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Most Embarrassing Moment

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I don't know if this is really all that bad but it is embarrassing. I was in highschool during study hall freshman year which was 2nd period of the day. Well I had to use the bathroom so I got the hall pass. I went to the bathroom, layered the toilet down with toilet paper and took care of business. I got up wiped, flushed, washed my hands, and headed back to study hall. Well as soon as I got in and turned around to hand the teacher the hall pass I heard giggling. Then the giggling became laugher. I turned around and everyone got quiet. Then when I turned back to the teacher everyone started laughing again. The teacher, Mr. Armstrong said "Boy you might pant to feel the back of your droors". Sure enough a piece of toilet paper was hanging from the back from when I pulled my pants up from sitting on the toilet. The worst part about it is when I was 22 it happened again in college and the same night I went into the women's bathroom and there were two women that came in who looked just like dudes. Like serious, no tits, shave heads and wearing boy clothes. They looked over at me and started giggling, then I realized I was in the wrong restroom. Yeah I should have noticed there should have been urinals. Better jet I should have checked the sign before just walking in. Unfortunately I was running late to class so I wasn't paying attension.

Edited by thewhiterecluse
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As a professional streaker there is not much that makes me blush...but there are some moments. In highschool there was always the running of the bulls, all the guys, before any sporting event...no matter what the weather was like. Nobody ever came to watch but for some reason the tradition stayed alive. Then we have the running of the fish, the ladies, which is like the holy grail...you always hear about it but never, EVER see it. Well, somehow word got out that the girls were at it and it spread like wildfire. Me and my friends hid in the damn bushes for two hours waiting for them to show up...and then they appeared. Well, my friend was already drunk by then and as soon as I took off to steak past all the ladies with the rest of the guys he stands up and takes a picture with the flash. So, the girls who were not even close to naked yet now ran away taking with them our clothes. Now we are standing there naked in the middle of the soccer field with no clothes...sound bad right? No, it got far worse when a few of the girls got their cars started and blasted the athletic fields with their high beams.

Did I mention that it was about 15*F that night? I do not think that the women were very impressed with any of us.

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Back when I was a 21 yr old MSU student and went to a party in Spartan Village with my (older) boyfriend. It was a divorce party... errone there was like 10 years older than me... and I didn't know a soul except for the two people I went with. So there was this big, floor-to-ceiling shelving unit dividing the kitchenette from the living room. Looked like it was built into the wall... but when I leaned on it I discovered it was actually freestanding. And free-falling, too... the whole damn thing went over with a crash. It was truly a "can I sink through the floor now please" moment. Fortunately the hostess (a) had taken all her tchotchkes off the shelves and (b) was really sweet about it. But after 25 years I still shudder every time I remember it.

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I was nearly 14 and in the eighth grade. It was early February and I had my first period ever. (Yeah, it's one of those, so if it makes you queasy, avert thine eyes.)

Continued....My first period was very light and after three days, had stopped entirely. I wore pads for three days after, just in case, but on the fourth day decided it must be done. I could not have been more wrong. In first hour English, I felt slight cramping, but thought it due to the excess of super-sugary cereal I'd ingested. The bell rang and I gathered my things and headed off to my second hour Algebra class which was directly across the hall, but as soon as I walked into the corridor, it felt as though the contents of my abdomen had just evacuated. I stood against the wall, my Trapper Keeper obscuring my front and waited for the second bell to ring. My math teacher stared at me perplexed and motioned for me to come into class. I could only shake my head, "no!" He was very puzzled and shut the door just after the bell; I could see my classmates trying to peer around him from their seats to see if they could see what the matter was. I was so near tears. As soon as the hall cleared, I bolted to the bathroom which was located at the other extreme end of the hall, mortified knowing that I left a trail of bloody footprints behind me.

The menstrual blood had soaked through my underwear, my jeans (staining a significant portion of the inseam), my socks and even the ankles of my canvas shoes (remember Tretorns?). But that was hardly the worst of it.

In the bathroom, I stuffed my crotch with toilet paper, removed my shoes and socks and tied my sweater around my waist. (I also ended up wiping down a portion of my Trapper Keeper--ew!) Then, I peered out the hall and, once certain no one was looking, took damp paper toweling to wipe down the sneaker smears. After retrieving my soiled footwear from the bathroom, I hightailed it to the infirmary barefoot, using the Trapper Keeper and sweater to camouflage what I could of my predicament--what else could I do? En route, I had the misfortune of bumping into the principal. Fortunately, he was not an observant man. He did want to know where I was going. "To the infirmary." I don't think he even realized that I wasn't wearing any shoes.

The "nurse" (really, a parent volunteer) was on the phone when I arrived, but I was relieved that there were no other students there. I waited patiently at the entrance to the infirmary office for her to hang up. "Oh, jesus!" I don't know if that was because I had scared her because I was so quiet, or if that was a reaction to the bloody spectacle I presented. Probably a bit of both. She directed me to the bathroom and handed me some of the only feminine products that Brownell Middle School had on hand: the really thick pads with the long ends that were meant to be attached to a "girdle"--the stuff that was prevalent prior to decent adhesive backing. I had no way to wear them. So, she left me sitting on the toilet in the bathroom there, my pants, underwear and socks soaking in the sink while she called up my mom at work.

My mom was a third grade teacher at that time at the nearby Kerby Elementary. It took a bit of time before my mom could arrange to leave her class to return the infirmary volunteer's phone call. When she did, the nurse was a bit flabbergasted. Our mutual assumption was that I would be going home. My mom, however, was of the mindset that periods being a natural part of womanhood, it was something that I should just tough my way through, no matter the short term embarrassment. "But Mom! If I go home now, everybody will just think that I was ill. If I return to class in different clothes, all sorts of rumors will fly--that I had diarrhea or that I peed myself. PLEASE let me go home! I'll be better prepared next time." No dice. Even worse, her solution was that I have my grandfather swing by our house and pick out new socks, pants and underwear for me. Oh, the horror. But it gets worse.

I waited patiently on the toilet (because I had nothing to wear and nowhere else I could go) for close to 45 minutes whilst the parent volunteer chatted away idly on the phone when at last I heard a male voice in the infirmary. It wasn't my grandfather's. What's more, I heard more voices. Many voices. Young voices. Close to 30 voices. They got louder and before I knew what was what and before the parent volunteer realized what was happening, the door to the infirmary bathroom was thrown wide open. I stared wide-eyed and horrified at the principal.....and the dozens of fifth graders, Kerby fifth graders, that stood around and behind him. Apparently, it was incoming student tour day (why in early February and not later in the year, I'll never know). And then, the worst ever, I heard from the back of the crowd, "Hey, isn't that Mrs. Thompson's daughter?" I was bawling hysterically.

When my grandfather at last arrived, it was decided by both the principal and the parent volunteer that no matter what my mother said, I had endured enough for one day and would be excused from class.

Beat that. =P

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ok tasty il try

well heres a link you can watch this happend last year


this is my awesome step dad he was arrested last year in a sex sting operation that was patroling for petofiles

as soon as the news hit the TV i was at a girls house who i had been dating for about a month her dad wanted to catch the weather before we left to see how it would be for the roads cuz it as suppose to snow that night and wanted us to be safe WELL as ge turned it on guess what story poped up this one :w00t: her dad just looked at me and his mouth droped for he knew my daddy and i was shocked as well my dates mouth i think about hit the floor..after the segment was over i think i must have set a world record cuz i got 32 text msgs in under 5 mins and 16 phone cals in 10 mins...all ignoard ...

there ya go tasty i tried LOL

=P i laugh about it now but it sucks LOL

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I dare not to post many of mine, because they are FARRRRRRR too embarrassing. One is very similar to TWB's, but it involves a fart that wasn't, while wearing a skirt with pantyhose-- AT WORK-- while waitressing at a large country and western nightclub. I waited in a bathroom stall for about a half hour, before I recognised my friend Debbie's shoes. The pantyhose got tossed out, as well as the bar towel she had to retrieve for me.. :rofl:

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Another involves crawling under a futon to retrieve a lost earring, in a PVC "pilot skirt" at a house party, with mostly men in the room, and having a huge Alsatian mount me and knock me flat on my face-- having the red rocket, of course.. :X :X

I could have DIED.

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I went to this party and I had this funny feeling, so I was just kickin it down by the fireplace for a little bit hoping the warmth would make me feel better. Well it did until I went on the slip and slide. I was wearing this little 2 piece and it was very black with a little bit of some kind of design on it. I ran and got my big huge ass head start before flopping all the way down the slide. But whooopsie doodles!!! My top came untied and came off slightly. And by slightly i mean the halter strap was still tied but the cest tie came undone and i came out. There must have been at least 50 kids my age there and like 50 High School kids and holy crap that's not the "Juiciest" part. turns out that funny feeling I had was a dreadful thing called PM fuckin S! so yeah i cam out all over the place that day and the whole neighborhood saw my go through "the change"

Oh and this kid i really liked was there and he helped me up and told me that my chest was showing. Now i'm a little girl at this point so what everyone saw was nothing more than a couple of bad bug bites, ya know i mean gosh darn i hate beign this thin because i don't have boobs! which made the whole event that much more horrible.

Enough Said.

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When I was about 14, my friends and I were at the wave pool, in Waterford. I was wearing one of those bikinis with bottoms that tie at the sides. I dove in, and one side came untied, so they just slipped right off. Just at that moment, the bell rings, and the waves start. My bottoms quickly ended up on the other side of the pool.. :X

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I'll share this one, because I don't know if I'm brave enough to share the other...

22 years ago, I worked in a salon called "Paragon." One of my best friends (we're still friends to this day),Greg, invited my boyfriend and me to his house to hangout with him and his wife, Sharon. Aftera while, I had to pee, o I asked Greg where his bathroom was. He told me, and I went up 2 flights of stars to pee. I did my thing, and tried to open the door.

Note that I said tried.

It wouldn't open. I pulled and pulled and pulled. I couldn't get out. I grabbed one of his hair brushes and started beating on the vent. They didn't hear me all the way down there, and the TV was loud. So, I threw open the window and started to yell to his neighbor, who though that I was insane. So, he was no help, either.

I was up there for over 20 minutes when Greg finally came up to check on me. I told him that the door was stuck, and he busted in. He informed me that he thought that I was rooting through his underwear drawer!!

As if THAT wasn't bad enough...

The following day at the salon, we were ALL laughing about that. I mean, it WAS funny. I had a small break between clients, and had to pee (again). So, I went, did my thing, and got out. I'm walking around, greeting clients and chatting people up, and Jenny, our shampoo assistant, was chasing me. She couldn't catch up with me, as every time she got close, I walked away.

She finally caught up with me, pulled my skirt out of my pantyhose, and walked away. And I wasn't wearing panties.

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Me too...spanks for everyone lols panty hose look horrible and that line is never on your crack...is always crooked.

I was in Barnes and Noble last week and before hand me and thing 2 went out for burritos.

I swear I did the stinky and a guy walks around the corner just then...so I walk away...thinking maybe if I go stand by somenone else...

He fuckin followed me! I think it gave him a boner. He was SNIFFING THE AIR!

Fuckin weirdos.

I danced topless when I was younger and we had this big butt dancer who used to do the fart in your face private dances...guess its a fetish..she made damn good money too.

Gross as fuck. Its disgusting.

I asked her what her secret was as most of us were rail thin and she told me...I fart in their faces on request and they like it.


One of my most embarrassing moments dancing...I didn't know my tampon string was showing...I learned after that to cut it short and tuck it in...no one told me.

Some guy in perv row points...and goes...'miss ya got something hangin there!'


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  • 2 months later...

I cannot remember the exact date, but while we were in Royal Oak, we decided to pick up thai food.

Here is the transcript:

Morbid and Tyger walk back to her car to leave.

Morbid gets in and not realizing that it is on the passenger seat, he sits down right onto on the carry out box from the thai food restaurant squishing the box.

Morbid gazes at Tyger with a hint of innocence in his eyes and calmly says. "Oh shit, fuck, I just sat in my thai food."

We just looked at each other and burst out laughing.

she still teases me about that mildly funny incident whenever we would go for thai food.

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When I was about 14, my friends and I were at the wave pool, in Waterford. I was wearing one of those bikinis with bottoms that tie at the sides. I dove in, and one side came untied, so they just slipped right off. Just at that moment, the bell rings, and the waves start. My bottoms quickly ended up on the other side of the pool.. :X


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Oh SURE...laugh.

I see how you are! :rofl:

Well last weekend I was walking downstairs and I tripped, landed smack dab on my ass and bruised my tailbone.

I'm just joshing. If the bathing suit thing happened to me I'd totally deserve a good ribbing over it.

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