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Fix'd. You all can now safely turn your signature viewing thingies back on :)

I have to say, though I thought it was funny, albeit truly obnoxious and a bit nauseating by the 2327th time, I wasn't going to say anything out of respect for your freedom of expression. I must commend you on your sensitivity towards others that you have amended your signature with no apparent hard feelings. You are a class act, sir.

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I have to say, though I thought it was funny, albeit truly obnoxious and a bit nauseating by the 2327th time, I wasn't going to say anything out of respect for your freedom of expression. I must commend you on your sensitivity towards others that you have amended your signature with no apparent hard feelings. You are a class act, sir.



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  • 10 months later...

Could someone on a regular computer please tell me if mines too big? I'm on an Android device & the 3x2 screen isn't nearly sufficient for determining if its too big...thanks!

Its fine. Probably slightly on the "tall" side but since its not some huge obnoxious self portrait its fine. Similar to how mine is actually on the tall side, but its all low-impact text so it doesnt have that "OMFG LOOKIT ME!" feel to it.

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  • 1 month later...

I butchered the original quote for a reason. Stop it stop it stop it stop it!!!



In actual practice there isn't a rule about signature size (not for members anyway) as the software itself with kill anything that's insanely big automaticly, but still allows a lot of leeway (more than many of us would like).

For some damn reason it STILL wont let us specify a specific "visual size" size limit(there is a download size maximum, which from a very practical sense is the real problem). I mean you can do anything you want with custom coding, its just not a built in feature on the admin side. So far its never been a huge issue so installing a custom modification is hard to justify when the software gets updated frequently (and that kills the customizations very often).

Large signatures don't really bother me personally all that much, but just out of consideration of other posters its nice to keep them down to a reasonable level of "in your face" feel.

And yeah, there are a few signatures that are just so damn big I think "really? why?"

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I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who is seriously annoyed by the huge "OMFG LOOKIT ME!" sig pics, but I find it unpleasant to constantly have to scroll past a big huge picture 5,000,000,000 times a day. Words don't bother me as much because they are easier to ignore, I suppose.

Edited by bean
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I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who is seriously annoyed by the huge "OMFG LOOKIT ME!" sig pics, but I find it unpleasant to constantly have to scroll past a big huge picture 5,000,000,000 times a day. Words don't bother me as much because they are easier to ignore, I suppose.

Yeah that is pretty much exactly the rational. I'm loath to maybe run people off the board by having "the boss" bitch at them directly about their signature, its crazy how people that (in the past) have been around for say 2 years, and you say something like "hey your signature is a bit big could you make a smaller one? ... or i can help you make a smaller one" some people take it just fine, other people get all bent out of shape and you lose a decent poster, over it. It sounds really childish, but for whatever reason, even fairly rational adults just get pissed off when you ask them to change something.Which I have no problem doing , I just need to pick my battles, this one just with the signatures its hard for me to justify.

Plus for whatever reason I seem to have a way of rubbing people the wrong way unintentionally, in a way that just joe-blow poster asking (or maybe a different moderator) might not.

Although I am, as we speak, due directly to this discussion trying to figure out if its still not possible to specific a specific global (visual) size limit. The guideline has always been "at least smaller (vertically) than the DGN banner is, which, is pretty dang big. But its never been an actual rule.

*goes off to dig around on the IPB admin forums some more*

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does anyone realize you can turn off everyone's signatures? i haven't seen one in years, unless i happened to forget to log in & surf the board.

it's soooo nice!! :yes

Somehow I missed that. :X But then I won't see the funny signatures. Plus I must admit that I tend to lurk and don't usually log on, mostly because I'm at work and can only pop on for a few minutes at a time before I get busy with something else. But, I'm going to use the feature anyway for when I do log in.

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If mine is a bit overdone, please tell me. I can cut the hell out of it if it makes browsing past my ramblings easier. :)

yours was above the "dgn banner" size, which being a mod and all /bonk. I edited it slightly so it is now "techncially" within the mod guildlines. Although it never bothered me before. (the signatures generally never did/do I just know its a common complaint, privately)

does anyone realize you can turn off everyone's signatures? i haven't seen one in years, unless i happened to forget to log in & surf the board.

it's soooo nice!! :yes

Nooooo... you need to be able to see them so you can bitch about them , you know, from a moderator standpoint if needed.

Somehow I missed that. :X But then I won't see the funny signatures. Plus I must admit that I tend to lurk and don't usually log on, mostly because I'm at work and can only pop on for a few minutes at a time before I get busy with something else. But, I'm going to use the feature anyway for when I do log in.

I like reading signatures, turning them off , although I think it is a useful feature, just wouldn't be in the cards for me.

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I added a small update that makes it so 200 pixels is the maximum vertical size that the signatures will display (you can still add whatever you want, it just wont display)

I'm not sure if i want to leave it this way or not /ponders. (although un-doing it is a heck of a lot more involved than adding it was)

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Nooooo... you need to be able to see them so you can bitch about them , you know, from a moderator standpoint if needed.

no can do... had them on for a while, but actually got bitched at by IT for the amount of content downloading at work. as i said, i do log out & scope them occasionally...

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They don't bother me when I am looking at DGN from my laptop, like I am now, but when I am looking at DGN from my phone, from which I never log in because it's a pain to type stuff, and I usually only have time to skim, it doesn't reformat the size, so signatures with more than 2 quotes or pictures are super annoying. When I try to read DGN from my phone I probably spend 1-2 minutes for every thread I read clicking past signatures.

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They don't bother me when I am looking at DGN from my laptop, like I am now, but when I am looking at DGN from my phone, from which I never log in because it's a pain to type stuff, and I usually only have time to skim, it doesn't reformat the size, so signatures with more than 2 quotes or pictures are super annoying. When I try to read DGN from my phone I probably spend 1-2 minutes for every thread I read clicking past signatures.

Hrmm odd. When was the last time you checked DGN on a phone? It (should) turn the signatures off automatically as far as I'm aware. The board switches the skin of DGN to "IP.Board.Mobile" (as opposed to "DGN Standard") which is a zero-frills version if it senses a phone. I don't actually have a phone with internet access so I rarely can check such things.

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