would be wrapped up Friday...it is a double episode...& yeah...if they do not close it well..they will get a hate mail & I will NOT buy the box set...(I was planning on it)...

..& Troy....it is changing to "SyFy"..(Miss Munin made a thread).. :rolleyes: that is SO lame!

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Well I have to say the last episode was pretty damn good - still a few things left unanswered but I guess it's cool that they left you thinking.... like Starbuck.... really..... who knows. They also leave you thinking that Baltar was a cylon all along. I like that they tie it all in with real science and they are supposedly the reason that modern human skeletons just appear and don't evolve on Earth.

But this is what boggles me and doesn't make sense.... if the first planet was Earth... which you could plainly see that it was because you could see the continents and they landed in Brooklyn, and the second (last) planet was also Earth.... which you could see because they landed in Africa and you could, again, see the continents. How did they visit there twice, at least 152,000 years apart? The only thing that I can think is that Starbuck punched in coordinates through something like a worm hole or through the black hole they were close to and sent them back in time.... but if that's the case then how did they find the rest of the fleet and get them to do the same? I know they said a rapter "jumped in" and let the fleet know where the Galactica was but they would also have to somehow go back in time. makes no sense.

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I loved how they wrapped everything up, and it made the previous episode make sense. I love the direction they took. At one point I was thinking Star Wars, and at another I was trying not to cry. I love how they finally answered SO many questions (like the opera house scene). I didn't feel left for wanting when it was finally over. I'm just sad it IS over.

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Well I have to say the last episode was pretty damn good - still a few things left unanswered but I guess it's cool that they left you thinking.... like Starbuck.... really..... who knows. They also leave you thinking that Baltar was a cylon all along. I like that they tie it all in with real science and they are supposedly the reason that modern human skeletons just appear and don't evolve on Earth.

But this is what boggles me and doesn't make sense.... if the first planet was Earth... which you could plainly see that it was because you could see the continents and they landed in Brooklyn, and the second (last) planet was also Earth.... which you could see because they landed in Africa and you could, again, see the continents. How did they visit there twice, at least 152,000 years apart? The only thing that I can think is that Starbuck punched in coordinates through something like a worm hole or through the black hole they were close to and sent them back in time.... but if that's the case then how did they find the rest of the fleet and get them to do the same? I know they said a rapter "jumped in" and let the fleet know where the Galactica was but they would also have to somehow go back in time. makes no sense.

Did you ever watch the orginal series? Starbuck was an Angel, just like Baltar said she was. The ghosts that Caprica and Baltar saw were agents of the Devil. Starbuck was an agent of God. They followed the orginal story line pretty close but were not so blatant in thier imagery. Baltar even redeemed himself in the end.

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Did you ever watch the orginal series? Starbuck was an Angel, just like Baltar said she was. The ghosts that Caprica and Baltar saw were agents of the Devil. Starbuck was an agent of God. They followed the orginal story line pretty close but were not so blatant in thier imagery. Baltar even redeemed himself in the end.

That's what I thought! :wink

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My theory is that Starbuck was actually the dying leader referred to in the prophecy. She actually lead them to Earth and died before they got there. Then "returned" as a "angel."

The devil angle on head Baltar/Six is interesting. I have never seen the original series though. I'll have to reconsider that. It doesn't seem to synch up with how I viewed it.

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Interview that expands on the ending. It's pretty long. Interesting thoughts. Prior to reading this I had jotted down a few of my own thoughts, which I posted to a different forum. The copypasta is below, if you feel like reading over my own ponderings.


The end is a biblical reference. The society of the colonies was corrupted. The sequences we saw of their lives before the end showed their discontent and contempt of their situations. Adama was disgusted by the military protocol. Roslyn with her own life and the political situation. Lee and Kara felt some connection, but Zach stood in the way—it was wrong. The cyclons initiated the Apocolypse. The survivors endured a sort of purgatory. Chased and harried by the “demons” of their past, they fled and suffered greatly. The average colonist lived in some dank ships hull on rations and hard labor. Discontent reigned and their old ways gradually fell apart. They lost their colonial identities and old beliefs and allegiances. They were culled to a chosen few, suffered false prophecy and false hopes, and eventually came to their redemption. Even Baltar was redeemed in the end, going back to the “innocence” of farming.

That’s what new Earth is. Bad anthropology, but good mythology. It’s a new beginning. A garden of Eden, mitochondrial Eve and all. Humankind was purged of its sins and given a fresh start. They cast off their “wicked” ways (technology) and began anew. For the colonists it was probably pretty easy to choose: stay on the ships with low/no supplies and sporadic government (if any) by military/force and continue worrying about cylons or whatever else, or “go native” on the new planet. They also saw how cylon Earth ended up. And new Caprica. Why rebuild again (and with what?) when on-ship you are down to the “last tube of toothpaste?” And that was in the military supplies, which are probably a lot better off than the civilians.

IMO that’s what the ending was about. Redemption and a new beginning. From the end of the world to the beginning. Again.

In regards to the cylons. Cavil is the devil figure. He is pure technology. He fails to see that the “resurrection” Hera promises is a resurrected human race on new Earth, not cylon resurrection. His suicide is a petty act of spite. H refuses to be taken alive or be killed by another. It’s a final act of control.

Starbuck is the harbinger of death for the cylons. Her crash landing on cylon Earth led to the death of all those cylons. Perhaps her presence triggered a civil war. Maybe it fractured some peace they had. The arrival of an alien life caused mistrust to bloom.

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Well I'm finally caught up.

*wah* :cry its (pretty much) over. The part where the show seems over and then there is a "150,000 Years Later" bit at the end kind of threw me in light of them ALREADY finding earth I thought that progression would have been rendered irrelevant, but it fits in with the one-liner that Rosslyn says.

I was guessing a full boxed set would come out in the next few months after the end of the series, but with the mini-series "The Plan" still not to air until the the Fall, I'm guessing it will be a considerable amount of time until that happens. :(

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buncha geeks. sheesh. =P

So what's your point? :p

I think there is a clause in the DGN TOS requiring at least minimal geekdom of some sort to even view the website. Luckily I've yet to find any poster that does not fit that description. They just might be "geeks" about different subjects.

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Guest Megalicious

I just watched the finale a little while ago..... I watch, I was in awe, I cried and then it was over.

There was just one thing that I hated.... my lovely starbuck .... and Lee..... WTF. :cry

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