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Just wondering since this country is headed in a downward spiral,can't find anything about this on google,but

here is the question..

Due to our crappy economy and stupid laws etc etc,

would our unfit government try to stop a mass suicide in this nation

lets say a 1,000 people are killing themselves a everyday,because of bullshit going on here?(job losses,losing their homes,etc etc)

I would really like to know how they could actually interfere with something like this in the first place.Jim Jones succeeded,even though it was in another country.this is just a hypothetical question thats all.

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I wouldn't try to stop anything...people keep bitching about overpopulation so...that is the answere. Plus it would be easier to continue on without retards that can't think very well clinging to our coat tails...

Why does the government have to do everything? Really, I like having to make things work out...otherwise I would never be prepared...

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Jim Jones succeeded,even though it was in another country.this is just a hypothetical question thats all.

That's debatable, people in San Francisco used to tell a whole different story when I lived there in the '80s.

Anyway how are you defining "mass suicides"? In the literal sense of large groups of people getting together to off themselves, or in the sense of abnormally high rates of individual suicides? Don't really see either happening... didn't happen in the '80s when no one had jobs and everyone thought WWIII was going to break out any day. Of course people nowadays are much bigger drama queens... but then again the people who stand to lose the most aren't from the drama queen generation, and are much less likely to go against the very strong societal taboos against suicide.

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Just wondering since this country is headed in a downward spiral,can't find anything about this on google,but

here is the question..

Due to our crappy economy and stupid laws etc etc,

would our unfit government try to stop a mass suicide in this nation

lets say a 1,000 people are killing themselves a everyday,because of bullshit going on here?(job losses,losing their homes,etc etc)

I would really like to know how they could actually interfere with something like this in the first place.Jim Jones succeeded,even though it was in another country.this is just a hypothetical question thats all.

Of course they would try, if for no other reason than to attempt to ward off countless lawsuits from the next of kin.

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Interesting movie from Japan called Suicide Circle. It takes the premise of committing suicide becoming a nation wide trend. Movie starts out with 42 adorably cute Japanese school girls all gathering apparently randomly in a subway station and wandering up to the edge of the track, joining hands, and then counting to 3 in unison and jumping onto the track just as a train comes by. Its an odd movie. Difficult to watch if you aren't familiar with Japanese style of movie making and is even strange by their standards.

But in the movie the police begin investigating and looking to see if there is some plot inducing people to commit these suicides. I suspect such an investigation would occur here as well. Also pleas of hope from leaders would be broadcast all over the place. Anyone showing any signs of depression might suddenly find themselves being eyed by friends and people would be committed at an increasing rate due to concerned relatives signing suicide watch papers.

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Interesting movie from Japan called Suicide Circle. It takes the premise of committing suicide becoming a nation wide trend. Movie starts out with 42 adorably cute Japanese school girls all gathering apparently randomly in a subway station and wandering up to the edge of the track, joining hands, and then counting to 3 in unison and jumping onto the track just as a train comes by. Its an odd movie. Difficult to watch if you aren't familiar with Japanese style of movie making and is even strange by their standards.

But in the movie the police begin investigating and looking to see if there is some plot inducing people to commit these suicides. I suspect such an investigation would occur here as well. Also pleas of hope from leaders would be broadcast all over the place. Anyone showing any signs of depression might suddenly find themselves being eyed by friends and people would be committed at an increasing rate due to concerned relatives signing suicide watch papers.

Hey! I saw this movie.. kinda freakie..

Anyway.. You think you're paying a lot in taxes now, wait till the mental health bills collect up, no one can afford them, and the ones being taxed will be taxed more.

Sounds like a vicious circle to me.

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Hey! I saw this movie.. kinda freakie..

Anyway.. You think you're paying a lot in taxes now, wait till the mental health bills collect up, no one can afford them, and the ones being taxed will be taxed more.

Sounds like a vicious circle to me.

That presumes a cycle of suicide rates that are very unlikely.

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Interesting movie from Japan called Suicide Circle. It takes the premise of committing suicide becoming a nation wide trend. Movie starts out with 42 adorably cute Japanese school girls all gathering apparently randomly in a subway station and wandering up to the edge of the track, joining hands, and then counting to 3 in unison and jumping onto the track just as a train comes by. Its an odd movie. Difficult to watch if you aren't familiar with Japanese style of movie making and is even strange by their standards.

But in the movie the police begin investigating and looking to see if there is some plot inducing people to commit these suicides. I suspect such an investigation would occur here as well. Also pleas of hope from leaders would be broadcast all over the place. Anyone showing any signs of depression might suddenly find themselves being eyed by friends and people would be committed at an increasing rate due to concerned relatives signing suicide watch papers.

Not too far from the truth in Japan... big issue there. There actually are suicide club websites where the suicidal can meet and offer each other support, tips, etc.

And... "committed at an increasing rate" WHERE? We already have hordes of mentally ill people wandering the streets and filling up prisons, due to the lack of mental health resources in communities. 5150'd (or whatever the non-Cali local equivalent is) yes, committed... highly unlikely... it's damn hard to actually get someone committed to long-term mental health care.

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Not too far from the truth in Japan... big issue there. There actually are suicide club websites where the suicidal can meet and offer each other support, tips, etc.

And... "committed at an increasing rate" WHERE? We already have hordes of mentally ill people wandering the streets and filling up prisons, due to the lack of mental health resources in communities. 5150'd (or whatever the non-Cali local equivalent is) yes, committed... highly unlikely... it's damn hard to actually get someone committed to long-term mental health care.

I agree that our mental health facilities at this time are abysmal (screw Engler). But the OP seemed to me to be suggesting an drastic increase compared to what we have now.

I am a major advocate of increasing your mental health care facilities. I also detest how we toss people who have real treatable neurological and psychological issues into jail out of a twisted need to for vengeance rather than actually trying to deal with the causes of the issues in the first place.

But I do not foresee an apocalyptic increase in suicide rates as suggested in the OP as a result of our failing economy.

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Well, if you want to talk taxes and suicide...how about smokers like me? Tax on cigarettes in Wisconsin has reached $3 a pack...and since cigarettes are my installment on suicide I would say that fits...

But seriously, taxes in Wisconsin are terrible and our suicide rate has gone down in the last few years...until that bill that taxes ringtones, ipod downloads, and anything shipped into the state might change that...oh and the new taxes on appliances that are not State approved, taxes on cars traveling more than the approved mileage per day, and the taxes on lawn adornment...but other than all those taxes being in the works we are fine...

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Interesting movie from Japan called Suicide Circle. It takes the premise of committing suicide becoming a nation wide trend. Movie starts out with 42 adorably cute Japanese school girls all gathering apparently randomly in a subway station and wandering up to the edge of the track, joining hands, and then counting to 3 in unison and jumping onto the track just as a train comes by. Its an odd movie. Difficult to watch if you aren't familiar with Japanese style of movie making and is even strange by their standards.

That movie was called Suicide Club ( gotta love that movie) and yeah it was a little shocking for the japanese themselves..... anyways hmmm.... mass suicide in America randomly or even planned, egh, me personally I doubt it but I wouldnt say it could never happen. I believe that most westerns /and-mostly/ christians shun suicide due to the way we look at it. Most westerns /and-mostly/ christians see suicide as a sin and would rather live their miserable lives.

We do have "suicide support sites" I guess they encourage you to live but who knows the suicidal could ban together from sites like those and plan a mass nationwide suicide. -just putting that out there-

Yes and we do need to up our standards with our mental health facilities. I personally know someone who is mentally ill and instead of taking care of her properly they throw her in jail. Its very sad and its messing her up more mentally and its damaging her record, she is very young. Its worse to hear about the many people who rot in prison for being mentally ill, I have seen a few shows and their are who just lost their noodle going bonkers on a 24hour lockdown ward in prison. They dont get any help just a room to slowly die in.... tsk tsk tsk

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That movie was called Suicide Club ( gotta love that movie) and yeah it was a little shocking for the japanese themselves..... anyways hmmm.... mass suicide in America randomly or even planned, egh, me personally I doubt it but I wouldnt say it could never happen. I believe that most westerns /and-mostly/ christians shun suicide due to the way we look at it. Most westerns /and-mostly/ christians see suicide as a sin and would rather live their miserable lives.

We do have "suicide support sites" I guess they encourage you to live but who knows the suicidal could ban together from sites like those and plan a mass nationwide suicide. -just putting that out there-

Yes and we do need to up our standards with our mental health facilities. I personally know someone who is mentally ill and instead of taking care of her properly they throw her in jail. Its very sad and its messing her up more mentally and its damaging her record, she is very young. Its worse to hear about the many people who rot in prison for being mentally ill, I have seen a few shows and their are who just lost their noodle going bonkers on a 24hour lockdown ward in prison. They dont get any help just a room to slowly die in.... tsk tsk tsk

I used to work for a company that wrote software for hospital pharmacies and one of our clients was the Michigan Department of Mental Health. This we pre Engler and his ... blech.... And when I had to visit the Mental Health facilities it was the bleakest place I could think of. I swear some of the Doctors I had to deal with seemed like out patients themselves.

It sickens me that we see these people as discardable. Our meritocracy based society so easily dismisses and casts away those who do not live up to the potential of others. While some with functional personality disorders such as psychopathic personalities with no sense of humanity to them can rise to the heights of power because they don't care who they step on. These are humans just as much as any of us are. But they are tossed under the bus in order to be forgotten as soon as possible. Or used as monsters to scare the society into compliance with giving away even more of their rights. Blerg.

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Techincally suicide is still against the law, last time I checked at least. The suicide rates are going to go up what we need is better mental health care in this country.

Suicide rates since 1950 - 2003 taken from http://www.suicide.org/suicide-statistics.html#death-rates

Seems to indicate suicide is on the way down.

U.S. Suicide Rates, 1950–2003

(per 100,000 population)

1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003

13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 12.5 11.8 10.4 10.7 10.9 10.8

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Techincally suicide is still against the law, last time I checked at least. The suicide rates are going to go up what we need is better mental health care in this country.

Although I do agree we need better mental (and biological) health care in this nation. It's a crime the level of support people have in this nation right now IMO.

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Suicide rates since 1950 - 2003 taken from http://www.suicide.org/suicide-statistics.html#death-rates

Seems to indicate suicide is on the way down.

U.S. Suicide Rates, 1950–2003

(per 100,000 population)

1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003

13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 12.5 11.8 10.4 10.7 10.9 10.8

I don't think the CDC includes like the military when doing these types of studies. And that is 5 years old already so I don't think it really can be used as a reliable statistic anymore. Especially with the financial crisis thats currently happening.

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I don't think the CDC includes like the military when doing these types of studies. And that is 5 years old already so I don't think it really can be used as a reliable statistic anymore. Especially with the financial crisis thats currently happening.

Fair enough. But again... I am not expecting a massive uptick in suicides such that our systems are overwhelmed by them. A statistical spike to be sure (sad thinking of such tragedy as a statistic) but to the extent that it overwhelms our nation and becomes a trend. I just don't see that happening.

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Fair enough. But again... I am not expecting a massive uptick in suicides such that our systems are overwhelmed by them. A statistical spike to be sure (sad thinking of such tragedy as a statistic) but to the extent that it overwhelms our nation and becomes a trend. I just don't see that happening.

Oh I don't see it becoming a trend either, but there is going to be a significant spike. It's quite sad though, because there is such a stigma left on the families of the people who commit suicide. When my brother in law killed himself my sister had a really hard time with trying to get help for their kids. There are not a lot of therapists that deal with young children who have lost someone to suicide.

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Techincally suicide is still against the law, last time I checked at least. The suicide rates are going to go up what we need is better mental health care in this country.

that has to be one of the dumbest laws to enforse if they do that is...

lets see...Susan hung herself so since Susan broke the law were are ganna issue you a 500$ fine susan how do you like that yea... bet you wont do that agian will you...

NOW before i get yelled at wasnt poking fun at Suicide i think its terrible i knew 2 people whom killed themselves but to make it agianst the law is obsurd how can you punish the dead in any form...ticket them,? Jail them? not let them be buried? makes no sence

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Oh I don't see it becoming a trend either, but there is going to be a significant spike. It's quite sad though, because there is such a stigma left on the families of the people who commit suicide. When my brother in law killed himself my sister had a really hard time with trying to get help for their kids. There are not a lot of therapists that deal with young children who have lost someone to suicide.

Indeed. Suicide can leave quiet a trail of wreckage behind it. Particularly if others do not see it coming. Although my personal position is I wish to live as long as my mind is active I can understand some living with chronic pain or a terminal illness (I live with chronic pain myself) wishing to end it. But their decision is often one discussed with family and friends before action is taken. But someone who just decides they cannot bear their current state of emotions (which is a temporary condition in most cases) and end it all can leave their friends and family in disarray and emotionally destroyed. But unfortunately all the individual can see is their own pain at the time.

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that has to be one of the dumbest laws to enforse if they do that is...

lets see...Susan hung herself so since Susan broke the law were are ganna issue you a 500$ fine susan how do you like that yea... bet you wont do that agian will you...

NOW before i get yelled at wasnt poking fun at Suicide i think its terrible i knew 2 people whom killed themselves but to make it agianst the law is obsurd how can you punish the dead in any form...ticket them,? Jail them? not let them be buried? makes no sence

You've never heard of the death tax have you.


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Indeed. Suicide can leave quiet a trail of wreckage behind it. Particularly if others do not see it coming. Although my personal position is I wish to live as long as my mind is active I can understand some living with chronic pain or a terminal illness (I live with chronic pain myself) wishing to end it. But their decision is often one discussed with family and friends before action is taken. But someone who just decides they cannot bear their current state of emotions (which is a temporary condition in most cases) and end it all can leave their friends and family in disarray and emotionally destroyed. But unfortunately all the individual can see is their own pain at the time.

this is AGREE with 100% with Dr. Kovorkian *er however you spell his name* i could support asisted susicide 100% as long as it falls under somthing along those lines if someone has uncureable pain or cancer or any other terrible awful dissease out there i belive they have the right to pass peacefully by assisted suicide my mother best freind has terminal cervical and gastric cancer and said she wish she could just take a OD ammount of her morphine to peacefully kill herself whe the pain got to bad...but never did...

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Indeed. Suicide can leave quiet a trail of wreckage behind it. Particularly if others do not see it coming. Although my personal position is I wish to live as long as my mind is active I can understand some living with chronic pain or a terminal illness (I live with chronic pain myself) wishing to end it. But their decision is often one discussed with family and friends before action is taken. But someone who just decides they cannot bear their current state of emotions (which is a temporary condition in most cases) and end it all can leave their friends and family in disarray and emotionally destroyed. But unfortunately all the individual can see is their own pain at the time.

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem...at least for most. I can understand a person with a disease that will kill them anyway committing suicide, but it just breaks my heart that there are perfectly healthy people killing themselves because of problems they have at that point in time. My brother in law left behind two beautiful children who will grow up without their father because of his selfishness. People forget to think about the big picture when they do things like that.

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