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So I just posted something in the "How Are You Feeling" thread

about my workplace treatment, and I wonder if I get fired if I have a case of

"hostile workplace environment" or if this is allowed


Respond if there's something I can do.

I'm going to hand my boss a 6-page letter on Monday asking him to be understanding because, despite doing a good job, albeit imperfect, but doing so well I was top in my department twice in three months, and yet

he tells me on a worthless basis

--"You're pathetic"

--"You're absolutely worthless"

--"Get out of my face or I will pound you into sand"

--"If you make one more phone call, that will be the last breath you take at (workplace withheld)"

(he was afraid the call would go on to long and make him close the department late)

--"Go away (my name withheld) or I will kill you"

--"Do you have any idea how hard it is to put up with you? You kept me late working on that ___ and you fucked it up

and I had a shitty weekend because of that.

Fuck you for you ruining my whole weekend (my name withheld)"

--I'll be damend if I'm going to work past 6P today. I'm not going to let you ruin another weekend becuase of your incompetency."

--"You do absolutely nothing right here"

--"You are absolutely unmanageable. You are the worst piece of shit I've ever dealt with"

--"You need someone to study you, psychologically. Really, you'd be a great case"

--"You are completely incompetent."

It's important to remember that I'm Jewish for these next couple ones.

--"Denny's has a free breakfast today. I can't believe you're not there right now. That reminds me of a joke,

You know what the greatest Jewish dilemma is? "Free ham." "Ha. Free ham"

--He also got angry that I took the High Holidays off. When I came back, he asked "So, how was the break?"

The High Holidays are a time when you eat nothing, you go to services all day, and all you do is pray.

--"(my name witheld) if you take one step towards this desk, I will flatten you"

I'm debating if I should take this to him first or HR.

He's a respected manager that has been with the company for a long time,

He's tall, he's ex-military, and he's extremely intimidating.

Whenever he does this to me, I just take it, but I can't take it anymore.



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Sadly...its can be done to you...

I tried to build up a cases against two places I worked for but my lawyer told be both times that as long as I was a white male that I was fucked.

There is alot of shit that people can bring against you in the workplace and as long as they hold a high position or have other people on their side...they are in the clear.

If you work hard and get a good lawyer you may get a case...but its going to cost you a fortune plus your left nut to get anything good out of it. Honestly, if I were in your position I would use all my workplace skills to make an impact. I did that at one place and although they managed to fire me they took a considerable blow when I was gone and struggled to fill my position.

Being Jewish can help your situation considering I had nothing but my pagan roots to call on and that got me nothing considering it is not widely recognized. However, many recent bills and workplace regulations have pretty much brought all "hostilities" to mean nothing unless there is some sort of physical action.

It all comes down to liable and slander...the court will recognize both...but one requires large amounts of supporting evidence and testimony...the other takes much less...

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Sadly...its can be done to you...

I tried to build up a cases against two places I worked for but my lawyer told be both times that as long as I was a white male that I was fucked.

There is alot of shit that people can bring against you in the workplace and as long as they hold a high position or have other people on their side...they are in the clear.

If you work hard and get a good lawyer you may get a case...but its going to cost you a fortune plus your left nut to get anything good out of it. Honestly, if I were in your position I would use all my workplace skills to make an impact. I did that at one place and although they managed to fire me they took a considerable blow when I was gone and struggled to fill my position.

Being Jewish can help your situation considering I had nothing but my pagan roots to call on and that got me nothing considering it is not widely recognized. However, many recent bills and workplace regulations have pretty much brought all "hostilities" to mean nothing unless there is some sort of physical action.

It all comes down to liable and slander...the court will recognize both...but one requires large amounts of supporting evidence and testimony...the other takes much less...

Wow your lawyer sucked.

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Wow your lawyer sucked.

Not really...Wisconsin ushered in some new workplace laws around 2002...if you don't own the business or hold a large share...you have nothing...

One of big reasons I am up here earning my B.S. is because an Associate doesn't cut shit anymore...sure one of guys I know with an associate in auto engineering just got promoted to shop foreman...but that was after 12 years at the shop and because the other shop foreman quit...and with his skill it should not have taken more than 2 years to work up that high...

Right now a bill is in the works to take care of this shit but...its not looking good...the unions are shooting it down along with this shithead group that wants to lower min wage back to $6.50...

Wisconsin...we support higher education...if you don't have it then fuck you...

I want to move to another state so bad...but can't afford it...

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Not really...Wisconsin ushered in some new workplace laws around 2002...if you don't own the business or hold a large share...you have nothing...

One of big reasons I am up here earning my B.S. is because an Associate doesn't cut shit anymore...sure one of guys I know with an associate in auto engineering just got promoted to shop foreman...but that was after 12 years at the shop and because the other shop foreman quit...and with his skill it should not have taken more than 2 years to work up that high...

Right now a bill is in the works to take care of this shit but...its not looking good...the unions are shooting it down along with this shithead group that wants to lower min wage back to $6.50...

Wisconsin...we support higher education...if you don't have it then fuck you...

I want to move to another state so bad...but can't afford it...

Still EOE laws are a federal thing, which means they trump state employment laws. Hostile work enviroment is covered EOE, which your lawyer should have known.

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I do not think there is a law against treating workers like crap,let alone our shitty governor will do anything to protect corrupt companies so they will not leave the state.

intimidation should be illegal,especially when they say your ,a piece of shit or you suck or your ugly.

some of these people that do this should get a pipe beating from hell.f&%k corporate America!!

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Sadly...its can be done to you...

I tried to build up a cases against two places I worked for but my lawyer told be both times that as long as I was a white male that I was fucked.

There is alot of shit that people can bring against you in the workplace and as long as they hold a high position or have other people on their side...they are in the clear.

If you work hard and get a good lawyer you may get a case...but its going to cost you a fortune plus your left nut to get anything good out of it. Honestly, if I were in your position I would use all my workplace skills to make an impact. I did that at one place and although they managed to fire me they took a considerable blow when I was gone and struggled to fill my position.

Being Jewish can help your situation considering I had nothing but my pagan roots to call on and that got me nothing considering it is not widely recognized. However, many recent bills and workplace regulations have pretty much brought all "hostilities" to mean nothing unless there is some sort of physical action.

It all comes down to liable and slander...the court will recognize both...but one requires large amounts of supporting evidence and testimony...the other takes much less...

Wow your lawyer sucked.

Yup. There is NO way that the law should allow this sort of shit. I'm going to ask a former employment lawyer friend of mine if there's anything that you can do.

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There are actually no laws that directly address a hostile work enviroment. Some situations are covered by other laws... but you are white and male. None of them cover you.

Now, if he makes another joke about you being Jewish, you have a case... if you can prove he said it.

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Wow, that's uncalled for. Not to mention stressful.

Is there an HR person you can talk to? Or is it too fargone?

I've had bad bosses or coworkers in the past, where I've kept a notelog with dates and facts, and witnesses if I can get them.

Unfortunately it is usually your word against theirs.

I do hope it gets better for you!

Hang in there...

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Come now man, do you really need people to tell you if its illegal? It sure is. I'd record it for backing your ass up, maybe through some phone conversation you were having with someone else. Either you have to go to someone higher than him, or make a formal complaint. Anyone would tell you that intimidation and the lines he is using on you are illegal. There are laws regarding this and how to handle them. You are a smart guy and I would expect you to act on this loser.

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Still EOE laws are a federal thing, which means they trump state employment laws. Hostile work enviroment is covered EOE, which your lawyer should have known.

He knew but to get it past anything local...I can't afford that. If it could be done in a local court it could possibly work...but all the cases that have worked in local courts had VERY detailed records of abuse...and frankly I have better ways of getting justice if they manage to piss me off that much...and I can't take alot of hits as long as it doesn't affect my income, which it didn't.

Federal trumps alot of things...but getting them to the federal ears can sometimes be a bitch for both parties...so not much happens. I mean, if I wanted the feds to hear me that would mean more of their involvement...that would also mean that instead of being slapped on the wrist every time I get caught with weed there would be a little bit more coming my way...like handcuffs and possibly prison time...

Sure it sucks that they can do that to me...but I took it because it didn't touch my money...not alot of federal shit gets going in my shitty state and altough it means that I may not get my way some of the time it also means that I don't get in trouble alot of the time...it a price I am willing to pay...

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Come now man, do you really need people to tell you if its illegal? It sure is. I'd record it for backing your ass up, maybe through some phone conversation you were having with someone else. Either you have to go to someone higher than him, or make a formal complaint. Anyone would tell you that intimidation and the lines he is using on you are illegal. There are laws regarding this and how to handle them. You are a smart guy and I would expect you to act on this loser.

No, there are not.

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Wow. I thought my former boss was a bitch, but yours makes her seem like a big fluffy bunny. :grouphug

I think I'd hold off on the letter if I were you. Talk to HR or your boss' boss, if that's an option. Did anyone else witness him saying any of these things to you? Do any of your co-workers have similar problems with him? If so, maybe go to HR as a group. And I would definitely talk to your lawyer about the Judaism comments.

*edited because I forgot the question mark*

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One of my friends dealt with this his boss actually forced him to say that "I am a loser and a worthless idiot",and if he did not say it,then he would get fired,he sued,and now runs his own business.

owning your own business is way better.

fucktarded corporations like this are unfortunately the ones running the world now.

I hope the best for you in this case.

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Guest Megalicious

My suggestion, go in there with a small recorder in your shirt pocket. Have a talk with him, hand him the letter and ask him to read it in front of you and tell you what he thinks of it. THen when he GOES off, which with what you have already said I'm almost certain he might do, get it on tape. It will be all the proof you need. I have a small recorder I use to record all my lectures, you are more then welcome to borrow it :wink

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My suggestion, go in there with a small recorder in your shirt pocket. Have a talk with him, hand him the letter and ask him to read it in front of you and tell you what he thinks of it. THen when he GOES off, which with what you have already said I'm almost certain he might do, get it on tape. It will be all the proof you need. I have a small recorder I use to record all my lectures, you are more then welcome to borrow it :wink

ohh good plan

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