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i don't think its the browser, is the screen setting.. the screen resolution.... right click on your desktop, click properties, when the window pops up, click on the "settings" tab. if its set ro 800 x 600, than everything will be set to HUGE. I keep mine at a resolution of 1024 x 768... but I'm on a laptop, and the only settings are 800 x 600 or 1024 x 768. on a regular computer where you usually have options, keeping it somewhere in the middle of the highest and lowest is usually best, unless you need everything to look bigger, because you can't see...

See if that helps. I haven't had an issue with people's signature because of my resolution settings. :)

Also, isn't there a setting in your own control panel that hides signatures???? ;) (meaning that you can idividualize whether you see everyone's signatures or not.)

I agree with a size limit, don't get me wrong, but when a signature is small on my screen and takes up half a page on someone else's, is not the signature, its the screen settings. ;)

Edited by GothicRavenGoddess
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hmmm. strange. I looked in Firefox and Chrome and it's tiny from here.

What browser are you using at the moment?

Could be some settings are wrong if it's showing large and we need to see why that is.

The post font sizes in general are way too small to quickly read. So, naturally, I have to have Firefox zoom in twice to make the posts even easily legible.

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With the most common screen resolution (1024 X 768) and the standard monitor size these days 17=19 inch +, the text size is larger than newsprint / novel text. Having the opportunity to check the board on multiple computers fairly regularly (and many different browsers) It should be ok for the majority of users. But as mentioned above, you can resize it with browser settings if it seems to small or too large.

On my main home computer i have the resolution set much higher and the text size is still roughly about the size of magazine print (probably a slight bit larger). Its always going to be relative based on various settings though.

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Okay, I've only been here like 2 days and I'm already weary of scrolling past sigs to get to actual thread comments. Also as a newb that has not been reading the same sigs for months, it's sometimes difficult to see where a response ends and a sig begins. When you've seen them a million times, it gets easier for your eye to just skim over them, but frankly I feel like I'm being "tricked" into a reading a whole bunch of irrelevant content and it's wasting time I'd rather be spending reading and responding to threads.

It might be a better idea to limit the sig sizes further and provide a place on the user profile front page for people to go crazy with quotes, name logos and animated gifs. That way everyone can still express themselves creatively, without the majority of thread content being cluttered up with sig files irrelevant to the conversation. The advantages of having sig files [instantly recognizable, people get to know your name, shameless self promotion links] won't suffer at all, but then our eyes won't either.

In the mean time a good general rule of thumb might be: if your user name graphic font is bigger than the DETROITGOTHIC.NET at the top of the screen, it's too big. Likewise the overall sig height should probably not be larger than the default height of a one line post. If your sig is twice the size of your response, it's easy to miss what you said.

Just my .02 Take it for what it's worth.

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Okay, I've only been here like 2 days and I'm already weary of scrolling past sigs to get to actual thread comments. Also as a newb that has not been reading the same sigs for months, it's sometimes difficult to see where a response ends and a sig begins. When you've seen them a million times, it gets easier for your eye to just skim over them, but frankly I feel like I'm being "tricked" into a reading a whole bunch of irrelevant content and it's wasting time I'd rather be spending reading and responding to threads.

It might be a better idea to limit the sig sizes further and provide a place on the user profile front page for people to go crazy with quotes, name logos and animated gifs. That way everyone can still express themselves creatively, without the majority of thread content being cluttered up with sig files irrelevant to the conversation. The advantages of having sig files [instantly recognizable, people get to know your name, shameless self promotion links] won't suffer at all, but then our eyes won't either.

In the mean time a good general rule of thumb might be: if your user name graphic font is bigger than the DETROITGOTHIC.NET at the top of the screen, it's too big. Likewise the overall sig height should probably not be larger than the default height of a one line post. If your sig is twice the size of your response, it's easy to miss what you said.

Just my .02 Take it for what it's worth.


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I don't understand why creative sigs are a big deal :dry:

They're not a "big deal", they're just tiresome. I'm here to talk to people and have conversations, not read quotes or look at animated gifs. And granted, that's just me, but I'm pretty sure that "messages" are the point of the board.

I don't mind there being a place for the quotes and gifs and things, I just don't like them breaking up thread content.

I think the point of sig files is sort of lost around here. It's a signature. It shouldn't really contain much more than your name and some relevant links and maybe a single quote if that's really your thing, but ultimately it should be treated like a signature, not a bulletin board. There seems to be a lot of "they discovered they could and didn't stop to think if maybe they should" sig files here. That said, I really like the apparent trend of logo style names [because I am a font/logo dork], but still, I think some of them are just a little too big.

Additionally, the board interface is really graphics intensive, so that doesn't help the spacial issues.

I'm on a 14" laptop with a max res of 1280x800 and this is what this thread on my screen looks like:



And even then that's actually a little more than what I can see, because I disabled a couple of toolbars before I captured those.

I'm on a lot of message boards, and the giant sig file practices around here are not by any means the standard or norm, and seem a little out of control. You guys are actually really lucky to have so much flexibility in your sig files. But I think it's being abused just a little. A little consideration is all we're asking.

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Two words - Visual clutter.

Your freedom of expression exacts a cost in readability.

They're not a "big deal", they're just tiresome. I'm here to talk to people and have conversations, not read quotes or look at animated gifs. And granted, that's just me, but I'm pretty sure that "messages" are the point of the board.

I don't mind there being a place for the quotes and gifs and things, I just don't like them breaking up thread content.

I think the point of sig files is sort of lost around here. It's a signature. It shouldn't really contain much more than your name and some relevant links and maybe a single quote if that's really your thing, but ultimately it should be treated like a signature, not a bulletin board. There seems to be a lot of "they discovered they could and didn't stop to think if maybe they should" sig files here. That said, I really like the apparent trend of logo style names [because I am a font/logo dork], but still, I think some of them are just a little too big.

Additionally, the board interface is really graphics intensive, so that doesn't help the spacial issues.

I'm on a 14" laptop with a max res of 1280x800 and this is what this thread on my screen looks like:



And even then that's actually a little more than what I can see, because I disabled a couple of toolbars before I captured those.

I'm on a lot of message boards, and the giant sig file practices around here are not by any means the standard or norm, and seem a little out of control. You guys are actually really lucky to have so much flexibility in your sig files. But I think it's being abused just a little. A little consideration is all we're asking.

Perhaps you should use this option on your control panel, under board settings... :)

Board Display Settings

Do you wish to view members signatures when reading topics?

I'm not here to offend anyone.. DGN has been a place I've been for well over a year now.. I have made allot of friends here & I'm not around to cause trouble.. I just don't see the big deal.. Just ignore it.. I do... I have my sig the way I do, because I feel it expresses who I am..

I say those who don't want to look at the sigs.. Then set your board settings so you don't have to :biggrin:

Much Love


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Oh...c'mon...that looks like a graffiti tag...just a name.

I'm on a lot of message boards, and the giant sig file practices around here are not by any means the standard or norm, and seem a little out of control. You guys are actually really lucky to have so much flexibility in your sig files. But I think it's being abused just a little. A little consideration is all we're asking.

Maybe we don't WANT the "NORM" :harhar:

...ain't shit I do standard :p

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In the mean time a good general rule of thumb might be: if your user name graphic font is bigger than the DETROITGOTHIC.NET at the top of the screen, it's too big. Likewise the overall sig height should probably not be larger than the default height of a one line post. If your sig is twice the size of your response, it's easy to miss what you said.

I'd ad ... "especially for newer people." Which, general DGN should be biased toward the new people a bit. You don't get "long term posters" if the new people never convert into more seasoned posters.

That has been the general suggestion for a long time. Unfortunately its difficult to enforce. The board software itself is supposed to have a built-in sig size limit but it doesn't actually work, not really. And so with the billions of sigs, its hard to moderate each and every one unless they are REALLY big. (and there have been several people who have either had their sig removed or have been asked to have it removed.)

I personally think there are many sigs that are too large, but for the vast majority of the board sig size isn't much of an issue. (I try to think about DGN in terms of what is better for the whole, rather than what is just better for me. Even if what I like personally ends up not getting addressed.) Its something we still try to keep some sort of a handle on, its just not something that many people complain about. When the next version of IPB comes out, this probably will be a moot point as there will be a hard-limit to the dimensions and file size that sigs can be.

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I'd ad ... "especially for newer people." Which, general DGN should be biased toward the new people a bit. You don't get "long term posters" if the new people never convert into more seasoned posters.

That has been the general suggestion for a long time. Unfortunately its difficult to enforce. The board software itself is supposed to have a built-in sig size limit but it doesn't actually work, not really. And so with the billions of sigs, its hard to moderate each and every one unless they are REALLY big. (and there have been several people who have either had their sig removed or have been asked to have it removed.)

I personally think there are many sigs that are too large, but for the vast majority of the board sig size isn't much of an issue. (I try to think about DGN in terms of what is better for the whole, rather than what is just better for me. Even if what I like personally ends up not getting addressed.) Its something we still try to keep some sort of a handle on, its just not something that many people complain about. When the next version of IPB comes out, this probably will be a moot point as there will be a hard-limit to the dimensions and file size that sigs can be.

Isn't this why there is an option to hid sigs??

& I still don't understand the big deal :dry:

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I'd ad ... "especially for newer people." Which, general DGN should be biased toward the new people a bit. You don't get "long term posters" if the new people never convert into more seasoned posters.

That has been the general suggestion for a long time. Unfortunately its difficult to enforce. The board software itself is supposed to have a built-in sig size limit but it doesn't actually work, not really. And so with the billions of sigs, its hard to moderate each and every one unless they are REALLY big. (and there have been several people who have either had their sig removed or have been asked to have it removed.)

I personally think there are many sigs that are too large, but for the vast majority of the board sig size isn't much of an issue. (I try to think about DGN in terms of what is better for the whole, rather than what is just better for me. Even if what I like personally ends up not getting addressed.) Its something we still try to keep some sort of a handle on, its just not something that many people complain about. When the next version of IPB comes out, this probably will be a moot point as there will be a hard-limit to the dimensions and file size that sigs can be.

Oh...that works...just it lets you have a WHOLE LOT...I don't use the whole thing..but I DID try to put a quite lengthy quote by Nietzsche & was Teh-denied....I think it is based on number of characters [bBCODE included in this tally]...not for the size of linked images...or what size the script is...& stuff like that...

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I can't think of anyone right now whose signature bothers me, but in the past there have been people with signatures that take up a whole page or more, and those are annoying. You have to wait forever for them to load, then scroll through a ton of stuff. It's especially annoying when that person posts 6 or 7 times on the same page. Pictures are the worst, because if you have a slower browser it takes forever for the page to load.

I don't think the 'hide signatures' feature is a good option. Why should I have to ignore all signatures, including the ones that don't bother me, because a couple people can't be accommodating and move most of that stuff to their personal page or gallery, or start a thread in My Creations for it?

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To echo or elaborate on many of the above points:

Many (read most) online forums have more stict rules about signature size, if its built in to the software this never even really becomes an issue to begin with. The majority of your larger websites have much "cleaner" looking forums. Not that it is a desire of mine to have DGN look like a spartan urinal, but Diarrhea of the Signature can be a problem on many fronts. Rarely, if ever is the problem "omg I cant post a huge sig? I don't want to read that message board." The problem is in the opposite direction. Or rather there can be a problem if the mods don't keep it under control. The reason you don't currently see the super-huge signatures that really make things look like crap aren't around.

In terms of turning signatures off....New people would have no clue about any "turn them off" feature and the new people are what keeps a place alive. Also people do like to read signatures, having to turn them ALL off due to a few monstrosity sized signatures isn't particularly great either. The vast majority of joe-posters won't really care if there is a sig size limit. But if there is no signature limit the new (or never) members might just look and think (as some have mentioned above, and more have mentioned who don't post at all) "damn that website is spammed up with huge sigs." NVM.

There will be a few complainers once a hard-coded signature size is in place, but they will be very few and only because the limit hadn't been there in the first place. On the old board there weren't any signatures at all, and I'm not sure I ever remember hearing a peep about it. Even though I personally wanted them, among a 100 other features we didn't have. *ponders*

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  • 9 months later...

how do you get a tag and signature. I made a small thing for mine and would like a myspace and facebook add link can someone help me out here? :help:

On the upper right hand corner of the screen click the arrow that has your screenname in it. A menu will drop down, click the option that says "My Settings". It will take you to a new page and in the middle bar click where it says "Profile". From there I believe the box to edit your signature is three down.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there anything wrong with my signature? I think its purtiful lol. I didnt make it too big. I have a sig a quote and 3 links to my profiles. I dont need anything more than that

yours is acceptable miss

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  • 2 weeks later...

finally got around to doing this too.

i finally saw a sig image obnoxious enough to make me turn it off. :p

wouldn't happen to be mine would it? :p

My sig pwns all sigs!

On a serious note, I know it's a bit... eh.. yeah... if anyone is offended by anything i say or do, by all means feel free to PM me and we can work it out from there. So if my sig is offensive to enough, I will remove it. But you gotta say somethin for me to know! :p

Edited by Epic_Fail_Guy
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wouldn't happen to be mine would it? :p

My sig pwns all sigs!

On a serious note, I know it's a bit... eh.. yeah... if anyone is offended by anything i say or do, by all means feel free to PM me and we can work it out from there. So if my sig is offensive to enough, I will remove it. But you gotta say somethin for me to know! :p

I'm not able to surf DGN at work anymore, but a lot of people still do.

....just sayin.

Its definately NSFW.

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