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The father of three children who have names associated with Nazis is accusing the state Division of Youth and Family Services of taking his children under false pretenses and says one of the kids appeared neglected when he saw them last week.


Heath Campbell told The Associated Press on Saturday that he and his wife, Deborah, have been allowed to see their children once since state child welfare workers removed them from the family's home on Jan. 9.

Campbell said his 2-year-old daughter, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, appeared sick and had a runny nose and dirty diaper when he and his wife visited the children last week under the supervision of state social workers.

DYFS has not said why JoyceLynn and siblings Adolf Hitler Campbell, 3, and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell, who will be 1 in April, were removed. Kate Bernyk, a DYFS spokeswoman, said Saturday that confidentiality laws prevent the agency from commenting on specific cases.

Campbell said the agency told him the children were taken because they were in "imminent danger," but he believed the removal was spurred by publicity surrounding the children's names.

"In three years, they've never been involved with us," he said, referring to DYFS. "They said it's not about the newspaper articles, but they took them because of their names. I don't care what anybody says."

The family made headlines in December when a ShopRite supermarket in Greenwich, near the family's home in Holland Township, refused to decorate a birthday cake with their son's name.

A Wal-Mart in Pennsylvania wound up decorating the cake, but the resulting publicity put the family under media scrutiny. Heath Campbell said he and his wife are staying with relatives because neighbors and others are harassing them.

Police in Holland Township are investigating a mailed death threat that was received by a woman whose last name is Campbell but is not related the couple.

A hearing in Hunterdon County family court was postponed earlier this month because the Campbells were unable to retain a lawyer. Heath Campbell said Saturday they still have not done so.

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I say as long as he's not teaching violence, or practicing violence on the kids and they are well taken care of, give the damn kids back to their parents!

I don't like what they've been named, but it seems to me that that's the only reason they were taken from their parents.

And that's just bloody wrong. The parents need to be slapped for a poor judgment call, cuz now the kids are gonna have a really hard life, because school kids are mean as hell, but I don't see any form of abuse here..

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What's funny about this, is that the parents aren't even racist, so they claim. When the ordeal with the cake happened, publicly in the news they said that they named their kids that as a way to speak out on racism or something, like a backwards effect kind of thing. As in, a way to become comfortable and open about something is to delve right into the bad-side of it, present it, and face it, sort of that psychology, I guess. The kid named after Hitler had his birthday party and there were kids in attendance of all races from his school, and the news even took note of that.
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Yup they do. Those kids will get picked on for their silly names in school and that is ENOUGH they did not ask for this.

The kids may get more than picked on, I fear. I fear for their safety from people either wanting to beat them for their names, or wanting to recruit them into a hate group.

What were the parent's protesting when they named them? That is a lot of gravitas their parents put in their children's laps with their names.

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The kids may get more than picked on, I fear. I fear for their safety from people either wanting to beat them for their names, or wanting to recruit them into a hate group.

What were the parent's protesting when they named them? That is a lot of gravitas their parents put in their children's laps with their names.

True. I mean, they have bumper stickers for that. No need to curse your kids to prove a point.

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see the thing i see here is iam 50/50 on this someone shouldnt be judged on there names...now i do agree with the fact that they shouldn't have named there children that but it is america and u have free right

but i see it like this

and i know its a hard comparison but Manson iam sure is a common name as well as Bundy

so should a parent be ridiculed for naming there children Charles or Ted if there last name is Manson Or Bundy?

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Those names were very common names back in the day...but for some reason a name, just like certain facial hairstyles, is associated with evil.

I would go over the names of my relatives and cousins but...for fear of the state reading this I won't because they have nice lives.

What about all these names the Muslims are using? Why are those not picked on? Not saying that I would but...

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Did anyone else catch the part about possible death threats being sent to the parents? Maybe part of the reason the children were removed was to protect them in case someone wants to make good on these death threats? And we aren't even being given both sides of the story. The article doesn't even state why the state claims the children were taken away.

What's funny about this, is that the parents aren't even racist, so they claim. When the ordeal with the cake happened, publicly in the news they said that they named their kids that as a way to speak out on racism or something, like a backwards effect kind of thing. As in, a way to become comfortable and open about something is to delve right into the bad-side of it, present it, and face it, sort of that psychology, I guess. The kid named after Hitler had his birthday party and there were kids in attendance of all races from his school, and the news even took note of that.

If that's true, then that's probably the dumbest form of protest/advocacy I've ever heard of, and I would question if these people are even intelligent enough to raise children. That's like naming your kid Patroit Missile to protest the Iraq war. Yes, I know, we are in America, where everyone has the freedom to be as ignorant as they want. However, in my eyes, naming your children horrible names is a form of mental abuse

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Did anyone else catch the part about possible death threats being sent to the parents? Maybe part of the reason the children were removed was to protect them in case someone wants to make good on these death threats? And we aren't even being given both sides of the story. The article doesn't even state why the state claims the children were taken away.

If that's true, then that's probably the dumbest form of protest/advocacy I've ever heard of, and I would question if these people are even intelligent enough to raise children. That's like naming your kid Patroit Missile to protest the Iraq war. Yes, I know, we are in America, where everyone has the freedom to be as ignorant as they want. However, in my eyes, naming your children horrible names is a form of mental abuse

Patriot and Missile have probably never been used as names...

All of the names used here are common names in German history. People pick on the Germans way too much for this stuff. People gotta cool down a little because its over. If...IF these people are in any way racist what have they done to make them a threat? Also, how does having a death threat sent to you make you a bad person?

I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt here until they do something that is absolutley wrong. Until then I will treat anyone with an odd name, a historic German name, or a name that copies a muslim extremist's name like they are good people until they prove me wrong.

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They will not make a comment on why they have taken the children. I would like them to explain why they took them. With the father in the hospital and the mother working long hours and their landlord cutting them off I can see why. But when a family has to repair damage cause by people who think that these people are evil I guess its hard to pay the bills and have some money left over.

I have swastikas in my room...I am not a Nazi...why are these people being punished for something that people won't let them explain or will not look into?

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They will not make a comment on why they have taken the children. I would like them to explain why they took them. With the father in the hospital and the mother working long hours and their landlord cutting them off I can see why. But when a family has to repair damage cause by people who think that these people are evil I guess its hard to pay the bills and have some money left over.

I have swastikas in my room...I am not a Nazi...why are these people being punished for something that people won't let them explain or will not look into?

Sorry they're not on your schedule. They'll get to it when they get to it. Show a bit of faith in the American system, mmkay? :wink

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It means that, for good or ill, this family is now in the grinding machine of the family court system. Charges may be brought...or maybe not. DGN indignation isn't going to speed things up.


I don't think that grinding machine is a good enough description for that...they still won't say why I was taken from my parents...it's been 20 years so I don't know what the harm would be

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Patriot and Missile have probably never been used as names...

All of the names used here are common names in German history. People pick on the Germans way too much for this stuff. People gotta cool down a little because its over. If...IF these people are in any way racist what have they done to make them a threat? Also, how does having a death threat sent to you make you a bad person?

"Aryan Nation" is a common name in German history?

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Two examples of why society blows

I know a couple of people who got jumped because one said he hated society

and the other one wore a shirt that said,"Assault Me, I dare You"

gotta love your fellow bs humans

the only thing about this issue are the names,bad bad deal there,I'd disown my parents if they ever named me something rediculus names like these.

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"Aryan Nation" is a common name in German history?

Aryan means "noble", believe it or not. It's not German at all either, it was the name of the people that came and settled in the Indus River Valley in India, and were basically the founders of what we know to be Hindu today. Wrote the Vedas, which were ancient texts.

I'm going off the top of my mind, though, if I'm wrong on anything, feel free to correct me.

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