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Obama's Popularity is Bigger Than Jesus

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We're not going to end up like the USSR. If anything we'd be like more of the Nordic countries. Denmark is a good example. They are among the most socialist countries in Europe with a high amount of free trade. Also GDP per capita is 15-20 percent higher than ours.

Now I know that frightens some because it would make us like....

GASP :ohmy: ...EUROPE...

but if something tends to work...I don't know...kind of give it some credibility

Free trade in a socialist country? WTF?

If you want to look at a country in Europe that IS REALLY doing well...look at Ireland...unlike the rest of Europe they went the OPPOSITE way and rejected socialism...mostly because they saw what it had done to Eastern Europe and what it is doing to the rest of Europe.

Socialism doesn't solve jack shit...then again neither does Capitalism. However, in real world applications capitalism has proven to be a better choice if you want any sort of measurable foreward movement after everything settles. Socialism will only work well in a world where...there are no humans.

As much as I would like to live in a country where any slack by certain people is picked up by others...that isn't going to work.

Your giving credit to a system that is "working" in other countries...and by working I mean that alot of people over there still don't have work, nobody says anything about it, and those countries are still in the same fucking boat as we are.

Seriously, I have family and some friends living over there...they will be the first to tell you that it isn't as pretty as people say it is...

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We're not going to end up like the USSR. If anything we'd be like more of the Nordic countries. Denmark is a good example. They are among the most socialist countries in Europe with a high amount of free trade. Also GDP per capita is 15-20 percent higher than ours.

Now I know that frightens some because it would make us like....

GASP :ohmy: ...EUROPE...

but if something tends to work...I don't know...kind of give it some credibility

You might want to take another look at Europe. It's failing. Every country except Germany is faultering. Some say it may split soon because of what is happening with banking and trade. Check the news sites... it's an interesting read.

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Hate me or not but this is a capitalists country not a socialist country.

I just want to point out... Capitalism is a monetary system. Socialism is a system of governance. They are not mutually exclusive. A socialist country can use capitalist systems when dealing with other counties. Free trade with other nations is another thing not anathema to Socialism.

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I just want to point out... Capitalism is a monetary system. Socialism is a system of governance. They are not mutually exclusive. A socialist country can use capitalist systems when dealing with other counties. Free trade with other nations is another thing not anathema to Socialism.

This is correct

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I do and I don't think is with me. I believe he and the democrats in congress are going to cause a total collapse.

I also think that nothing that man could do no matter what would change this opinion you have.

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Isn't that what happened to Bush?

Yes... it did.... and the fact that some people had such an issue with it happening to Bush and complained about it, yet have no qualms about it is kind of sad.

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I also think that nothing that man could do no matter what would change this opinion you have.

He could try to keep his word. At least a little. He could try to enact legislation that would help the economy rather than harm it. He could stop snubbing our closest allys. Perhaps if he would refrain from trying to use Chicago quid quo pro with Russia? Maybe if he would stop doing everything I predicted he would do during the election...

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He could try to keep his word. At least a little. He could try to enact legislation that would help the economy rather than harm it. He could stop snubbing our closest allys. Perhaps if he would refrain from trying to use Chicago quid quo pro with Russia? Maybe if he would stop doing everything I predicted he would do during the election...

From what I can see so far... he has been pretty good at keeping his word.... but I am not sure that either you are capable of seeing that/or would admit it...

The people did the same thing to Bush while he was in office, he did do several good things... but people are usually only talking about his failures (granted that he had a lot more failures then accomplishments) but it is still not a fair way to look at things... being partisan is as bad as being "anti-partisan" towards a paticular party as well IMO.

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But look what the media did to Palin.... the woman knew what to do with the economy and the energy crisis and how to make it pay off but just like the video showed..... people we're more concerned about her pregnant daughter and her clothes.... nice being concerned about the issues.

To be honest I was more concerned with all the other slip ups in speech she did. http://politicalhumor.about.com/od/sarahpa...a/palinisms.htm proving the old saying "a closed mouth gathers no foot".

Fine maybe she did know how to handle the economic/energy crisis. However I don't think she was ever equipped to do anything else. The reason many voted for Obama was that they were scared if McCain died she would be president.

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I am not following you sir....

OK. Obama just annouced new rules on how the federal government will being handing out contracts. I agree with that plan on the surface. I am behind him on it, but if it turns out that a deeper look at the rules shows another power grab, wealth redistribution or limitation to free trade, I will call him on it and oppse him on it.

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OK. Obama just annouced new rules on how the federal government will being handing out contracts. I agree with that plan on the surface. I am behind him on it, but if it turns out that a deeper look at the rules shows another power grab, wealth redistribution or limitation to free trade, I will call him on it and oppse him on it.

Ah... thanks for the clarification

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America is FULL of pessimists...

....when you see nothing but a crash...& then it happens...that's called "Self-Fulfilling-Prophesy"...

..don't matter much whether it's a Dem or a Rep in the Oval Office when the crash happens..

..HE'S just a fuckin' scapegoat...

...there to shoulder the blame!!



(straight up) Communism FALL (HARD!)

Socialism(s) FAIL

Capitalism crawling on it's knees begging to be put out of it's misery!

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This still boggles my mind. Seriously how can a man who approved a billion dollar "stimulus bill" be so freaking popular.

It's quite easy, really. Just make sure your act follows an eight-year reign of arrogance, unilateralism, & pig-headed ignorance.

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