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car accident last week.

It would seem she hath inherited the family curse

at least thats what this fortune teller woman told me.

bad luck in money and love.

From some past mis deed thing from an ansestor of one of us or possibly one of us reincarnated

the cure was too expensive for me I don't know if I believe it

Think its brought on by oneself anyway

Anyway her engine ended up in her dash...had she been going any faster she would be dead.

No car now, stuck living in some guys basement cause she dropped out of college and prob no job now too.

Oh and a other relative smashed her head and is going to die, she fell on the porch. It was icy...I was not close to her but in that family tree branch that is 2 deaths in 3 months wtf is going on....too much death the past few years

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Yah she said she hit a pothole then somehow spun into a wall...?

just minor scraps and bruises

I cannot buy her another car. Not just because I am broke. She is 20. Its time to cut the strings.

Just feel so pulled in all directions.

I am the ME generation? Bullshit. I have to help my kids financially till they are good to stand on their own...my parents got rid of two of us before 18 for christs sake!! My dad made more money, got property cheaper...dollar for dollar paid less for EVERYTHING. Things lasted longer. He got full retirement and benefits...we get NONE of that. Retirement? When?

And I will prob have to take in an elderly person one day.

Its not fair.

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I'm really sorry to hear that she was in a crash, but you could look at it another way - she is physically fine, not even anything broken. Eventually she can get another car but at least is not badly hurt.

I seem to be having a string of bad luck too. Crashed my car and now both front doors are stuck shut. Car is so old it's not worth spending a bunch of money on so at the moment I'm climbing out of the back door looking like an idiot, but I'm trying to be thankful I wasn't hurt badly, came pretty damn close to flipping over - so maybe it was actually good luck if I look at it that way, since I'm not badly hurt either.

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I wish you good luck.

I have a lot of people my age who are struggling, some of which are getting grants and going to college with the hope they can find a career in the future, which all still means jack to their emotional health. I have had to deal with good friends deteriorating around me for lack of a better word, including my own issues. Meanwhile, while the economy is terrible and pumped with more paper money, the Federal Reserve keeps operating and nothing changes.

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they unplugged Mrs. Lawhan last night she passed away at 4am.

I want mr grim reaper to go away and leave this family alone.

I'm sorry to hear that. My condolences on your family's loss.

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I'm glad your young'un is OK. From what you've told me she's been on kind of a downhill path lately... so this could be a blessing in disguise. Sometimes an experience like this can lead us to take a long, hard look at our life and make the decision to change things. It happened to me... I didn't change things overnight but the major changes in my life and outlook started when I got hit by that van. I pray it will be like that for her.

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Thats exactly what I was thinking Pomba, you hit the nail on the head.

She had a sore neck but will be ok.

I told her last night she could just live like the beloved rainbow hippies on here...don't drive, just take a bus and NOT contribute to global warming...its what we all SHOULD be doing anyway.

All the cars on the road is pure selfishness. People are more rude, take more risks and the speed limits are higher than ever. Its crazy...YOUR IN A FIBERGLASS BOX FOR CHRISTS SAKE!!!

Personally think they raised the limit in MI cause everyone was going so fast anyway...

Getting rid of my gas guzzler soon and getting something cheaper.

Maybe less reliable but easier on the gas.

I think thing 1 is a bit of a speed demon like me...but she doesn't have 30+ yrs driving experience.

I have seen 3 fatal accidents in my day...one where 3 people died and one was a kid...the dog got out ok though it was strange....paper blowing all over...their trailer started fishtailing...I think one of them was a writer, there was a old typewriter in the middle of the road.

Two massive roll overs...one pedestrian was hit and flew through the intersection.

I have been hit twice. Once was real bad I was on crutches for over a year. A semi hit me from behind cause she fell asleep at the wheel.

So thats it then. Everyone on DGN has to slow down...MOM SAID SO. there.

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Thats exactly what I was thinking Pomba, you hit the nail on the head.

She had a sore neck but will be ok.

I told her last night she could just live like the beloved rainbow hippies on here...don't drive, just take a bus and NOT contribute to global warming...its what we all SHOULD be doing anyway.

All the cars on the road is pure selfishness. People are more rude, take more risks and the speed limits are higher than ever. Its crazy...YOUR IN A FIBERGLASS BOX FOR CHRISTS SAKE!!!

Personally think they raised the limit in MI cause everyone was going so fast anyway...

Getting rid of my gas guzzler soon and getting something cheaper.

Maybe less reliable but easier on the gas.

I think thing 1 is a bit of a speed demon like me...but she doesn't have 30+ yrs driving experience.

I have seen 3 fatal accidents in my day...one where 3 people died and one was a kid...the dog got out ok though it was strange....paper blowing all over...their trailer started fishtailing...I think one of them was a writer, there was a old typewriter in the middle of the road.

Two massive roll overs...one pedestrian was hit and flew through the intersection.

I have been hit twice. Once was real bad I was on crutches for over a year. A semi hit me from behind cause she fell asleep at the wheel.

So thats it then. Everyone on DGN has to slow down...MOM SAID SO. there.

I solemly promise not to drive to fast........................................or even at all :hrhr:


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Thanks all. This is going to be another weird year I fear. A best friends mom just died...she was a real sweetie too. He had moved in to take care of her. I hope I still have a good relationship with my kids by that age...she left him the house.

I find myself actually checking the obituaries now like some pathetic ol lady who is looking to see which one of her friends or who she knows died this week.

Is this really happening to me? Am I getting that far over the hill and down in the valley of life???

NEVER read the obituaries b4.

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