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Watchmen - See it Yet?

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(crank the sound)

This is The One, fuck it up Hollywood, I dare you.. If there is something like a Holy Grail of graphic novels this is as close as it gets. A Hollywood version was inevitable. (and a long ass time in coming, as it was rumored to be in the works as long as 20 years ago, with many a director and actor getting the legal boot) *fear*

Doing your homework on this one is going to be helpful. Despite it being pretty ruthless, action packed and graphic. Its also really "deep" in such a way as it will be about impossilbe to "get it" just stuffing the popcorn. With the graphic novel you can pause to think about what was just said and assimilate it into your understanding of the backstory, not so with the movie.

Similar to the difference between just "sitting through" LOTR , and actually knowing about it. Although in this case the information overload is X2.

A Hollywood version was inevitable. (and a long ass time in coming, as it was rumored to be in the works as long as 20 years ago, with many a director and actor getting the legal boot) *fear*

If you’re looking for a spoiler-free appraisal of how good this film is here goes: It’s terrific. It’s the first superhero movie aimed directed unambiguously at adults, with better effects than Iron Man and fewer plot holes than Dark Knight. As long as you’re old enough, see it. You won’t be sorry.

More info. (really good):


If nothing else, Zack Snyder's Watchmen demands praise as an awe-inspiring achievement. Snyder has done what many considered impossible - he took Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon's seminal comic book, Watchmen, and turned it into a movie...

Snyder had crafted a movie that flirts with honest to God greatness, that doesn't just capture the events of the comic but also the humanity and the emotion. It's a remarkable film, and an uncompromising one. It's the sort of movie that major studios are simply not supposed to be making [anymore]...


Finally, after 23 years of tortured development, pinging from studio to studio, star to star, and even courtroom to courtroom, the Watchmen adaptation has arrived on screen. For more than two decades a big screen adaptation has been the maddeningly elusive goal of directors such as Terry Gilliam and Darren Aronofsky, and actors such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Joaquin Phoenix.

It’s not for the faint-hearted —The film that has emerged, however, is a mesmerising and brutalising experience, and will be, for some at least, more than worth the wait


Having read 6 reviews now , and nothing less than "A+" verbiage on all of them. (Except one by some kid that can't stand something coming out before he was born getting this level of literary respect.)

They changed THE watchmen quote that Rorschach says slightly, I'm sure for marketing reasons , but I'll let it slide. (wimps!) lol

From what I can tell this is one you really will benefit from having read the comic first. Its an action-packed deal, but also has a lot of psycho-political layers to it, some of which I think will be damn near impossible to get the first time through. It also throws in a bit of "camp" for effect, same as the books did.

In England this film will be rated with a "18 certificate" (roughly between an NC-17 and the now obsolete "X" in America) Although in Europe movies tend to get harsh ratings for Violence not sex. (as it should be)

Hell, you've got the character of Nite Owl who can't "get it up" unless he gets physically beaten to hell. Then there is the near god-like Dr. Manhattan who F***s the hell out of Silk Specter (loveless no less) with exposed genitalia.

Some may be put off by the fact that they actually look like superheros and not black-clad versions of super-heros (meta-humans in DC parlance), but oh well.

Despite my usual uber-pessimistic self about yet another sacred cow being ripped off by hollywood. (Did they rip off Hard Boiled yet?) I'm pretty excited. I'm even pondering dragging my sick ass, solo, all the way the hell to Lansing to see it on IMAX when it comes out. What the hell am I "saving" myself for anyhow...

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Yeah watchmen is sort of like The Bible goes to hollywood. Watchmen resembles other graphic novels in the sense that its written on paper and has text. Beyond that the similarities end. There not much "fun" to be had here (despite the fun as hell looking trailers) There are some in-jokes and such but are only noticeable if your really paying attention.

The storyline is so complex (if you care to pay attention, its easy to just watch it on a more popcorn level) I read it 3 times a decade ago and found new things every time.

Having been scouring the Internet for clips and such you can almost assemble like half the movie in a disjointed fashion. There is a HUGE back story to watchmen which is constantly hinted at, really gives the impression this world was alive and evolving long before the novel (or movie) actually starts.

Something like say... Iron Man (which was great) or even the first "serious" batman movie a decade ago are "watch it, have fun, ok bye bye." This one really demands some brain interaction. Despite the "colorful" outfits all the reviews say its darker than The Dark Knight, that's pretty damn dark.

Don't bring the kids.

This is "what would the world actually be like if super-humans existed" (and it aint so pretty)

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Typed from memory by Troy who accidetnally posted his own crap here on accident. (begs forgiveness!)

"I'm excited about the movie and pondering getting the graphic novel as well. Should I read the book first and then watch the movie or vice versa? Am i more likely to be annoyed by doing it in one order or the other?"

That a fair summary of what you posted kitty? Gah. How i managed that I don't know.

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I'd suggest at least reading through the character bios, there are some slight spoilers in doing so but I'm quite sure it will help "get" the movie much more. The char bios on wikipedia are ok but they miss some of the key points, and the Silk Spectre II's (the woman superhero in the trailers) entry is a joke.



More detailed Char bios (and timeline and such) The annotated Watchmen:


One interesting thing about all the main characters is every one of them is both a "good guy" and a "bad guy" with the exception of perhaps Silk Spectre II being the closest thing to an actual "good guy" in the series, but even she has the two-timing half-crazy thing going on. Silk Spectre II should be named Latex Spectre II in the movie since instead of a satin-silk outfit (that she and her mother, Silk Spectre I) both wore in the comics she wears a Vynl-Slut out fit in the movie. :p

You can get the collected works for 10 bucks off amazon (and it'll be at your house before the movie comes out) or buy it at like borders for $20.

The reviews there are interesting even if you don't order it off amazon:


The comentary there on amazon there is great.

For a few years now I've wanted to get the "Absolute Edition" behemoth version of Watchmen, that is, hardcover, uber-quality paper, slipcased, a fuckton of extra material, and re-colored in a way that was not possible two+ decades ago. I'm thinking i might break down and spend the $75 I don't have, since I'm guessing once the movie comes out I can forget about getting it at that price as it is out of print.

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(no forgiveness needed!)

If I had had anything in my mouth while reading your summary of my post, the contents would have ended up all over my laptop keyboard! Because it's exactly what I said...except I would never had said it that way. **laughs**


I will follow your advice, and read through the character bios. I will also order the collected works from Amazon on Friday. Thank you so much for the links and taking the time to answer my question in such depth! Much appreciated!!!


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(no forgiveness needed!)

If I had had anything in my mouth while reading your summary of my post, the contents would have ended up all over my laptop keyboard! Because it's exactly what I said...except I would never had said it that way. **laughs**


I will follow your advice, and read through the character bios. I will also order the collected works from Amazon on Friday. Thank you so much for the links and taking the time to answer my question in such depth! Much appreciated!!!



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The local IMAX put it up on their website finally. Watchmen WILL be shown at the HF IMAX in dearborn. It just doesn't start until the 9th (three days after the regular release)

In case anyone doesn't know what IMAX is , this is THE way to see a movie. Most movies are not shot in IMAX so many people think of IMAX as a format for documentaries only. The Dark Knight (still showing at IMAX and will soon be replaced by Watchmen) has been showing there all along.

The IMAX in Dearborn is the largest screen in the state and seeing as the price for an IMAX film is like 3 dollars more than a regular nightime ticket. If its shown in IMAX , and you are "into" movies. This is the place to see them if they are avaialbe. Movies like this are what shine in such a theater.

Its a good idea to pre-order tickets since even "run of the mill" show dates sometimes sell out. (My dad and I tried to go see The Dark Knight, twice, and it was sold out... ugh.)

There are IMAX theaters in Ypsi and Sterling Heights, but the one in Dearborn is the one you want to go to.


Imax webiste:


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The "Watchmen" playdates include 124 engagements in IMAX theaters.

"All will have midnight shows, and that's a function of demand," IMAX Filmed Entertainment president Greg Foster said. "If there weren't midnight shows, there would be a riot. The demand is very, very strong."

IMAX's Web site crashed four times this week because of traffic surges by "Watchmen" fans looking for ticket information, Foster said.


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Been kinda skeptical about this but , at the same, have been taken in by the visuals. This was a series that was never meant to be adapted into any other kind of medium. From reading different fan reviews, however, a lot of our skepticism may be unfounded. The only change that still might bug me just might be how the scene towards the end was handled.

That said I still may check it out. No one to go to the movies with anymore so I just may watch this online.

Edited by Joey Deadcat
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Been kinda skeptical about this but , at the same, have been taken in by the visuals. This was a series that was never meant to be adapted into any other kind of medium. From reading different fan reviews, however, a lot of our skepticism may be unfounded. The only change that still might bug me just might be how the scene towards the end was handled.

That said I still may check it out. No one to go to the movies with anymore so I just may watch this online.

In 1986 they just didn't make movies based on comic books per se not "real" translations anyhow. There was never any expectation at that time that anything would be made into a movie even remotely close. Just the basic character would be ripped off and Hollywood would make up whatever story they felt like. Which is still the case, just seems like there are more literary-nerds in Hollywood these days and the raping of the original work into some bastardized form , to my shock, appears to be less common. :shock:

From what I've read so far , without reading any actual pure-spoiler, the end is flat out just not the same. :confused:

In terms of were to watch it, if any movies seem like they would suffer horribly from watching it on a small screen, this is the one.

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I have only seen bits and pieces of the graphic novels myself. However, I did see see the way they used reflection/symmetry on some pages to reflect action, and a few other subtle things. It would be interesting to see if the storyline in the movie has at least some way of doing reflections of elements. I will be on the lookout for such patterns when I see it.

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In 1986 they just didn't make movies based on comic books per se not "real" translations anyhow. There was never any expectation at that time that anything would be made into a movie even remotely close. Just the basic character would be ripped off and Hollywood would make up whatever story they felt like. Which is still the case, just seems like there are more literary-nerds in Hollywood these days and the raping of the original work into some bastardized form , to my shock, appears to be less common. :shock:

From what I've read so far , without reading any actual pure-spoiler, the end is flat out just not the same. :confused:

In terms of were to watch it, if any movies seem like they would suffer horribly from watching it on a small screen, this is the one.

Bet they leave it open for a sequel......... :whistle:

...& honestly...I am not into 1 shot movies that much...I like the 3 or more movies in a serial...really do...& when a movie has a definitive ending I get sad 'cause it is over...stories should almost always be open for more...

..(there's the true to life genre...& as the stories are written..they have endings..mostly.)

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I took Friday off to go see it.

I've been fanboying this for over a year now, hell I posted a thread about it on here many months ago now I was so excited.

It was the first graphic novel I ever read...and it is what I hold all others up to in comparison.


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I had the hair brained idea that I'd go home tonight from work, sleep and sneak off to see it at 12:01 when it goes on at the AMC 20 in Livonia. BUT I promised someone that I wouldn't see it behind his back. *sighs*

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