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Cat Scratching My Sofa. Help!

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There is some stuff you can use to spray on your furniture to keep your kittie at bay - we used it for the christmas tree cuz ours love to climb. It worked but we would have to keep spraying there every couple of days to keep the scent up. A squirt bottle I've noticed, they end up getting used to and they don't care. Not every cat is like that though - I dunno how yours reacts to water. :wink You can find some at a pet store or Meijers.

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Tuck aluminum foil into the cushions and wrap it around the places she likes to scratch. After a few times having come loose and fall they sometimes will quit.

Also trim her claws (or ask your vet to if you're not sure how - gotta be careful not to trim too close and nick that nerve and vein).

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Guest MsMaldoror

Hmm, I'm not against declawing, but many people are. Then again, my cats don't go outdoors at all either. They sell those Soft Claws at many vets, but you have to replace them every so often when the cats' nails grow.

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I'm going to have to go to Petco and see if they have that spray. As far as her claws go, they're not at all long. She's just a raging digger....


I was just at Petco in the cat section and they have these clear strips that adher to the sides or wherever of the sofa/seats. Apparently it's like sticky tape and your cat won't like the sticky feeling so after a time it will unlearn the behavior of scratching there. Definately have plenty of other places for them to scratch or they'll keep doing it.

Good luck.

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Hmm, I'm not against declawing, but many people are.  Then again, my cats don't go outdoors at all either.  They sell those Soft Claws at many vets, but you have to replace them every so often when the cats' nails grow.


If the 'cat' is a kitten, the most humane thing to do is declaw it when it is spayed/neautered. Once it is grown the claws are bone and it is 100% inhumane to have this done. If you consider doing it at all, please only consider it when they are very young.

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Those paws away type sprays are probably the best way to go.They seem to work for most cats unfortunately not for mine.

If you find that the spray doesn't help maybe you could try to distract kitty into changing his behavior with cat nip spray or something along those lines.Since I never met a cat that didn't like to rub and or roll around in catnip!

If you don't mind a little cat drool on your couch!

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All 10 of our cats were trained with a squirt bottle. None of them claw furniture.

I combined a quick squirt with myself making a "PSSSSSSSSTTT!" sound. After just a few squirts, I could just make the Pssst sound without squirting and they would stop.

Also, have both a vertical and horizontal scratcher available for them. Some cats actually have preferences. If you catch a cat scratching something s/he shouldn't, take them to the scratcher, hold their paws and "scratch" the scratcher for them.

Haven't had a single problem with any of mine with these techniques.

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