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Baby go boom

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I can't believe how neglectful I was about an hour ago. I left my son, 12-weeks old on the couch so I could go make him a bottle... well as I was walking out of the kitchen I hear a *clump* and I just knew he fell.. when I saw him he was laying on him belly on the floor with his head up looking around like WTF just happened?! He didn't start crying till I picked him up... the good thing is he just so happened to land on a really fluffy blanket that just so happened to be there for some reason...

When he's on the couch he's usually on the Boppy which is a moon shaped pillow that kinda prevents him from moving around too much.. not this time.. little boy want's to start being independant now!

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My daughter took a tumble off my bed when she was his age and when I went to pick her up she was just laying there on the floor smiling.

Why is it that I go and hit my foot on something and scream/cry but babies falling off couches and beds makes them happy?

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My daughter took a tumble off my bed when she was his age and when I went to pick her up she was just laying there on the floor smiling.

Why is it that I go and hit my foot on something and scream/cry but babies falling off couches and beds makes them happy?


Because, like kittens, babies are made of rubber! =)

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Hey, now he knows about gravity!  It was a lesson he'd have to learn anyway =)


Awww. I'm glad to hear that he's ok. Same shit happened to me in a drunken stupor about 2 years ago. Due to my intoxication, I forgot I was on a small couch, instead of my bed (the couch was closer to the bathroom, drunk logic at it's best). I hit the hardwoods pretty good facefirst. My dog came over and licked my face to see if I was ok. It's still pretty much a day to day issue there, however. My being ok, that is. :doh

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I can't believe how neglectful I was about an hour ago. I left my son, 12-weeks old on the couch so I could go make him a bottle... well as I was walking out of the kitchen I hear a *clump* and I just knew he fell.. when I saw him he was laying on him belly on the floor with his head up looking around like WTF just happened?! He didn't start crying till I picked him up... the good thing is he just so happened to land on a really fluffy blanket that just so happened to be there for some reason...

When he's on the couch he's usually on the Boppy which is a moon shaped pillow that kinda prevents him from moving around too much.. not this time.. little boy want's to start being independant now!

I'm also gulity of not quite keeping up with my older daughters progress as an infant and allowing her to fall off the couch. She cried immediately. And I flipped out immediately. Fortunately her mom was calm...

Chalk it up to experience Manic. None of us is perfect...

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I know al lthree of mine have rolled off the couch at one time or another, it just seems to be a part of life in a weird way. IT is ok you are nothte only one who has done this and it is not neglectful, neglectful would be not makeing hte bottle and letting the baby go hungry.

You are doing fine. Baby is doing fine. Everything is ok.


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