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Evans said he never saw the boot coming. The thick-heeled

shoe, similar to the platform style worn in the 1970s, smacked him squarely in the face.

''That was my first time ever there. Isn't that crazy?'' he said. ''My nose got chipped on one side and I constantly lose the ability to breathe out of one nostril; the passageway gets clogged up.


this is pretty funny....I have had that happen with clogs they kinda went flying across the dance floor at luna

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Believe it or not, proper shoe trajectory is a skill. Years ago, this guy was heckling me while I was onstage, so I let my shoe dangle on the tip of my toes while doing a pole spin. I waited until just the right moment, and let it loose. It flew about 30 feet, and knocked the guy's pitcher into his lap. He then got up, and tipped me 20 bucks. :laugh: True story..if you don't believe me, ask my friend DJ Deth on MySpace.

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Yeah those giant shoes scare the shit out of me every time I sit there. The girls I see are actually very good at handling them but I still watch my head. The loud bang when they hit the floor lets you know that your skull only needs one good kick and its over...keeps me in line even though I am allows to touch them at this place...touch and not poke is the thing to keep in mind. Keep the tip in your mouth and they tend to be more careful...

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IMO most of the people who go to those joints should be wearing helmets anyhow.

Most of the people at my local one are just about ready to take a dirt nap...they deserve a little perversion before then.

Me...well I can't really explain why I am there. Part of it is that most of the people I know are always there or at work...the other part is that I know alot of the strippers there and kinda feel bad for them...I don't know how it happened but most of the 'popular' and rich kids ended up at the bottom of the pile. It's probably karma...but it could also be the lack of planning and know-how on their part. Either way if Megan can get out of there I know she can do something with her college degree...she just has alot of debt to the wrong people and I will help to pay what I can.

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let he who has not sinned cast the first stone

Bullshit, I've gone once. I was 19 and my friends Lyle, Mike, and one of their friends I barely knew took me to Canada for my birthday. I didn't like it hardly at all except talking to the girl who gave me the lap dance was alright, but the lap dance it'self was annoying and I wasn't into it at all. The classic rock they actually played was alright but most of the music sucked. Woo, I saw some titty, BFD. I knew I probably wasn't taking anyone home from there and I was just another schmuck with a wallet walking in to them. All that's going to do is give me a stiffy I'll have to get rid of later, which in all reality I don't need to go to a strip joint for anyhow.

After we left for another club which was a lot more fun and the DJ actually played some KMFDM (I was just getting into them a bit at the time) and a couple other tunes I liked.

I've also never been a huge fan of women putting themselves on display for cash. I admit the dancing does take a certain ammount of skill or else they end up looking like the girls in those Robert Palmer videos. I also certainly never went to Mephisto's for the girls in the cages (except those I actually knew or met over time). If they had a goth strip joint that actually played music I liked, I might consider going. However at that point it wouldn't be for the girls, although I guess you could call it an added bonus if they were nice.

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Sir. you are treading on some very unstable ground, and i cannot fathom whether it your complete lack of empathy and sympathy, or your arrogant demeanour.

how far would you say a person is putting themselves on display for cash? being as dismissive to such things is equally insensitive to the fact that they are indeed individuals like you or I and equally as objectifying as the "punters" of such places. perhaps it is your nature to dismiss any view not formulated by your experience as invalid, if this is the case i really do pitty you, for your setting yourself up for a fall.

i sujest you actually read what your dignature says and read the meaning, not just the words

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Musicians put themselves on display for cash--as do models, movie stars, and anyone else who works in the entertainment industry. We're all kindred, beneath the flesh. People can only be exploited, if they are WEAK in mind and spirit.

Do not underestimate the inner strength, mental capacity, or depth of character of exotic entertainers. There are many layers to our cakes. Many, if not most of us are educated, independent, and strong-- and have worked very hard to overcome the adversities and stereotypes. I, for one, am a living, breathing, giving, caring, miraculous wonder of life-- and I deserve to be respected and treated just as well as any other person who feels these things, and embraces them.

I've never understood why some men are so bent on degrading and belittling what their eyes adore most-- a beautiful, scantily-clad woman. It's OK to look at them, but not to be one. Perhaps it's a defense mechanism, to sidestep the secret feelings of intimidation and inadequacy they feel in their heart of hearts.

Oh, and NEVER, NEVER have I thought of the gentlemen who come to see me as being naught but a wallet. They are my kind patrons; many of whom I also consider to be dear friends, and I owe my livelihood to their generosity. Never have I lied, manipulated, or told a sob story to obtain money. I am the same genuine, credible, down-to-earth person at work, as I am in my everyday life. Not all of us are hustling, fickle, lying, wallet-emptying, dress-up-playing little girls.

My apologies for this somewhat off-topic rant, but as the resident wearer of "those shoes," I felt SOMETHING had to be said. I'll take my soapbox elsewhere, now.

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Sir. you are treading on some very unstable ground, and i cannot fathom whether it your complete lack of empathy and sympathy, or your arrogant demeanour.

how far would you say a person is putting themselves on display for cash? being as dismissive to such things is equally insensitive to the fact that they are indeed individuals like you or I and equally as objectifying as the "punters" of such places. perhaps it is your nature to dismiss any view not formulated by your experience as invalid, if this is the case i really do pitty you, for your setting yourself up for a fall.

i sujest you actually read what your dignature says and read the meaning, not just the words


Well said, and I don't think I've ever seen you get quite so eloquently angry before.

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Sir. you are treading on some very unstable ground, and i cannot fathom whether it your complete lack of empathy and sympathy, or your arrogant demeanor.

Let's go with the combo platter.

how far would you say a person is putting themselves on display for cash? being as dismissive to such things is equally insensitive to the fact that they are indeed individuals like you or I and equally as objectifying as the "punters" of such places. perhaps it is your nature to dismiss any view not formulated by your experience as invalid, if this is the case i really do pity you, for your setting yourself up for a fall.

i suggest you actually read what your dignature says and read the meaning, not just the words

Just because I don't agree with something doesn't mean I condemn it completely. To assume that is ignorant and pretty insulting I might add. I've had a few stripper friends, one of them a sort of relative (my dad's sister's husband's brother's daughter). I don't agree with swingers either but I've got a few friends who follow that life style as well. I've even got some christian friends. Not to mention the entire fetish scene which I have a LOT of friends in but I don't get into. Just because I don't agree with what they do doesn't mean I think they're all bad people. I've known people in amateur porn too (solo as far as I know but still). Still I call things as I see them, always have, and will continue to do so. Granted there are always exceptions to the rule but the rule exists for a reason. For example "Perverts row" wouldn't be called such if the people sitting in it weren't mostly perverts.

Also why are you so defensive? Do you frequent those types of places much? :p

Musicians put themselves on display for cash--as do models, movie stars, and anyone else who works in the entertainment industry. We're all kindred, beneath the flesh. People can only be exploited, if they are WEAK in mind and spirit.

Do not underestimate the inner strength, mental capacity, or depth of character of exotic entertainers. There are many layers to our cakes. Many, if not most of us are educated, independent, and strong-- and have worked very hard to overcome the adversities and stereotypes. I, for one, am a living, breathing, giving, caring, miraculous wonder of life-- and I deserve to be respected and treated just as well as any other person who feels these things, and embraces them.

I've never understood why some men are so bent on degrading and belittling what their eyes adore most-- a beautiful, scantily-clad woman. It's OK to look at them, but not to be one. Perhaps it's a defense mechanism, to sidestep the secret feelings of intimidation and inadequacy they feel in their heart of hearts.

My apologies for this somewhat off-topic rant, but as the resident wearer of "those shoes," I felt SOMETHING had to be said. I'll take my soapbox elsewhere, now.

Yeah I figured I'd get a response like this from you. Not that it's bad i was expecting it but it was a logical conclusion.

I totally get your point of view, well... as well as my complete lack of empathy ass can. Let's see if I can muster a worthy response.

First of all comparing strippers to models is like comparing porn stars to actors. But you compared them all together... well except for the porn industry, I wonder why they got left out (well lumped into "anyone else"). See I view stripping and porn as pretty much the same thing (well softcore porn anyway). The guy's viewing aren't really interested in what you have to say, they just see some breasts and thighs while fiddling with their meat and potatoes. I guess strippers do provide a necessary service but if the guys weren't so perverted it wouldn't be so necessary (I wonder what that says about society in general).

I'm also sure there are some smart people in the stripping industry just as their are in the music industry you mentioned. I mean look at Britney, she's a genius! As far as actresses go Lindsey is the epitome of human decency. Obviously my text is dripping with sarcasm but I probably shouldn't have picked the most obvious current bad examples either.

You personally seem like a fairly intelligent person (better than most at least) and i like having your point of view on this. Still I've always seen stripping as just what it is, artistic live action softcore porn.

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I have to agree with scaryguy somewhat. I believe stripping can be empowering for women, and having grown up knowing strippers pretty well, I believe it can be an almost noble career for some.

But make no buts about it... you're getting naked and shaking your tits in faces in order to elicit a boner, which will in turn elicit a good tip. That's speaking crudely, but it's also truth.

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a wise man once said that "freedom is when a person can do as he pleases as long as he does not harm or encroach on others, and is not judged on his actions".

I find your habit of generalisation and ineptitude to accept any idea contrary to your own ideals abhorrent traits in a person claiming to believe in personal freedoms and liberties. You tar people by habits like any other bigot, and that's my issue.

So what if some people go there to drool and dream. How does that affect anything? you need to sit down and read Voltaire properly and understand it this time.

Your childish diversionary tactics do not wash sir, I suggest you mature and act the age that is appropriate to your birth certificate and outward façade you believe yourself to be.

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a wise man once said that "freedom is when a person can do as he pleases as long as he does not harm or encroach on others, and is not judged on his actions".

I find your habit of generalisation and ineptitude to accept any idea contrary to your own ideals abhorrent traits in a person claiming to believe in personal freedoms and liberties. You tar people by habits like any other bigot, and that's my issue.

So what if some people go there to drool and dream. How does that affect anything? you need to sit down and read Voltaire properly and understand it this time.

Your childish diversionary tactics do not wash sir, I suggest you mature and act the age that is appropriate to your birth certificate and outward façade you believe yourself to be.


A gentleman and a scholar.

Jynxxie, you are a lucky woman.


I think the problem here, is that (correct me if I'm wrong) SG has Aspergers , and while this is certainly no excuse (folks with Aspergers learn eventually why people get pissed at them when they try to debate, so most know better, even if they don't really get it) it does explain things a little.

I think the point here that was missed, is that we are not our jobs. Those who pay attention to Jynxx's posts know she is a woman of elegance, style, sensuality, and high class. Even so; though we are not our jobs, there is certainly nothing wrong with hers.

And yes, SG's argument *still* has holes. But I'm not going to go there.

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a wise man once said that "freedom is when a person can do as he pleases as long as he does not harm or encroach on others, and is not judged on his actions".

I find your habit of generalization and ineptitude to accept any idea contrary to your own ideals abhorrent traits in a person claiming to believe in personal freedoms and liberties. You tar people by habits like any other bigot, and that's my issue.

So what if some people go there to drool and dream. How does that affect anything? you need to sit down and read Voltaire properly and understand it this time.

Your childish diversionary tactics do not wash sir, I suggest you mature and act the age that is appropriate to your birth certificate and outward façade you believe yourself to be.

Pfft. I believe in doing whatever you want, however YOU WILL BE JUDGED on your actions, just as you have judged me to be with my posts. As far as Voltaire goes, a good quote does not care who said it, and I have little time to read. Also it's no wonder you're so defensive. I rarely pay attention to who's dating who on here but that should have been pretty obvious to me since you don't really get into it with me in any other discussion. Defending the honor of your lady is quite noble, but often stupid.


A gentleman and a scholar.

Jynxxie, you are a lucky woman.


I think the problem here, is that (correct me if I'm wrong) SG has Aspergers , and while this is certainly no excuse (folks with Aspergers learn eventually why people get pissed at them when they try to debate, so most know better, even if they don't really get it) it does explain things a little.

I think the point here that was missed, is that we are not our jobs. Those who pay attention to Jynxx's posts know she is a woman of elegance, style, sensuality, and high class. Even so; though we are not our jobs, there is certainly nothing wrong with hers.

And yes, SG's argument *still* has holes. But I'm not going to go there.

I see no holes, do point them out so I can patch them. Also I get by with my syndrome and think it makes me a better person than most. Maybe that's just a symptom of the syndrome but I'm still better than everyone else on the planet for it (j/k obviously, I'm no where near as bad as Jay). Not to mention they say 3/4ths of the planet has it in some form of autism so at least I'm in the majority... Although considering the majority is made up of people who shouldn't breed that might not be such a good thing. I don't get any money for my inability to deal with the mongoloid masses and I don't really use it as an excuse for my "social ineptitude" (or as I like to call it, deal with retards). I am pretty self centered, but i'm the center of my own universe and therefore equate everything to that universe. I at least realise the real one exists though, I just don't care.

quote: SG:If they had a goth strip joint that actually played music I liked, I might consider going.

that is a great idea....I wish Mephistos would do this instead of just closing.

They got as close as they could without actually having a stripper license and I have seen bare titty there (although I looked away quickly and wanted to gouge my eyes out after, lets just say train wreck and leave it at that). However that would never have worked as a strip club because the dancefloor was too small on either level (ok maybe the first floor, but I can almost guarentee that mirror would be broke in a week).

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Musicians put themselves on display for cash--as do models, movie stars, and anyone else who works in the entertainment industry. We're all kindred, beneath the flesh. People can only be exploited, if they are WEAK in mind and spirit.


My apologies for this somewhat off-topic rant, but as the resident wearer of "those shoes," I felt SOMETHING had to be said. I'll take my soapbox elsewhere, now.


I've always seen "erotica" as just what it is, artistic live action softcore porn.

??? :huh: ???

i think the only thing i agree with there is "artistic"

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Pfft. I believe in doing whatever you want, however YOU WILL BE JUDGED on your actions, just as you have judged me to be with my posts. As far as Voltaire goes, a good quote does not care who said it, and I have little time to read. Also it's no wonder you're so defensive. I rarely pay attention to who's dating who on here but that should have been pretty obvious to me since you don't really get into it with me in any other discussion. Defending the honor of your lady is quite noble, but often stupid.

I see no holes, do point them out so I can patch them. Also I get by with my syndrome and think it makes me a better person than most. Maybe that's just a symptom of the syndrome but I'm still better than everyone else on the planet for it (j/k obviously, I'm no where near as bad as Jay). Not to mention they say 3/4ths of the planet has it in some form of autism so at least I'm in the majority... Although considering the majority is made up of people who shouldn't breed that might not be such a good thing. I don't get any money for my inability to deal with the mongoloid masses and I don't really use it as an excuse for my "social ineptitude" (or as I like to call it, deal with retards). I am pretty self centered, but i'm the center of my own universe and therefore equate everything to that universe. I at least realise the real one exists though, I just don't care.

They got as close as they could without actually having a stripper license and I have seen bare titty there (although I looked away quickly and wanted to gouge my eyes out after, lets just say train wreck and leave it at that). However that would never have worked as a strip club because the dancefloor was too small on either level (ok maybe the first floor, but I can almost guarentee that mirror would be broke in a week).

who i am dating has no bearing on my dislike of bigotry, i am quite unsurprised by that childish dig, as every disagreement you have had here have been trolled with your childish cheap shots at people whom disagree with you. there is a time when adults cast aside their childish mannerisms and learn to formulate intuitive counters. Arguing here is really starting to bore me now because your not countering with reasoned arguments. just delusions, denial and cheap cracks at charecter not the issue.

To hear your opinions like "the majority is made up of people who shouldn't breed " is a very cold and heartless thing to say. how can anyone make that judgement call. perhaps you should drop your pretension and get to know people before you write them off. I have known many people with your syndrome and they have not been at all as bigoted as you. i think you should stop using it as an excuse, else you may find that doors will close to you.

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