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Watchmen - See it Yet?

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Guest Megalicious

Successful novel adaptations pare down; they don't cater to the viewers every whim that the events be recreated in exact detail. (As if this were a biography, where if one is faced with inaccuracy, one could shake their finger at a screen and say "it didn't happen like that!')

I think it's more along the lines of" It didn't happen like that in my imagination!" :rofl: This is the beauty of a novel. The ability to create this world in your mind, to imagine it as your own. I often find myself mentally substituting myself for the main character of the novel I am currently reading, and it gives me a sense of knowing the world, for traveling without setting foot anywhere. That is extremely powerful. :wub:

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Unlike some, I wasn't overly impressed.

I left the theatre feeling like a lot just didn't quite translate well. It felt kind of.... cold.

Also... could that sex scene been any worse? *snorfle*

As much as I adore Leonard Cohen........ NOTE TO HOLLYWOOD: ***PLEASE*** CEASE AND DESIST FROM THE OVERUSE OF "HALLELUJA". (especially during odd and awkward sex scenes) DO NOT WANT. kthxbye.

NY Times had an interesting review posted on it. Not very complimentary, though.

and: HOLY BIG BLUE PEEN0R, BATMAN! Could they have possibly been any tackier there? Jeebus.

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Guest greyhalo

I saw it--meh. I liked the graphic novel A LOT. The movie was kind of cheesy, in my opinion. I don't ever want to see another blue penis again.

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Guest greyhalo

Unlike some, I wasn't overly impressed.

I left the theatre feeling like a lot just didn't quite translate well. It felt kind of.... cold.

Also... could that sex scene been any worse? *snorfle*

As much as I adore Leonard Cohen........ NOTE TO HOLLYWOOD: ***PLEASE*** CEASE AND DESIST FROM THE OVERUSE OF "HALLELUJA". (especially during odd and awkward sex scenes) DO NOT WANT. kthxbye.

NY Times had an interesting review posted on it. Not very complimentary, though.

and: HOLY BIG BLUE PEEN0R, BATMAN! Could they have possibly been any tackier there? Jeebus.

My feelings exactly.

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Unlike some, I wasn't overly impressed.

I left the theatre feeling like a lot just didn't quite translate well. It felt kind of.... cold.

Also... could that sex scene been any worse? *snorfle*

As much as I adore Leonard Cohen........ NOTE TO HOLLYWOOD: ***PLEASE*** CEASE AND DESIST FROM THE OVERUSE OF "HALLELUJA". (especially during odd and awkward sex scenes) DO NOT WANT. kthxbye.

NY Times had an interesting review posted on it. Not very complimentary, though.

and: HOLY BIG BLUE PEEN0R, BATMAN! Could they have possibly been any tackier there? Jeebus.

..now I simply MUST go see this in a theater, musn't I?

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I just watched it and I enjoyed it.

I like how the movie is a dark and gritty feel.... :happy: I hate movies that start off dark and horrid then ends happily and wonderful. Watchmen is a :bow realistic :bow "superhero" movie, another reason why I liked it.

Even though I havent read a single lick of the comic I really understood the movie. I understand why I found sooo many bad reviews on Watchmen and it was because so many people couldnt grip the concept of having a "superhero" movie without a predictable ending, because so many poeple thought the movies was just going to be something you could just watch and understand and YES it didnt have Batman or Superman in it and I read a few reviews stating thats why sucked.

Slow people makes me sad. :cry:cry

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I went, it like most movies, triggered my narcalepsy...so this is what I remember. The people to the left were disgusted by my uncontrollable nodding off, the bright lights and noise...it just does that.

The people to the right liked it and said I looked like some lady in the movie before I got my hairs cut off.

Other than that I woke up to some huge, naked glowing blue guy. Thats about it.

Personally I think my narcaleptic movie attacks make me a GREAT critic.

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I looked at the comic book, and they did some artistic augmentation to Dr. Manhattan's sparkly blue dong. It wasn't that impressive in the comic book. :unsure: Umm.. was just an observation?

Although, if I had godlike powers, I would make my features enhanced as well.

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I looked at the comic book, and they did some artistic augmentation to Dr. Manhattan's sparkly blue dong. It wasn't that impressive in the comic book. :unsure: Umm.. was just an observation?

Although, if I had godlike powers, I would make my features enhanced as well.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Because one of the events of my vacation to Detroit involved going to see this movie with a bunch of really good friends including taysteewonderbunny (who recommended I join this site), I seriously considered "Big Blue Space Dong" as my handle/pseudonym/nom de plume for this site.

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Serious thoughts about it, though---

Having read the comic many years ago, it was as true to the comic as it could be. The director and writers took note that comic fans/beardoes/goddamned nerds are going to complain about an adaptation of a comic book to film no matter how faithful/unfaithful it is to that from which it draws. It wasn't easy at all to squeeze what, twelve comic books? into a 2-3 hour movie, and a lot of the side stuff was lost---they didn't have the pirate comic-book-within-a-comic-book subplot in there, because that would have easily added another hour to it. I thought the establishment of the characters was kind of uneven, but I think they did their best with the constraints they had in terms of working the comic into something that people would be willing to sit down and watch and enjoy. My one thing through the whole movie was "where is 'Desolation Row' by Bob Dylan?" (the lyrics----"at Midnight all the agents/and the superhuman crew/will go and round up everyone/who knows more than they do"...pretty essential to the plot) until the end, when they rolled the credits over some punk band doing a cover of the song. If I were Alan Moore, I'd be way more OK with this than with "V For Vendetta" *shudder*

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Because one of the events of my vacation to Detroit involved going to see this movie with a bunch of really good friends including taysteewonderbunny (who recommended I join this site), I seriously considered "Big Blue Space Dong" as my handle/pseudonym/nom de plume for this site.

i went with a 20yr old virgin, I think it was the first penis she has ever laid eyes on lol


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I particularly loved the slow motion, still shots at the begging to Dylan's " The times they are a changing".


I think Snyder felt this way too, which is why the movie is so long and seems so incongruous. I don't mean this in a snide way, but I was wondering how those who haven't read the comic dealt with understanding the motivations of some of the characters (particularly Ozymandias).

I suggested to everyone i could to at least do a partial research on the characters and back story before seeing the movie due to this. It really does not "stand alone" very well. To really "get it" some homework is required. I think many of the negative commentary(justifiably) is due to this.

Long "the problem" and a key reason Allen Moore has long denounced any attempt to make it into a movie. Despite this , Dave Gibbons full and aggressively supports its transition to film. (Judas or Messiah?)

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