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Jealousy is a useless emotion

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I usually only get jealous when I think there is a risk of losing something I really want. it happens sometimes, but it is rooted in my insecurity at the time.

Envy...well...that's a different one, I have books on that. *lol* :wink

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Guest MsMaldoror

OK, I just admitted that I was jealous of Brenda on another thread. She gets nice notes from her husband. I want nice notes from a husband. I don't even care whose husband it is...

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You guys, this has to be the best forum ever. I now know that I am not the only one who is crazy! WHEW! I feel much better now.


Currently I am jealous about my man getting to take 6 weeks off to have Hernia Surgery. PAID! Ok, so the whole being in pain for what, like 3-7 days tops, yeah that sucks, but for the remaining 5 weeks, rest and relaxation and all the time in the world....While I am stuck in the office working on nice days and being a slave to the public.

Is that bad or what. Yeah I am jealous of that.

Ask me what I will be jealous of tomorrow......

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I don't get TOO jealous... at least I've never been as jealous as my ex-boyfriend's new g/f who stalked me AFTER he broke up with me for her. I had never met her, so I had no idea what she looked like. She would come into where I worked and pretend to be a customer and try to get me to talk about my break-up. I only found out about it a year or so later.

But me- I'm a perfect ANGEL. I NEVER get so jealous I want to slash people's tires and smash their windows and make them SUFFER.....*deep breath*... nope, not me. :innocent

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Guest MsMaldoror

You wrote that one, didn't you, BS9?

I guess this would confirm that MsMaldoror does in fact love books, the above statement was a quote from her current favorite:


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You wrote that one, didn't you, BS9?


So there you have it.

I hate books. what a waste of time.  in 2005 I see no need for books.  I didn't like being forced to read them in college so why would I like them now?  Yes some books are entertaining but I can get that same entertainment watching Nick at Nite or TV Land, they have family ties with Michael j Fox.    One episode was Skippy handleman and mallory (justine bateman) were locked in the basement and they told eachother their deep feelings.  Comic books RULE!  Especially DC.  Comic books are so much more worthwhile than regular books.  It would be awesome if one day all the books of the world got burned. 

anyway I especially hate philosophy books.  So yeah, not all books are the same level of suck. 

here is my list of approved authors.  I wouldn't choose to read them but if you have to, you might as well. 

John Mcwhorter, Thomas Sowell, Milton Friedman, Alfred Marshal, phillip k dick, william gibson

  remember, philosophy books suck the most.  Why would I pay money to read about some idiot reach a conclusion I could have on my own?

these people suck:

Noam Chomsky


Ayn Rand

jack kerouc

the guy who wrote fear and loathing in las vegas sucks too, I forget his name.

So in conclusion.....books suck.  videogames and comic books rule.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest MsMaldoror

I think you're right. :happy: I'm just a schmuck sometimes... :tear

gee, maybe you'll find a guy who will fall all over you, think you're the coolest girl he's ever met, thinks you're the most attractive girl in the world, tell you that everyday and he will not be interested in other girls.      I think maybe there is someone is like that -


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I'm not sure i could be with anyone that i didn't trust pretty strongly.  Your trusting them with your heart, which is, afterall a pretty valueable commodity. =)


I'd like to think if you have a bond with someone that it can never be broken by temptation, lust, greed or iniquitousness. But something tells me it isn't true. Mozart wrote La Clemenza di Tito for Konstanze Marie yet it wasn't enough, Even the Roman empire wasn't enough for Tiberius to keep Julia from disloyalty. There are memories, ideals and doctrine that would lead me to believe that monagamy and devotion are the two greatest gifts you could possibly give to another human being. The tragedy is that just because you give it doesn't mean it will be returned.

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There are memories, ideals and doctrine that would lead me to believe that monagamy and devotion are the two greatest gifts you could possibly give to another human being.  The tragedy is that just because you give it doesn't mean it will be returned.


True. That makes it all the more precious and beautiful when it is mutual.

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There's one incident in the whole history of me and Jess where I got jealous and was about to snap but with good reason. The first situation happened when I was still down in Detroit and he was up here. He was planning his show and there was some chic that said "Oh I know this band, here's the info, blah blah" and would talk to him. That didn't bother me at all - the more help the better when your planning shit like that.. but it was the fact that he was getting really stressed out the closer the date got. We were getting really pissy to eachother and I told him "Look man, if you need some time alone to get shit straight then go for it - I don't want to add to your frustration and stress". So I didn't talk to him for a whole day but he kept callin checkin in letting me know everything was cool. The night of the show, it went cool but that chic was there and drunk as hell. He told me he was going to call me when he got home to let me know how it went since I helped pay for the frickin thing too. Come to find out, he let that chic sleep in his bed and she was so drunk that she was hanging off him the whole night too. Later found out that some girl booted her in the head so I understood why he did and come to find out, me and her do not like the chic who booted her in the head. So we had something in common lol I had my friend Jeannie fill me in on the details he didn't want to give me cuz he knew I'd jump to conclusions and she told me he kept nudging her off so that made me feel so much better and she isn't a fan of his either so she would have told me. BUT I didn't find that out till I moved up here and met Jeannie and her man. So needless to say I was leery till I met her.

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:fear Fear: like all thing has it's equal opposite

:woot: hope: in my mind those two emotions have no real purpose

fear and hope are useless.

all pain is meant to teach. emotions (your spirit) is seperate from your mind and body.Whatever you feel affects them both some call it the psuedo effect others call it faith. either way these are just my onbias observation.

I've studied many people in my time for different reasons mostly couse it's very natural and fun. see, you con build an amount of emotional energy in some one and control the polarity as posative or negative. when the polarity changes it tends to increase the amount of energy there.

What I'm trying to study now is how peoples spirits intertwian and how breaking that bond can be acheived.

some advice from this hero;

Only judge people by there actions, never by what you think or what they say

never by how you or they feel.

Why? becouse thoughts and feelings allways change and the past never changes

judge people only by their actions becouse what they did will never go away.

ASK me about the relevance of revenge :fear

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ahhh jealousy issues .. finally something i dont have issues with lol ... well .. my ex at one point in our relationship was honest with me about having a open relationship .... at first i was hesitant .. but i gave in .. do to the fact that we had been togther since we were so young and didnt have the chance to experience other people.. I wasnt jealous in the slightest .. however ... I was at work one day and I guy that always came in asked me out on a date .. and i figured what the hell .. and told him yes ... anyway to make a long story short .. i came home and told bob and he flipped lol .. after he had went out and slept with other women .. he was so jealous at just the thought of me going out with someone .. and well it was nt like i was going to sleep with this other guy .. im really not like that .. and maybe i did do it just to see bobs reaction... to let him know how it felt .. anyway .. turns out his little plan back fired on his ass .. thats what he gets lol .. =)


:fear fu#k that guy I don't know anyone but thats,without honor.I would not like to meet him ever. seems like a little kid.hold true to each other or don't. Sh$t or get off the pot :fear Naw, but f@ck that. I would'nt appreciate that pressure.It would undermind my abilities. of course I feel this persons heart bleed.thats a lot of damage to couse and not care about :fear

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