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ok he has been in a couple months its safe to pick on him now, right? =P




Wow none of you are going to touch this with a 10 foot pole are you? :p

Just like criticizing the last president made you a terrorist, criticizing this one not only makes you a terrorist but a racist terrorist. They should make the next one a black 12 year old boy so you can be a racist terrorist pedophile and they can just shoot you in the head for it, or something, i don't know.

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so when the hand that feeds us is the government and not corporate amarica. would we still bite?

Corporate America IS the government man. Let me explain it...

The government is run by rich and powerful men, business men with their own agendas. They also get paid by other business men and lobby groups to get laws they want passed. A perfect example of this is the prison industry pushing for more stupid laws so that more people get sent to prison fueling their business model.

Corporations also control the media which also influences the way that the mass majority think. It is their own personal propaganda machine and is now controlled by 6 major companies.



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That is true in an indirect sense. I've preached it myself for years. But there is still a level of separation from private enterprise and government. One that as of now is being eroded at an acclerated rate (although not as fast as say, during the FDR administration). Typically governments "ownership" or 'full and direct' involvement in private enterprise is bad for the economy, even though it exists in abundance. But is often short-term good for individuals, even the non-super rich individuals at times, but still short-term thinking only, which is part of the mess we are in now, shortsightedness.

The baby isn't all thrown out with the bathwater just yet. Its getting there the more people expect to be spoon fed and "taken care of" financially regardless of their own ability to produce, as this happens, the economy slowly (or not so slowly in many historical examples) goes to pot as the government gets more and more heavy handed with its involvement in private enterprise.

The larges corporate contributions get the most favors. But joe-blows vote still counts and quite often the government ends up doing things against the private sectors wishes. Its a mixed bag, not an easily one-stop shopping solution to be had.

The only single underlying problem is apathy. Our disinterest in what is going on in the real world, burring our heads in the sands (known as entertainment) and not bothering to pop our heads out for a moment to get involved (or even see) what is going on in the land of reality. Its a generation to generation systemic problem that leads to more problems as it goes along. The shortest term solution, don't even look at or get involved AT ALL, just watch American Idol and forget about it.

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The only single underlying problem is apathy. Our disinterest in what is going on in the real world, burring our heads in the sands (known as entertainment) and not bothering to pop our heads out for a moment to get involved (or even see) what is going on in the land of reality. Its a generation to generation systemic problem that leads to more problems as it goes along. The shortest term solution, don't even look at or get involved AT ALL, just watch American Idol and forget about it.

Again that's what the media is all about and where they come into play. They distract the public from their problems. The news isn't even really news. It doesn't inform you of a whole lot that you don't already know. Other than major health hazards which can kill off a company (see the peanut butter recall) or major corruption... if no one knows about it except the media that works for the company it isn't going to get mentioned at all... unless someone screws up that is.

Knowledge is power, and the less informed you are the easier you are to control. The media is disinformation and at times it's better to be uninformed than misinformed.

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