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Influence's from "Curious George"


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Ok, maybe this one aint much creative like my last one, I was kinda in a rushy mood so it may not be as much funny, but i figured I still share it with you guys anyway and it should hold off t'ill I come up with something REALLY off the wall next time :tongue:

Aight here goes and enjoy.....

once upon a time when I was walking down junction road downtown in detroit, I came across this hooker, she had bumps all around her mouth and barely no teeth, wore a pink ragged up tank top and barely any breasts or whutsoever. She asked me if im looking for a good time. I said "sure I am" even though I couldve lied and told her no because she looked so nasty, but I end up saying yes because im soooo curious of whutz gonna happen and whut kinda surprise this path would lead to, so she told me to follow her and I did, she lead me to her apt. and asked me if she would like to take her clothes off, and now im like "ohhhh boooooy, whutz gonna happen next and whut adventure this would be" so she took her clothes off and then she started going for my zipper and went down on me. After few hours later I ended up with genital warts, herpy's and std's, when I was at the hospital they asked me how I got em, I said I screwed some hooker down on junction and then they asked why. I repplied, "because im Curious George".

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were you "bored George" today, honey?

you are a funnie guy in a strange way..

<pokes him in the rib in a playful way>


AGH!! No me ticklish :blushing

heeheehee... If that rhymed, it would sound like ICP lyrics  :nut


Hehe, there part of my influences :nut

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