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Jealousy is a useless emotion

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share your best jealousy stories here, so I can try to get past my irrational feelings at the moment.


What is jealousy rooted in? Fear of loss? Insecurity?

I'd like to think I'm not a jealous person, but when I examine my past behavior more closely I find that's not true.

It can make you push away the very person you don't want to lose. (Too personal to post details, but I'm interested in other's thoughts).

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Guest MsMaldoror

Um, I'm a Scorpio, so I know ALL about jealousy. I try to rationalize it, but a lot of it comes down to insecurity for me personally.

I get jealous of people at work at times when they're getting recognized for their good work. I ALWAYS do good work, damn it!

I get jealous of my cats for being able to sleep all day while I slave away at work in order to buy them Fancy Feast and kitty toys.

I get jealous of people in commited relationships who feel more secure than I do.

I could give you a huge list...

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good story, keep em coming.

by the way, the title of this thread is based off a new order song 'guilt is a useless emotion'. I never sat down to think about whether it is or not. I just wanted some stories, not a philisophical debate on the merits of the human condition.

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Guest MsMaldoror

That requires thinking hard and making a complete ass of myself online. I've mainly hurt myself with my jealous thoughts. I'm almost always jealous of the ex gf or ex wife, even though I'm a MUCH better catch...

good story, keep em coming.

by the way, the title of this thread is based off a new order song 'guilt is a useless emotion'.  I never sat down to think about whether it is or not.  I just wanted some stories, not a philisophical debate on the merits of the human condition.

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let me think...

this is an odd one, but funny.

so, i was going out with this girl, and we where out clubbing one evening. she's sittin on my lap, and we're having a nice evening. this guy walks up to her, and while she's sitting on my lap, with my arms wrapped around her, he starts blatantly hitting on her.

so she's talking to him, not really flirting with him, not really trying to tell him to fuck off... i look him dead in the eyes, and he smirks at me. so i growl at him... apparently, as she informed me after he quickly walked away, you could hear it vary clearly over the music playing in the club, and it actually got a few people's attention who where more than 10 feet away.

she seemed quite pleased by this, and was giggling for quite some time after.

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I think a little jealousy is good in a relationship. It can be good to want something and want it to be yours, to be uncomfortable seeing it coveted or "moved in on" by someone else.

But just a little. I seriously draw the line at over-posessiveness. That gets counter-productive and defeatest.

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jealousy -- oh god it BURNS!!!!

this is one of those things i have mega problems with. i'm a bad girlfriend because i'm sneaky, manipulitive, and jealous, severely so.

i mean, the thought of another girl touching my ex... it makes me feel sick to my stomach.


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Stories? Ok. I got jelous of a mans infidelity once when he was seeing someone that used to be a freind of mine after we broke up. I know it's stupid but she was my freind and it hurt seeing them together laughing.

good story, keep em coming.

by the way, the title of this thread is based off a new order song 'guilt is a useless emotion'.  I never sat down to think about whether it is or not.  I just wanted some stories, not a philisophical debate on the merits of the human condition.

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i am currently a "not jealous person"..

one example...

i trust the man i am "involved" with so deeply that jealousy isnt an issue.. i know that when he and i arent together, we are thinking of one another and hoping good for one another..

..and i know HIS intentions are good...

i have no reason to be jealous even tho i know he is QUITE the catch.. and i know girls follow him around .. and linger .. and want his attention..

i just laugh.

he is precious.

and i understand where they are coming from.

..he is a person to adore..

and i am not jealous.


...i am not jealous...


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share your best jealousy stories here, so I can try to get past my irrational feelings at the moment.



confession time again?

i have been cheated on by every person i have given my heart to.. and i have cheated as well.. and there have been inner-violent jealousy rages that i have had to overcome...

a guy i dated at 19 ... he and i were spending some "alone time", and my best friend walked in and kissed him.. IN FRONT OF ME... lets just say i was unhappy. he tried to pull her "into the mix" and i walked out.

yea.. i was unhappy about that.

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I am a very jealous person, but I try to take each instance of jealousy and learn from it. Why was I jealous? What can I do to fix it? Etc. But, here is a story that my husband and I still laugh about from time to time.

My husband and I (we were just dating at the time, but living together) were at city one night and I was really really drunk and had to use the bathroom. I came back and noticed that my man had glitter all over him. I screamed at him, accusing him of kissing/dancing/whatever with some other girl. He denied it and said that the glitter was from me. I told him that it could not have been from me because I was not wearing any glitter. I'm mad, so we leave and go home, with me still screaming at him about the glitter.

I wake up the next morning, still in my clothes from the night before, covered in what? glitter. I think back to the night before and remember sprinkling a bunch of glitter all over myself before we left to go to the club. I feel like a complete jerk, and of course apologize to my man for being such a drunken nitwit the night before. He just laughed because he knows how I get.

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I was at work one day and I guy that always came in asked me out on a date .. and i figured what the hell .. and told him yes ... anyway to make a long story short .. i came home and told bob and he flipped lol .. after he had went out and slept with other women

Key word you said "date" :doh much different than spontaneously hitting the hay with some guy from the bar. No wonder he flipped.

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Guest MsMaldoror

Actually, Robert Smith and Little Richard are scary in the same kinda way if you ask me...

Have you actually made any straight men gay and bi men bi-polar? Just curious...

I have stories that would make you cry like Nancy Kerrigan at a plumbers convention.  Which has in turn made my achey breaky heart weaker than popeye in pre-spinach form.  I have a story so sad it would make Robert Smith seem like Little Richard in comparison.  I have stories that would make a straight man gay and a bisexual man bipolar.  For the song in my head and the rhythm of my heart is now offkey, like Ashely Simpson attempting to sing without backing tapes. 

Sweet Mallochai, so innocent and inexperienced in all that is known as Jealousy, you can hope to one day aspire to my level of supreme jealousy and neuroticism.  I can teach you, but I'd have to charge.  Yes that was a milkshake song reference.  And it happened on a sunday.

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