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Water Workout

pomba gira

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So being really sick & tired of (a) feeling like a big fat cow (b) being barely able to move every morning, I signed up for a Water Workout class at the luxe new YMCA here. I absolutely love it... when you are in near-constant pain, you get to a point where you don't even realize it until something happens to make it stop. It's such a blessing to be able to move & jump & whatever without all my joints hurting. The first session was like a classic Maslow peak experience... I was grinning like a fool and at times near tears with the sheer joy of well-being. A few of the exercises are hard for me 'cos I'm really scared of water... there's one bit where you're supposed to lie back on a noodle with your feet off the bottom. Can't do that without hanging onto the side for dear life but the instructor said it was OK. And I noticed two others doing the same thing so at least I am not the only pathetic water coward! Well, I'm working on it, maybe by the end of the course I'll be able to float like a normal person.

One unexpected issue: having to refrain from appreciatively ogling all the lovely female bodies in the locker room. Keep having to remind myself I'm not at Cherry Lane or a Lifestyle party. I guess I'll have to learn to ogle discreetly.

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So being really sick & tired of (a) feeling like a big fat cow (b) being barely able to move every morning, I signed up for a Water Workout class at the luxe new YMCA here. I absolutely love it... when you are in near-constant pain, you get to a point where you don't even realize it until something happens to make it stop. It's such a blessing to be able to move & jump & whatever without all my joints hurting. The first session was like a classic Maslow peak experience... I was grinning like a fool and at times near tears with the sheer joy of well-being. A few of the exercises are hard for me 'cos I'm really scared of water... there's one bit where you're supposed to lie back on a noodle with your feet off the bottom. Can't do that without hanging onto the side for dear life but the instructor said it was OK. And I noticed two others doing the same thing so at least I am not the only pathetic water coward! Well, I'm working on it, maybe by the end of the course I'll be able to float like a normal person.

One unexpected issue: having to refrain from appreciatively ogling all the lovely female bodies in the locker room. Keep having to remind myself I'm not at Cherry Lane or a Lifestyle party. I guess I'll have to learn to ogle discreetly.

I am ogle-proof at gyms...I get changed in bathroom stalls and stuff, not out in the open :p.

And the thing about not knowing how much pain you're in until you start to workout? I know allll about that, even as a young person. If I stop working out for months straight, the first thing to hit is the stiff neck, after that my back begins to pinch in places it shouldn't which shoots pain everywhere, my legs then begin to feel weak and it hurts just to walk.

So people: EXERCISE! Moral of the story here. It's impossible to be a fully healthy person if you don't, take from people like Auntie Hille and myself.

When I first started working out altogether, before I had ever really broke a sweat and was borderline obese, I didn't know you COULD feel that good. Almost like the first time you get glasses, you had no idea beforehand that it was even possible to see that well.

And swimming is hard for people if you didn't really come from a swimming family. If you weren't raised in the water as a kid, you'll most likely be uneasy swimming in it. I was practically raised in water and thus can outswim anyone I know. It's funny though, because as Jynxxxedangel knows (because she has the same little phobia) I still get nervous about big fishes lopping off my toes, so when I swim I look funny because my feet are in the water for less than a second. Hell, I could probably make it from Metro Beach across Lake St. Clair to Canada fairly easy, but never actually tried it for fear of being shot dead by the US Coast Guard.

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I've always wanted to try this, but all of the water fitness classes in this area are geared towards old people. I don't want to be the only tomato in a pool full of prunes! :p

Hehe I was worried about that... but the "over 40" class is during the daytime so I couldn't make that one anyway. This one has quite a mix of ages, from mid-20s to 60+.

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