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Hahaha hilarious.

You can always watch it on YouTube, or just find the transcript online. I've got it posted on my LJ too haha.

I just watched it on cnn. Well, listened to it actually, the video was playing in the background.

I'm covered now in case he (teacher) asks.

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I caught just the oaths too. I was at the auto show and managed to find a TV at the right time. Along with a healthy crowd of others. Apparently VW put the feed up on their big screen and a huge crowd gathered to watch.

Did anyone else notice that the mall in DC was packed? Any official crowd estimates out there? I don't have time to search..

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I caught just the oaths too. I was at the auto show and managed to find a TV at the right time. Along with a healthy crowd of others. Apparently VW put the feed up on their big screen and a huge crowd gathered to watch.

Did anyone else notice that the mall in DC was packed? Any official crowd estimates out there? I don't have time to search..

It was crazy. One of my friends from High School does the Army Olde Guard Fife and Drum Corps for the president. She has been updating from her cell phone all day and it was crazy packed since they got there early this morning.

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I caught just the oaths too. I was at the auto show and managed to find a TV at the right time. Along with a healthy crowd of others. Apparently VW put the feed up on their big screen and a huge crowd gathered to watch.

Did anyone else notice that the mall in DC was packed? Any official crowd estimates out there? I don't have time to search..

I think they said there was like 2 million people in DC today

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He really should have had that TINY oath MEMORIZED...

...& should have really practiced the speech more...& it didn't really say much...

(which is why I won't bitch about how short it was)

The oath of office is like wedding vows. The justice says a line, and the president-elect repeats it.

Just to correct the record once and for all, esteemed conservative chief justice John Roberts screwed up the oath.

then Obama paused, and waited for John Roberts to correct himself so Obama could repeat the oath properly,

then Roberts STILL stumbled, so Obama just said the one line the same backasswards way

that John Roberts had said it.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=274_VdeckAU--Pause it at 52 sec--

Obama is giving Roberts a look that seems to say "Say the line right you fucker. This doesn't happen everyday you know"

Then they finished the oath and lived happily ever after.

There will be plenty of things to criticize in the Obama administration ahead, but...

this just aint one of em.

Oh and for the record I have been told ten times since Saturday that is wrong to make fun of Obama...anyone wanna explain this?

Because that is not a part of the liberal dictat... erm. I mean, democratic agenda. Yes, that's it.

As opposed to the conservative dictat...erm. I mean, Republican agenda. Yes that's it--- that made anyone who exercised their 1st amendment right to free speech an enemy combatant in 2001 (or 2002 or 2003 for that matter)

There was a period of two or three years where any criticism of Bush was met with scorn and threats from the presidential administration that said people were "unpatriotic" or "living in a pre-9/11 mindset"

Anyone remember the Dixie Chicks fiasco??

How about when Bill Maher lost his show on ABC because he made ONE comment that suicide bombers were nuts but not cowards.

It was absolutely Orwellian in the early 2000s to a point that made all the silly

"Don't say things that aren't politically correct" absolutely beyond the pale.

We have a short term memory.

All we can see is how the media has gone after Bush like rottweilers the past couple years.

How quickly we forget that they were his little lapdogs for years after 9/11.


As for Obama, he got the VIP treatment.

It's a good story.

1st black president

Son of an African immigrant and a poor Kansan white woman

Grew up lower-middle class. A scholarship kid who over-achieved.

PLUS, we are ACHING for something different after eight years of Bush.

Just like our parents were ACHING for something different after four years of Carter.

And guess what happened then:

Reagan took over, changed the dialogue in Washington, promoted small government, union busting,

job growth, but also ever-widening disparities between rich and poor

And every conservative has wanted to be him since.

He is one of the most beloved presidents in history, but to many:





union members

one of the most reviled too.

I expect Obama to be of the same ilk. Simply with the opposite rhetoric

A lot of change WILL happen. A new thrust that, in contrast to Reagan, government is NOT the problem, but rather a partner in helping the world move forward, and will foster job growth through expanded programs and social safety nets,

but not always in the interest of big business

and I expect TOO that within a year or two a lot of people will openly revile him as well.

Even our poor oppressed conservative-minded DGNers.

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Anyone remember the Dixie Chicks fiasco??

Know your audiance, that was thier own fault.

How about when Bill Maher lost his show on ABC because he made ONE comment that suicide bombers were nuts but not cowards.

He lost his show for more than that and you know it.

Son of an African immigrant and a poor Kansan white woman


Grew up lower-middle class. A scholarship kid who over-achieved.

There is no such thing as lower-middle class in Hawaii

PLUS, we are ACHING for something different after eight years of Bush.

Just like our parents were ACHING for something different after four years of Carter.

Different does not equal Good or Better. It simply means different. Beign set on fire is different than not being on fire.

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Except he was raised by his rather wealthy grand parents. Not his poor mother.

Private schoools and all that are not cheap.

Oh I am not disagreeing with his background as you described it.... just when you said "There is no such thing as lower-middle class in Hawaii" when there very much is....

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The oath of office is like wedding vows. The justice says a line, and the president-elect repeats it.

Just to correct the record once and for all, esteemed conservative chief justice John Roberts screwed up the oath.

then Obama paused, and waited for John Roberts to correct himself so Obama could repeat the oath properly,

then Roberts STILL stumbled, so Obama just said the one line the same backasswards way

that John Roberts had said it.

target="_blank--Pause it at 52 sec--

Obama is giving Roberts a look that seems to say "Say the line right you fucker. This doesn't happen everyday you know"

Then they finished the oath and lived happily ever after.

There will be plenty of things to criticize in the Obama administration ahead, but...

this just aint one of em.

The-O-Koneko (sp!) said that...& yes...I can agree...the Justice should have done his homework better...it wasn't the Big-O's fault...

(yes...I just called him "Big-O") :jamin

...but my criticism for the crappy speach that said little & settled my stomach not at all...still stands.

As opposed to the conservative dictat...erm. I mean, Republican agenda. Yes that's it--- that made anyone who exercised their 1st amendment right to free speech an enemy combatant in 2001 (or 2002 or 2003 for that matter)

There was a period of two or three years where any criticism of Bush was met with scorn and threats from the presidential administration that said people were "unpatriotic" or "living in a pre-9/11 mindset"

I expect Obama to be of the same ilk. Simply with the opposite rhetoric

A lot of change WILL happen. A new thrust that, in contrast to Reagan, government is NOT the problem, but rather a partner in helping the world move forward, and will foster job growth through expanded programs and social safety nets,

but not always in the interest of big business

and I expect TOO that within a year or two a lot of people will openly revile him as well.

Even our poor oppressed conservative-minded DGNers. :rofl:

...yes...I remember..I remember hiding who I was.....biting my tongue in public...ALLOT...

..I'm still not convinced it was not a collaboration of all the oil$ in the world acting in their best interest...

Whilst I often feel oppressed...I hope you weren't calling ME "conservative"... :stuart:

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I thought the way that lady read the poem was a lil strange...too many pauses...

Here it is though its nice.

Praise Song for the Day

By Elizabeth Alexander

Each day we go about our business,

walking past each other, catching each other’s

eyes or not, about to speak or speaking.

All about us is noise. All about us is

noise and bramble, thorn and din, each

one of our ancestors on our tongues.

Someone is stitching up a hem, darning

a hole in a uniform, patching a tire,

repairing the things in need of repair.

Someone is trying to make music somewhere,

with a pair of wooden spoons on an oil drum,

with cello, boom box, harmonica, voice.

A woman and her son wait for the bus.

A farmer considers the changing sky.

A teacher says, Take out your pencils. Begin.

We encounter each other in words, words

spiny or smooth, whispered or declaimed,

words to consider, reconsider.

We cross dirt roads and highways that mark

the will of some one and then others, who said

I need to see what’s on the other side.

I know there’s something better down the road.

We need to find a place where we are safe.

We walk into that which we cannot yet see.

Say it plain: that many have died for this day.

Sing the names of the dead who brought us here,

who laid the train tracks, raised the bridges,

picked the cotton and the lettuce, built

brick by brick the glittering edifices

they would then keep clean and work inside of.

Praise song for struggle, praise song for the day.

Praise song for every hand-lettered sign,

the figuring-it-out at kitchen tables.

Some live by love thy neighbor as thyself,

others by first do no harm or take no more

than you need. What if the mightiest word is love?

Love beyond marital, filial, national,

love that casts a widening pool of light,

love with no need to pre-empt grievance.

In today’s sharp sparkle, this winter air,

any thing can be made, any sentence begun.

On the brink, on the brim, on the cusp,

praise song for walking forward in that light

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The-O-Koneko (sp!) said that...& yes...I can agree...the Justice should have done his homework better...it wasn't the Big-O's fault...

(yes...I just called him "Big-O") :jamin

That's right! Give credit where it's due!! XDXD Yay! Someone noticed me... :happy:

I thought the way that lady read the poem was a lil strange...too many pauses...

Here it is though its nice.

Praise Song for the Day

By Elizabeth Alexander

Each day we go about our business,

walking past each other, catching each other’s

eyes or not, about to speak or speaking.

All about us is noise. All about us is

noise and bramble, thorn and din, each

one of our ancestors on our tongues.

Someone is stitching up a hem, darning

a hole in a uniform, patching a tire,

repairing the things in need of repair.

Someone is trying to make music somewhere,

with a pair of wooden spoons on an oil drum,

with cello, boom box, harmonica, voice.

A woman and her son wait for the bus.

A farmer considers the changing sky.

A teacher says, Take out your pencils. Begin.

We encounter each other in words, words

spiny or smooth, whispered or declaimed,

words to consider, reconsider.

We cross dirt roads and highways that mark

the will of some one and then others, who said

I need to see what’s on the other side.

I know there’s something better down the road.

We need to find a place where we are safe.

We walk into that which we cannot yet see.

Say it plain: that many have died for this day.

Sing the names of the dead who brought us here,

who laid the train tracks, raised the bridges,

picked the cotton and the lettuce, built

brick by brick the glittering edifices

they would then keep clean and work inside of.

Praise song for struggle, praise song for the day.

Praise song for every hand-lettered sign,

the figuring-it-out at kitchen tables.

Some live by love thy neighbor as thyself,

others by first do no harm or take no more

than you need. What if the mightiest word is love?

Love beyond marital, filial, national,

love that casts a widening pool of light,

love with no need to pre-empt grievance.

In today’s sharp sparkle, this winter air,

any thing can be made, any sentence begun.

On the brink, on the brim, on the cusp,

praise song for walking forward in that light

Yeah...I am just not a poetry person...so uncultured! But I had to give a 'fist pump' for her when she came out because they announced has as someone Obama had met during his years at the University of Chicago, where she also taught... Yeeeeaaaaah Yay for ye ol alma mater! :respect:

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He really should have had that TINY oath MEMORIZED...

...& should have really practiced the speech more...& it didn't really say much...

(which is why I won't bitch about how short it was)

I think maybe he had it TOO memorized... which is why it threw him when the CJ flubbed the lines.

I would like to see any of y'all do it better..... Standing in front of an entire nation of hopeful people, depending on you for a change..

I think he did a fine job

I thought the speech was fine... minimum of high-flown rhetoric, plenty of "OK, this is what we gotta do". But then I'm not much one for high-flown rhetoric, anyway. Plus I thought the moment itself was powerful enough not to need that sort of thing. A "speech for the ages" would've been superfluous, because it was an occasion for the ages.

And make that a WORLD full of hopeful people, the ceremony was widely viewed all over the world!

HAHA What was with that? "When the red man can get ahead, man"


Typical old-school preacher lines... haha went nicely with Sis 'Re's maximum Church of God in Christ hat! I prolly liked it just 'cos I grew up hearing that kind of preaching... and my late stepdad (Missionary Baptist pastor) was known to toss the occasional turn of phrase along those lines.

The poet lady was kind'a weak, tho. I really tried to appreciate her on her own merits, instead of comparing every word she spoke to Maya Angelou... but... she needs to do some poetry slams & develop some stage presence.

FUCK YEAH! The crowd's sing, "na na na na, na na na na, hey hey, Goobdbye!" as the Bushes fly off!

LOL x infinity!

That was priceless indeed. Interesting that the small amount of resentment/spite shown, was done in a lighthearted and fun kind'a way.

Funniest moment: Sis 'Re warbling "My CUNT----ry 'tis of thee..."

Most impressive sight: The Limo, which was obviously packing a solid ton & 1/2 of Chobham. Reminded me of those "terrorist-proof" Mercedes SUVs you saw around Detroit for a while after the Daimler crew moved in.

Most moving sight: the hordes of humanity packing the National Mall.

Gratifying: the Lesbian-Gay Marching Band Association. Sure don't recall them being invited to any Bush events! Yes, I actually watched almost the entire parade. The LGMBA and the Howard marchers were about the only contingents that had sense enough to dress for the weather... the rest all looked exhausted and frozen by the time they hit the reviewing stand. But still, thrilled and elated to be there. As I would've beeen.

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I am pissed. I was SOOO mislead. The great YOYOMA had to pull a milli vanilli cause of the weather???


I thought that was live. As in satalite fed a few min later...but still...

Seriously? I'd heard he was using a metal alloy cello instead of his usual one because it would have killed the wood, but I didn't hear it was recorded...


Huh. Wow. That is crazy! http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/23/arts/mus...tml?_r=1&hp But I can understand it. Apparently a piano can't stay in tune under 50degrees? In that case they had precious little choice...

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I am pissed. I was SOOO mislead. The great YOYOMA had to pull a milli vanilli cause of the weather???


I thought that was live. As in satalite fed a few min later...but still...

Seriously? I'd heard he was using a metal alloy cello instead of his usual one because it would have killed the wood, but I didn't hear it was recorded...


Huh. Wow. That is crazy! http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/23/arts/mus...tml?_r=1&hp But I can understand it. Apparently a piano can't stay in tune under 50degrees? In that case they had precious little choice...

It was under 20 degrees F that day, cold weather is really really bad for wood/string instruments. Frankly I don't think they should have had them out in that weather anyway.

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Wow...this event was so big that they were playing the rerun at the strip club...AND PEOPLE WERE WATCHING! WTF?!?!?

Boobs...or Obama on TV....lack of a no touching rule...or Obama on TV....a midget stripper....or Obama on TV? The guy killed the mood and that puts him on my black list!

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