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Obama's Popularity is Bigger Than Jesus

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Ok, so if any if you don't get the joke, google "John Lennon" and "Bigger than Jesus"

Anyway, not meaning to piss on the parade of notoriously slanted conservative Wall Street Journal columns, but

well, here's an actual article, detailing respected polling of a representative sample of Americans

Poll: Obama's rating at all-time high

NBC/WSJ poll shows gap between popularity of president and his policies

By Mark Murray

Deputy political director

NBC News

updated 6:31 p.m. ET, Tues., March. 3, 2009

WASHINGTON - After Barack Obama's first six weeks as president, the American public's attitudes about the two political parties couldn't be more different, the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds.

Despite the country's struggling economy and vocal opposition to some of his policies, President Obama's favorability rating is at an all-time high. Two-thirds feel hopeful about his leadership and six in 10 approve of the job he's doing in the White House.

"What is amazing here is how much political capital Obama has spent in the first six weeks," said Democratic pollster Peter D. Hart, who conducted this survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff. "And against that, he stands at the end of this six weeks with as much or more capital in the bank."

By comparison, the Republican Party — which resisted Obama's recently passed stimulus plan and has criticized the spending in his budget — finds its favorability at an all-time low. It also receives most of the blame for the current partisanship in Washington and trails the Democrats by nearly 30 percentage points on the question of which party could best lead the nation out of recession.

But the poll also shows potential dangers for Obama and the Democrats. For instance, there's a sizable gap between the president's personal popularity and the popularity of his policies.

And it contains some hope for Republicans, given the public's concerns about the costs of Obama’s policies and programs. "When does gravity begin for President Obama?" McInturff asked.

Obama’s high marks

In the survey, 68 percent have a favorable opinion of the president, including 47 percent whose opinion is "very positive" — both all-time highs for Obama in the poll. Moreover, 67 percent say they feel more hopeful about his leadership and 60 percent approve of his job in the White House.

Yet the percentage of Americans who are confident that Obama has the right goals and policies for the country — 54 percent — is slightly smaller, suggesting that the president is more popular than his policies are. An example: 57 percent tend to support the stimulus, compared with 34 percent who tend to oppose it.

Still, these attitudes about Obama have helped fuel a big jump in the percentage of Americans who believe the U.S. is headed in the right direction, according to the poll. In January’s NBC/Journal poll, 26 percent said the country was on the right track; now 41 percent think that.

McInturff attributes this jump to Democrats who have been pleased by Obama’s actions — such as the stimulus’ passage, his announcement that he will close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, and his declaration that most U.S. troops will be out of Iraq by Aug. 2010. “If you’re a Democrat, that’s a pretty good six weeks compared to the last eight years in their mind,” he said.

A “long leash”

These high marks for Obama come at a time when Americans are increasingly pessimistic about the economy. Only seven percent say they're satisfied about the state of the economy, which is an all-time low in the poll. What's more, a whopping 76 percent believe the economy still has a ways to go before it hits rock bottom.

Obama, Hart says, "has done a Herculean job in raising the spirits and mood of the American public against what is an economic tsunami."

According to the poll, part of the reason why Obama's numbers remain high despite these economic concerns is that the public doesn't blame the president for the current state of the economy. Eighty-four percent say this is an economy Obama inherited, and two-thirds of those people think he has at least a year before he's responsible for it.

"That's a long leash," McInturff says. "It normally doesn't last that long. But believe me, that's a good place to start."

Yet McInturff cautions that while these numbers suggest a patient public, "Americans are notoriously impatient people."

A tough six weeks for the GOP

While the poll — which was conducted of 1,007 adults from Feb. 26 to March 1, and which has an overall margin of error of plus-minus 3.1 percentage points — finds Obama in a strong position after his first six weeks as president, the same isn't true for Republicans.

Just 26 percent view the Republican Party positively, which is an all-time low for the party. That's compared with 49 percent who have a favorable view of the Democratic Party.

In addition, a combined 56 percent say the previous Bush administration deserved "almost all" of the blame or a "major part" of the blame for the partisanship in Washington, and a combined 41 percent say the same of congressional Republicans.

By contrast, only 24 percent say that of congressional Democrats and just 11 percent say that of the Obama administration.

Also, the public overwhelmingly believes the GOP's opposition to Obama's policies and programs is based on politics: 56 percent say they're trying to gain political advantage, versus 30 percent who say they're standing up for their principles.

Finally, Americans don't seem to have confidence in the Republican Party when it comes to the economy. By a 48-20 percent margin, they think the Democratic Party would do a better job of getting the country out of the recession.

Republicans, Hart argues, "have been tone deaf to the results of the 2008 election... They never heard the message. They continue to preach the old-time religion."

McInturff, the GOP pollster, agrees. "These are difficult and problematic numbers."

Concerns about pork and spending

Nevertheless, Republicans can take comfort that some of its political messages are resonating with the public. The top three concerns about Obama's stimulus were that it contains too much pork-barrel spending, that its tax cuts are too small and that the spending is focused in the wrong areas.

What's more, 61 percent say they're more concerned that the federal government will spend too much money and will increase the size of the deficit, than they are concerned that the government will spend too little money in trying to get out of the recession.

Still, in the first six weeks of his administration, Obama and the Democrats find themselves in a much stronger position than their GOP counterparts.

"It is an amazing feat in terms of what Barack Obama has accomplished against the most difficult terrain one could imagine," Hart says.

Mark Murray covers politics for NBC News.

© 2009 msnbc.com Reprints

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This still boggles my mind. Seriously how can a man who approved a billion dollar "stimulus bill" be so freaking popular.

Because most of the people approve of it.

Keeping with The Beatles theme though... It's like someone saying "I wonder how anyone could like The Beatles when a lot of people like their music".

Probably could've dropped the Beatles thing and made a better analogy, but you get my point

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Because most of the people approve of it.

Keeping with The Beatles theme though... It's like someone saying "I wonder how anyone could like The Beatles when a lot of people like their music".

Probably could've dropped the Beatles thing and made a better analogy, but you get my point

You might want to look at some poll numbers. Most Americans are against it, like 60%

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Hate me or not but this is a capitalists country not a socialist country. The stimulus package he is putting together is going to kill this country. The money is going to have to come from somewhere and guess where that is? You're pockets. I just don't understand the logic in taking tax money from tax payers and giving it to those who don't even pay taxes. A good "meter" on how well the presidents plans are perceived by the public is the stock market and it's reaction to the announcements. Every time Obama has announced one of his plans, the stock market has drop considerably.

All this mans ideas are socialist ideas. If ya want to know what socialist ideas do for a country just look at the former USSR. Where is it now? Nazi Germany was also a socialist country. Putting socialist ideas in Americans heads kills the "American Dream". When you train a country to feel it deserves something without working for it, you make a country a bum. A country of people looking for a hand out. This is the exact opposite of what this country needs right now. Democrats are the party that started this downside in the first place by feeling Americans deserve to be able to have a house even if they can't afford it.

Every plan to "fix" America that the current administration has put forth is nothing but damage waiting to happen. Ya want to have a quick fix? Wipe out everyone's credit score and restore it with a high one (A second chance). Then, when they come in for a loan, you make sure the payment is in their budget and if it isn't then you deny the loan. This will jump start the economy with people applying for mortgages, car loans and business loans that can aford it but have credit problems. If they can afford the payment then they get approved. Very easy and quick fix.... within six months you'd see an economy recovery.

Want to fix the car industry? Make cars that have an engine, gas tank and 4 wheels. Something that even low income folks can afford. Cars would cost one third the price of what they cost now. Something with no bells and whistles.... this in return will boost car sales and create another industry.... the automobile aftermarket industry for those that want the bells and whistles.

I'm sorry, I know a lot of you all are liberals and being in the entertainment business I am surrounded by liberals.... I even have a lot of liberal ideas and beliefs BUT.... teaching this country socialist will only hurt it.... the land of opportunity is what made this nation great and Obama is taking away those opportunities as we speak... mark my word.

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We're not going to end up like the USSR. If anything we'd be like more of the Nordic countries. Denmark is a good example. They are among the most socialist countries in Europe with a high amount of free trade. Also GDP per capita is 15-20 percent higher than ours.

Now I know that frightens some because it would make us like....

GASP :ohmy: ...EUROPE...

but if something tends to work...I don't know...kind of give it some credibility

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I don't think its all that well thought out... just common sense. But thank you. I do appreciate it :-)

The problem with common sense is it's not all that common anymore.

Normally I'd agree with you if half the country wasn't out of work and foreclosed and for sale signs weren't rampant in most of suburbia. We're in an amazingly horrible recession which is about to turn into a full blown depression if someone doesn't do something about it PDQ. I've only had to hear about the breadlines and I have no desire to actually experience one.

Obama really is the lesser of two evils, however that does mean he is still evil. He does have lots of ideas about science and technology and his vision of how to fix the energy crisis is a good one. However he is a n00b and needs to learn a bit like anyone else. Even if his approval is lower than Bush's was at this time I'm sure after four years it will have beaten his into the ground.

Change is scary but I strongly believe we didn't need more of the same. Even if he does screw things up though at least the next president (RON PAUL!) can learn from it :)

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We're not going to end up like the USSR. If anything we'd be like more of the Nordic countries. Denmark is a good example. They are among the most socialist countries in Europe with a high amount of free trade. Also GDP per capita is 15-20 percent higher than ours.

Now I know that frightens some because it would make us like....

GASP :ohmy: ...EUROPE...

but if something tends to work...I don't know...kind of give it some credibility

The problem with that however is we've been trained since the 1950's that communism = bad

The second problem is that most people can't distinguish communism from socialism.

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The problem with that however is we've been trained since the 1950's that communism = bad

The second problem is that most people can't distinguish communism from socialism.

A very VERY good point sir....

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We're not going to end up like the USSR. If anything we'd be like more of the Nordic countries. Denmark is a good example. They are among the most socialist countries in Europe with a high amount of free trade. Also GDP per capita is 15-20 percent higher than ours.

Now I know that frightens some because it would make us like....

GASP :ohmy: ...EUROPE...

but if something tends to work...I don't know...kind of give it some credibility

I don't give it credibility at all. Those are small counties with other satellite countries surrounding them that have a great deal of influence over their economy. We are not at all like those countries and shouldn't even be compared to them. The US is a superpower with a completely different engine running it. We are more likely to end up just like the USSR if we keep sucking up socialist ways - we've been doing that slowly since the sixties and we're already echoing USSR 20 years before it fell. Sorry but look it up... we're headed down the same road.... history unfortunately hasn't taught us anything. Then again, judging by the video above.... I'm not sure Americans even know their own history much less the USSR's.

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The problem with common sense is it's not all that common anymore.

And there lies the problem!

Normally I'd agree with you if half the country wasn't out of work and foreclosed and for sale signs weren't rampant in most of suburbia. We're in an amazingly horrible recession which is about to turn into a full blown depression if someone doesn't do something about it PDQ. I've only had to hear about the breadlines and I have no desire to actually experience one.

Ha ha.... that is exactly why you should agree.

I wasn't too impressed with McCain - I'm not going to lie. But look what the media did to Palin.... the woman knew what to do with the economy and the energy crisis and how to make it pay off but just like the video showed..... people we're more concerned about her pregnant daughter and her clothes.... nice being concerned about the issues.

My problem with Obama is he is no better - but put on a pedestal like a god. The guy is making bad decisions and the country is so blind - they think he's the answer. Look forward to the bread lines my friend... they are coming.

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