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Is This Normal?

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I was just going over my ex GFs in my head here... and I'm still friends (or would be if they were still in the state or whatever) with pretty much every dang one. I've never really had a "angry breakup" really. Seems odd to me, at least in terms of the stories my male friends tell me.

Now thats not saying some guy that is 20 and his 2 girlfriends he is still on good terms with. Being an old man and such (35) there is a reasonably long list. Too forgiving? Too much of a pussycat? Just lucky? A dumb ass? lol

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I am on good terms with most of me ex girlfriends...one is probably my best friend right now. There are a few that probably wouldn't refrain from removing my genitals on sight, but the others are fine. Most of my breakups were due to unavoidable relationship ending things like moving or something so I guess that helped. Even if its not normal...would you really want them to end on bad terms?

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I was just going over my ex GFs in my head here... and I'm still friends (or would be if they were still in the state or whatever) with pretty much every dang one. I've never really had a "angry breakup" really. Seems odd to me, at least in terms of the stories my male friends tell me.

Now thats not saying some guy that is 20 and his 2 girlfriends he is still on good terms with. Being an old man and such (35) there is a reasonably long list. Too forgiving? Too much of a pussycat? Just lucky? A dumb ass? lol

Why ask why? Friends are hard to come by.

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Are you really saying that you're friends with all of your exes, or that you are on good terms with all of your exes. I would consider a 'friend' to be someone I would hang out with semi-often, or talk to on the phone semi-often if they live out of state, someone who would be on my top 10-15 list of people I would call if I were having a crisis or had really good news to share. Someone I don't really keep up with, but would be welcoming to if I bumped into them on the street wouldn't be so much a friend as a friendly acquaintance.

I don't think it's weird to be on good terms with your exes, I think it's a sign of maturity. I would think it's a little weird to be on 'friend' terms with several exes, because normally either needing distance due to unresolved feelings on one or both sides or just growing apart would impede having a close friendship. But I only have one real ex, so I guess I can't exactly speak from experience.

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I think you're a blessed man and shouldn't concern yourself with such a silly question as concerning normalcy.

You've just been in healthy relationships where, once finished, the both of you realized you weren't right for eachother. Much better than these people who think they're in love with everyone they fuck and wine and dine for a little while.

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I'm on good terms with all of my exes and friends with several of them. One of them is pretty much my best friend. If any future girl I date has problems with an ex being my best friend, then I'm sorry, the new chick can go fuck herself. So no, you're not weird at all Troy. At least in my world. But in the "real world" (whatever that is), then maybe we're both not normal.

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Are you really saying that you're friends with all of your exes, or that you are on good terms with all of your exes. I would consider a 'friend' to be someone I would hang out with semi-often, or talk to on the phone semi-often if they live out of state, someone who would be on my top 10-15 list of people I would call if I were having a crisis or had really good news to share. Someone I don't really keep up with, but would be welcoming to if I bumped into them on the street wouldn't be so much a friend as a friendly acquaintance.

I don't think it's weird to be on good terms with your exes, I think it's a sign of maturity. I would think it's a little weird to be on 'friend' terms with several exes, because normally either needing distance due to unresolved feelings on one or both sides or just growing apart would impede having a close friendship. But I only have one real ex, so I guess I can't exactly speak from experience.

Yeah I guess "good terms" would be more accurate if we define "friends" in a specific way like that. Its hard for me not to define it that way as many people use the term more loosely and I've fallen into the same habit. I guess I'd say I have really only 2-3 "really good friends" and use the word friends as a lose term meaning "people I am on good terms with and care about but may or may not spend much time with."

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I have always stayed on good terms with my exes. But then I haven't had many bitter, acrimonious partings. A couple were angry with me for a while... but that passed and things ended up being comfortable. Just because you weren't meant to be with someone is no reason to hate them IMHO.

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I'm on good terms with all of my exes and friends with several of them. One of them is pretty much my best friend. If any future girl I date has problems with an ex being my best friend, then I'm sorry, the new chick can go fuck herself. So no, you're not weird at all Troy. At least in my world. But in the "real world" (whatever that is), then maybe we're both not normal.

Heh. So I would have said the exact same thing. So I just quoted you!

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I've always known you as a guy who is laid back and mellow, generally never up for confrontation unless it's absolutely the last resort. I've noticed you go after women who tend to be likewise, that's probably what's behind it. Just figure out that you're not right for each other, no need for a huge blow out fight, mutually dissolve and keep in touch after.
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I was just going over my ex GFs in my head here... and I'm still friends (or would be if they were still in the state or whatever) with pretty much every dang one. I've never really had a "angry breakup" really. Seems odd to me, at least in terms of the stories my male friends tell me.

Now thats not saying some guy that is 20 and his 2 girlfriends he is still on good terms with. Being an old man and such (35) there is a reasonably long list. Too forgiving? Too much of a pussycat? Just lucky? A dumb ass? lol

Na. Speaking as your elder ya young punk its not unusual. Its actually more of a sign of building relationships that don't turn into emotional brawls that wind up overwhelming the positive feelings you both have for each other. Instead it is likely that you realize that the relationship is not heading in the right direction and part amicably.

I am of course assuming a lack of other neurosis that would account for this behavior. But if the above describes your general break pattern then it is likely you are perfectly normal.

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