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Your Funeral...A quiz

Guest Game of Chance

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You will die aged 31

You will die by Your LJ friend who is committing suicide will fall on top of you. You share costs by having a joint funeral.

You will be killed by

You will be Cremated

Your funeral song will be Captain Scarlet soundtrack - including the lyrics "Captain Scarlet is indestructible, you are not, do not attempt to do the things he does."

Chance of getting into heaven? - 7%

:blink :blink


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What will your funeral be like?

You will die aged 79

You will die by You're performing the swallowing knives trick when your LJ friend comes and tries to perform the Heimlich maneuver. O_o Nasty...

You will be killed by xaina

You will be Cremated

Your funeral song will be Fuji's - Killing me Softly

Chance of getting into heaven? - 83%


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Flawed since im not really sure which of the choices is closest to my actual eye color , and i picked "black" as a favorite color , but the artist in me says thats also an error becasue black is usually described as the absense of color , not a color in and of itself.

But due to the uber scientific nature of this poll heres what it tells me: :cheerful

You will die aged 83

You will die by You're beaten to death by Jehovas Witnesses after slamming the door in their face one too many times. Please invite them in and give them orange juice next time.

You will be killed by

You will be Cremated

Your funeral song will be Fuji's - Ding Dong The Witch is dead.

Chance of getting into heaven? - 100%

How do you get "ding dong the witch is dead and 100% heaven?" heh

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Guest Megalicious


You will die by You're beaten to death by Jehovas Witnesses after slamming the door in their face one too many times. Please invite them in and give them orange juice next time.

You will be killed by

You will be Cremated

Your funeral song will be REM - Leave

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You will die aged 97

You will die by Being pushed off a cliff into an ocean of shark infested waters.

You will be killed by ERROR

You will be Buried

Your funeral song will be Dr Dementia - They're coming to take me away, hee hee, hah hah, ho ho... (vindictive relatives much?)

Chance of getting into heaven? - 54%

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You will die aged 107

You will die by Your LJ friend who is committing suicide will fall on top of you. You share costs by having a joint funeral.

You will be killed by darkcube

You will be Buried

Your funeral song will be Queen - Another one Bites the Dust

Chance of getting into heaven? - 28%

Man now thats style.... perfect song too

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Flawed since im not really sure which of the choices is closest to my actual eye color ,  and i picked "black" as a favorite color , but the artist in me says thats also an error becasue black is usually described as the absense of color , not a color in and of itself.

But due to the uber scientific nature of this poll heres what it tells me:  :cheerful

You will die aged  83

You will die by  You're beaten to death by Jehovas Witnesses after slamming the door in their face one too many times. Please invite them in and give them orange juice next time.

You will be killed by  <this was blank for some reason>

You will be  Cremated

Your funeral song will be  Fuji's - Ding Dong The Witch is dead.

Chance of getting into heaven? - 100%

How do you get "ding dong the witch is dead and 100% heaven?"  heh


aaahahaha :woot: aahahahaha

we both get "ding dong the witch is dead".. you gonna sing at mine? looks like i am going before you... according to this "wise" survey.. if its on the internet, its true right? :wink

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You will die aged 32

You will die by Speared by a Swordfish. You might want to stay away from those in future...

You will be killed by Error

You will be Buried

Your funeral song will be REM - Leave

Talk about being off by a mile. According to this I should've died years ago. That would make some happy. :fear

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You will die aged 101 i dont want to live that long

You will die by Being pushed off a cliff into an ocean of shark infested waters. good thing i never ahve enough $ go any where,so i wont be near a cliff[

You will be Buried if i am in shark infested waters will there be any remains to bury?

Your funeral song will be Fuji's - Killing me Softly being pushed from a cliff and eaten by sharks hardly sound soft

Chance of getting into heaven? - 59% another reason why i dont want to live till 101 the longer you live the lower your chance of getting in to heaven is, ya just have more time to fuck it all up!


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aaahahaha :woot: aahahahaha

we both get "ding dong the witch is dead".. you gonna sing at mine?  looks like i am going before you... according to this "wise" survey..  if its on the internet, its true right? :wink

100% Scientific Acuracy Guaranteed ™ ©

Except for the part about you dying. Thats not gonna happen. Nope. *waves away doubters* I said NO! =)

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You will die aged 97

You will die by Your LJ friend who is committing suicide will fall on top of you. You share costs by having a joint funeral.

You will be killed by Error

You will be Cremated

Your funeral song will be Dr Dementia - They're coming to take me away, hee hee, hah hah, ho ho... (vindictive relatives much?)

Chance of getting into heaven? - 82%

I'm scared now. :fear

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You will die aged 50

You will die by Your LJ friend who is committing suicide will fall on top of you. You share costs by having a joint funeral.

You will be killed by Error

You will be Cremated

Your funeral song will be Fame - I'm gonna Live Forever!

Chance of getting into heaven? - 54%

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You will die aged 89

You will die by Speared by a Swordfish. You might want to stay away from those in future...

You will be killed by heyonah

You will be Cremated

Your funeral song will be Captain Scarlet soundtrack - including the lyrics "Captain Scarlet is indestructible, you are not, do not attempt to do the things he does."

Chance of getting into heaven? - 77%

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