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Gerald Celente on the possible crash of 2009

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Exactly. I get shit for watching fox news as my main news source, because they really are fair and balanced unlike CNN or MSNBC.

Yeah I tend to listen to Fox on the cable network. I don't think they lean on either side really. They have brought up issues on both sides of the isle. I think they make people aware of the things other networks don't bother with, like why other news groups don't have issues with anything the President does just because he is their sweetheart and want him to continue having his political honeymoon.

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Yeah I tend to listen to Fox on the cable network. I don't think they lean on either side really. They have brought up issues on both sides of the isle. I think they make people aware of the things other networks don't bother with, like why other news groups don't have issues with anything the President does just because he is their sweetheart and want him to continue having his political honeymoon.

As someone who has left-based thinking I watched Fox News, so I would intentionally things I disagree with. All it did was reinforce my already low opinion (we're talking basement low) of the right.

I think it proved I couldn't be interviewed on that network. Interruption, if someone asks me a question and cuts me off before I'm finished speaking (Bill and Sean are the worst offenders of this) I would beat them to a bloody pulp. If I've been talking for 2 minutes fine. 5 seconds, Fuck off. A yes or no question is good for "Would you like soup with that?" Not "Do you agree with the left?". One question is very basic. One has multiple parts that you may in part agree with, though not totally. At least on the other networks people have time to answer the questions. It's not fucking jepordy.

It's always been my biggest pet peeve and it would really satisfy me to see a guest take one of their Achilles tendons and just "snip".

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What are these news channels of which you all speak of? Yeah, no matter what side they are or aren't a part of...you never get the whole story even if they agree with it. See, its called ratings and if the media, and Hollywood, don't do what they do best, bullshit, nobody would watch anything because if would be even more boring that a three hour speech by John Kerry which we all know will put you in a coma and has the possiblity to kill you...

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If they put a chip in my body, big if there too, they will wish they had not...they will become so bored that suicide will be the only way out..."holy shit this guy has no life!"

BTW suicide is a felony,they will try to stop you.

your body is considered government property

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BTW suicide is a felony,they will try to stop you.

your body is considered government property

I...won't be the one taking place in the suicide...

I have dealt with many different forms of law enforcement, they have even watched me and had documented accounts of certain events...and all of that came down to jack shit. I still like them, they are funny, they can gather tons of information yet, with one little piece missing its all a waste. You can try to scare me all you want, so can they, but the fact remains that it won't scare me since I am not some brainless idiot sitting on my ass doing nothing. I am ready for anything, but not paranoid.

The only thing that really does scare me is women drivers, so unless the government sends a bunch of angry bitches driving minivans my way...meh...

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As someone who has left-based thinking I watched Fox News, so I would intentionally things I disagree with. All it did was reinforce my already low opinion (we're talking basement low) of the right.

I think it proved I couldn't be interviewed on that network. Interruption, if someone asks me a question and cuts me off before I'm finished speaking (Bill and Sean are the worst offenders of this) I would beat them to a bloody pulp. If I've been talking for 2 minutes fine. 5 seconds, Fuck off. A yes or no question is good for "Would you like soup with that?" Not "Do you agree with the left?". One question is very basic. One has multiple parts that you may in part agree with, though not totally. At least on the other networks people have time to answer the questions. It's not fucking jepordy.

It's always been my biggest pet peeve and it would really satisfy me to see a guest take one of their Achilles tendons and just "snip".

Well, a lot of the guests I noticed take all day to explain things and news only has a certain amount of time to get the story.

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Well, a lot of the guests I noticed take all day to explain things and news only has a certain amount of time to get the story.

Not the people who take forever. Just the way it's believed that complex, global issues can easily be solved with a game of 20 questions. (Yes or No answers)

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What are these news channels of which you all speak of? Yeah, no matter what side they are or aren't a part of...you never get the whole story even if they agree with it. See, its called ratings and if the media, and Hollywood, don't do what they do best, bullshit, nobody would watch anything because if would be even more boring that a three hour speech by John Kerry which we all know will put you in a coma and has the possiblity to kill you...


I believe it's called infotainment

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