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Psh, Troy started a different thread I believe it was with this movie late last year. I remember because I had posted on it. The trailers aren't new :p

:harhar: I know...I tagged that one too! ;)

.....& I tell ya! I am excited...but I think Junior Goat is more excited...he saw the trailer, & was like, "Papa, we are so going to that; RIGHT?!?!" (he USUALLY asks for outings...this time, he jumped straight to the assumption{which I let slide this once.})

...THOUGH...we will probably wait a month to see it...after school lets out..

..& ANOTHER great trailer! :w00t:

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When it comes to Star Trek, comics, novels, etc., I am an ultra-purist. I do not like any unreasonable deviations from the base storylines, and when it happens, it pisses me off, mightily.

When I heard about the new movie, I was far South of thrilled. The TNG movies, by and large, didn't do a whole lot for me, and when Nemesis came out, the fate of Data REALLY turned me off. Now, compound this with the director of the new movie and Bad Robot productions house saying they really didn't care that much about the old fans, and that this was a reboot to bring in the new fans.

Instant alienation.

No pun intended.

So, I automatically hated the movie, refused to see it, and didn't like the director anymore, either (in spite of the fact that I liked Cloverfield and still watch Lost). I disliked the casting choices, thoroughly, and couldn't imagine how he could do more to pre-emptively make the movie worse.

Then, the trailers started creeping in.

Dudes and dude-ettes, I have more hooks in me than that guy did at the end of the first Hellraiser movie, who thought he could duke it out with Pinhead. With each and every passing trailer, I've been getting more and more hooks driven through me, to the point that I have completely, COMPLETELY jumped ship, and joined the MUST SEE camp. This is such a big and anticipated thing to me, that I'm making a VXFC outing on it. I plan to have my SUV totally PACKED (meaning I may have people all the way in the back, in the payload area).

I CANNOT miss this movie.

Hell, I'm even in love with the cast, now! Zach looks great as Spock, and the Kirk guy even has my vote! Scotty, I was more than a bit leery about (and McCoy), but leery no more!



Some of these commercials give me the chills.

I CAN'T WAIT for the moment when Kirk sits in that chair, for the first time...

My opinion of this movie, now:


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I would go see it just for the effects alone. I mean the way they do things these days everything looks so REAL AND HUGE And its a STAR TREK movie so they will pull out all the special stuff.

I don't really follow exact story lines. You outgeeked me.



Oh, wait a minute...


Uh, in any event, years ago, Lucas (in speaking of ILM [industrial Light and Magic, his private SPFX firm]) said that they don't create special effects anymore; they create reality. I was inclined to agree with him. I think this was even prior to the release of Episode 1. As for my purity insistations, I'm a writer. I write, and if I do happen to get something on the big screen, it'll be quite the event, because I will not allow neither screenplay "writers" nor "directors" to mess up what I created by trying to turn it into their own story. That's a big problem Star Trek has, too. If you look at Star Trek 6 (the Final Frontier), it was pretty unimpressive. However, be aware: Willy Shatner is a FANTASTIC writer, and the book was GREAT. He, however, caved and allowed those monkeys in Hollywierd to re-write his labor of love, and he got his pound of flesh for it (cashola).

That, and a crappy movie associated with his name, forever.

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I can't wait. And although I may wait 3 days for crowds to go down, I may dress up. I am THAT geeky. Not ashamed of it either. =P:happydance:jamin

there is usually enough action and interest to keep me awake during sci fi. or horror movies.

There is NO WAY IN HELL I will voluntarily wait for anything past OPENING DAY for this. Hell, if there's a sneak preview, guess where I'm going to be...

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When it comes to Star Trek, comics, novels, etc., I am an ultra-purist. I do not like any unreasonable deviations from the base storylines, and when it happens, it pisses me off, mightily.

I'm with you there. There is usually zero real reason they need to be douche bags and deviate from the cannon. The "space" for telling stories is gigantic even with the minor restrictions actually trying to keep the storyline straight might impose. Enterprise was a huge irritation from this standpoint.

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I'm with you there. There is usually zero real reason they need to be douche bags and deviate from the cannon. The "space" for telling stories is gigantic even with the minor restrictions actually trying to keep the storyline straight might impose. Enterprise was a huge irritation from this standpoint.

Comics, especially. They take a minute to read. When writing a screenplay, you EMBELLISH the story with detail enrichment. you don't rewrite the story. Spawn was a BIG offender, while Sin City was a lot better, though it LEFT OUT a lot of stuff.

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I'm not impressed by the previews. Hollywood is running out of ideas so they have to resort to remakes. Give me another TNG or make a DS9 movie.

TNG's already failed miserably. That's why they're not doing them, anymore. DS9? Without The Sisko, count me out.

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I'm not impressed by the previews. Hollywood is running out of ideas so they have to resort to remakes. Give me another TNG or make a DS9 movie.

To me its always going to be more about the specific storyline / direction / etc. I do prefer the TNG or TOS if forced to pick. But really, its more about the specifics of the movie than the universe its set in per se.

The ads for this look really good to me. Not sure I could ask for better trailers. Surprised you don't think they look good. I'm pretty jaded about such things, and these look damn good to me. Exploring the early days of kirk? Lots of good effects? The whole original crew on an action-adventure with underlying moral dilemmas? That's ST in spades isn't it? Seems plenty distinct to me, as much as you can be with such things. This isn't a remake of an earlier movie. The movie might turn out to suck, but it seems to have the makings of something good.

In terms of Hollywood running out of ideas: In essence storytelling probably ended 2000+ years ago in terms of actually "original" stories. We've just been rehashing the same ones with different settings for most of mankind's existence. Hollywood never had a new idea, we ran out before the invention of film, heh.

BTW love the Ryme of the Ancient Mariner quote.

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There are very few remakes that I like. Not that I don't give them a chance, I do, but usually its nothing that I get excited about.

Coleridge is my favorite poet. :wink

Have to agree with you, there. Remakes are a tricky business, at best, and pretty easily messed up.

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Yes but isn't this more like a prequel than a remake?

In a way, its both. They're changing the timeline an the characters. Most of these guys never met until they were posted on the Enterprise, but this movie is making them look like academic contemporaries. Sulu was born in2237; Spock matriculated in Starfleet Academy in 2249, and Kirk in 2250. Sulu didn't even get in, until 2255. Spock and Kirk were OUT in 2253 & 2254. Hell, Uhura didn't even get IN until2257. They're messing the already established story up (as well as their ages), as a cheap, fast (but maybe not good) way to get the 'faves' all in 1 place, as youngsters. That's what I'm still leery about.

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In a way, its both. They're changing the timeline an the characters. Most of these guys never met until they were posted on the Enterprise, but this movie is making them look like academic contemporaries. Sulu was born in2237; Spock matriculated in Starfleet Academy in 2249, and Kirk in 2250. Sulu didn't even get in, until 2255. Spock and Kirk were OUT in 2253 & 2254. Hell, Uhura didn't even get IN until2257. They're messing the already established story up (as well as their ages), as a cheap, fast (but maybe not good) way to get the 'faves' all in 1 place, as youngsters. That's what I'm still leery about.

Right on man. Well the fact that they twisted the storyline around a bit is O.K. I guess for the sake of the movie. That trailer really turned me on, though. I think it will be a good movie regardless. Let us hope we don't get let down. I have to say the whole series kind of took a turn for the worse when Gene Roddenberry died, but I think they still did a pretty good job of keeping the spirit alive.

In order, my fav. Star Treks are - TNG, Original, and DS9. ST Enterprise gets 20 thumbs down in my opinion. Every time I saw that show I was just waiting for Scott Bakula to leap to the next life. LOL.

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